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Grounding Harness

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Brodie - it didn't dawn on me as I was riding behind you and that big, wide, flat tire around Mt. Hamilton that you are also the brain behind the spider solution. I'd like to be added to the list. Muchas Gracias

Hello Brodie! JeffJR here. I'm back from having purchased a starter relay awhile back. Since then I have acquired a like new 2007 FJR1300A. My 2005 Gen1 may soon be up for sale. I would like to purchase your grounding harness for the Gen2 if they are still available.I can be contactedon this forum or the FJRRiders Forum using the same member name, or E-mail me at [email protected]. Thanks very much.

Hello Brodie. Armand here. I have a 2009 FJRa and am not sure if I need your harness or has Yamaha addressed the problem on this model year. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Hello Brodie. Armand here. I have a 2009 FJRa and am not sure if I need your harness or has Yamaha addressed the problem on this model year. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
That would be nice - but there are 2009's out there that have been bit. You need Brodie's harness.

Hello Brodie. Armand here. I have a 2009 FJRa and am not sure if I need your harness or has Yamaha addressed the problem on this model year. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
That would be nice - but there are 2009's out there that have been bit. You need Brodie's harness.
My harness was just replaced with a brand, spanking new one from Yamaha. The first thing I did, when the bike got home, was to open it up and check for improvements/changes in the system of spiders. Yamaha is still using the same connectors and wire gauge. The chances are still excellent that spider bites will continue to occur, if you don't augment the grounding circuit.


Thanks all. I've been reading the Spider bite thread and Dan I'm sorry you've been hit twice. And it sucks that Yamaha can' be held for bad design, and U can't lodge a complaint on " I might have a problem down the road" Uuuggh.

Finished installing Brodie's grounding harness this weekend. The job of finding the grounding points and placing the cable was easier that I thought it was going to be. The hard part is making sure I put everything back together without any left over parts. :unsure:

I also ended up changing the spark plugs and performing a Throttle Body Sync while it was open. First timer for each of these operations and patient came out without a scar.

One note: Although Brodie does not mention it in his instruction, S5 (one of the two spiders you service) is located on the opposite end of S4. Took me a while to find a forum entry describing this.

Thanks Brodie! Please check me off as "installed". :yahoo:

Let me add that the bike appears to run a lot smoother after this change! At first I thought it was due to the spark plug changes, however after reading through this thread, I see that others have felt the same. Double thumbs up.


Just got my harness installed. It would have gone pretty quickly, except I dropped a bolt for the battery post waaaay down near the engine somewhere. It took me forever to find that. However, now everything's put back together, and it runs so I'm happy! The bike only has ~1000 miles on it, so I probably won't be able to tell if it runs much differently, but I feel much better about going on a motorcycle trip this weekend.

I dropped a battery nut down deep during a tech day in San Diego a few weeks back. It's hard work to continue working like you know what you are doing all the while you are looking feverishly for that damn thing. I'm glad to hear that you found yours and got the bike running.

Thanks for the report.



You can mark me as installed. I apparently managed to get it all done without breaking or disabling anything... it still runs :)

It took me a bit longer than I would have liked, mainly because this was the first time I had taken this bike apart at any level.

Anyway, I have a great appreciation for the work put into designing and constructing the harness. Well worth the money.


Thank you sir. Received harness yesterday installed with the help of a good friend today. The cap on S4 was melted and fun to remove but otherwise everything else went smoothly. You can move me into the installed category Now it's time to get out and ride.


As mentioned in a previous post, My '07 was purchased brand new in April and under warranty. Should I wait and see if I have a problem and have it fixed under warranty or order this aftermarket product? Concerned. :blink:

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