Group Buy for the Passport 8500 X50 radar detector

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Mine arrived today! :D :D Tomorrow morning first thing I'm heading out to my known local radar trap!

T H A N K Y O U Ian!

Been watching this thread all day at work and hating every minute of the late evening I put in, wanting to be home to see if the UPS Santa had visited. Sure enough, there it was waiting from me at 7:00 this evening. California has been delivered!

Thanks Ian :D


Just got back from vacation and had a nice little box waiting for me. I think I'll put this in my work truck for a few days to get used to the settings and see how it operates. Although I-5 between Portland and Salem is a race track anyways, the state LEO's sometimes set up traps.

Thanks for the opportunity to spend my money Ian. :D


I've been using mine in my pickup since I've got it and it has already saved my ass a couple of times. The voltmeter is interesting also. When the voltage drops below a certain limit (10V?) an alarm sounds...similar to a ringing telephone. That will definitely come in handy on the bike although the Datel/mirror farkle looks pretty trick....

Anybody get the Escort headphone with theirs? I was planning on using some earbuds I have but they don't seem to work. None of the stereo headphones I have work with the Escort. Am I missing something?


Well, I finally took it out in my car for the first time today -

And it's amazing - this is my first RD, and I had no idea what was out there on streets I've been driving for the last 20 years -

I'm surprised that I (and my family) haven't received more tickets over the years - man, it's thick out there !!

Ya know, I always wondered why the hot dogs cooked in the grocery bag on the way home from the store ..... :bigeyes:

Hey Skyway - Thank Again for setting this up.

Anybody get the Escort headphone with theirs? I was planning on using some earbuds I have but they don't seem to work.  None of the stereo headphones I have work with the Escort. Am I missing something?
The output jack of the Escort is mono and I believe will not work directly with a stereo input, this is what their ground loop accessory cable does. (but I would call escort first to verify this)

Depending on what you hook into there are options to convert to stereo input.

None of the stereo headphones I have work with the Escort. Am I missing something?
Hmmmm. Well, it is a mono output, but I just tried my stereo Sony earbuds. They fit in the Escort headphone jack, and I can hear the signal on one side, as expected.

Hmm. I was expecting the output to be mono and I didn't know whether to expect the phones to pick up on one or both sides. What I get from my cheapo ear buds is a very low volume sound, so low that I didn't hear it at all the first couple of times I tried it. I'll keep playing with it a little more and I'll give Escort a call on Monday morning. I have been thinking that I'd like to listen to music at some point and maybe this will force me to start looking in that direction. Thanks.

Welcome to the world o mini-jacks that may or may not work that well.

Also, once you plug in the headphone, make sure your volume dial is up on the the Escort to test.

Lucky for me, I have a mono to stereo patch cord that I got with my MixIt amp that I will now be able to deploy. Looking to accomodate satellite radio plus audio alert from the detector. :agent:

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Thanks for the advice. I was out riding yesterday and decided to stop at the local Radio Shack to see what they had. I got a set of Koss earbuds on sale and a stereo to mono jack. The jack works well. The Koss errbuds are not very comfortable and they don't block out much of the ambient sound, but I didn't expect much for the price. Anyway, it works. Got warned several times about radar traps. My ride was a lot more fun knowning that I had some protection from the speed traps.

Well,  I finally took it out in my car for the first time today - 
And it's amazing -  this is my first RD,  and I had no idea what was out there on  streets I've been driving for the last 20 years - 

I'm surprised that I (and my family) haven't received more tickets over the years -  man,  it's thick out there !!
Same here Hal, this is my first radar detector. Up until now I have also been running mine in the cage to get a feel of the warning distance when on the move. Yesterday on Ka band, I picked up a CHP coming in the opposite direction on a busy 3 lane freeway at a distance between 1/2-3/4 mile.


Me too! First time out I saw a little bump on the Ka band, and as the signal got stronger I started to look around. Sure enough about 3/4 mile down the road the signal pegged just as I passed a LEO going the other way. Since I was around a corner and mixed with other cars there was plenty of warning.


I apologize in advance if this question has already been answered...

Is there a definitive technical answer regarding the sensing effectiveness of the X50 if tossed in a tank bag rather than sitting on a prominant perch? I assume that laser detection requires line of sight and will not work but that a laser warning signal is too little too late anyway. I also assume that the X50's sensitivity to other signals is unimpaired by the bag, etc.


Is there a definitive technical answer regarding the sensing effectiveness of the X50 if tossed in a tank bag rather than sitting on a prominant perch?
I've heard of guys in states where detectors are outlawed concealing them behind the fairing plastic without problems, so it should be fine in a tankbag.

Having trouble getting any audio from detector. I'm using a Starcom system. Also XM radio. Tried using a splitter on input, 1 cable to unit no good. Tried phone input to Starcom nothing. I hear very faint noise from detector with splitter, but not enough volume .

What do I need to correct this? DUH.

Having trouble getting any audio from detector. I'm using a Starcom system. Also XM radio. Tried using a splitter on input, 1 cable to unit no good. Tried phone input to Starcom nothing.  I hear very faint noise from detector with splitter, but not enough volume .
What do I need to correct this?  DUH.
I just did the same thing with my Autocom system and purchased their cables and splitter. When I first plugged everything in, I too had no sound. I reversed the cable connections at the Autocom/RD and was in business.

Here's the connector I needed for my Autocom since I also want to retain the use of my cell phone:

Dual Audio Input: One (1) Cell Phone & One (1) Audio Source

It looks like you need Starcom P# CAB-36 retail $45.00

FYI the Escort uses a 3.5mm jack

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