Group Buy for the Passport 8500 X50 radar detector

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You won't see the detector light up and you won't hear it squack unless you have an earbud and then you can't use an Mp3 player. Just my 2 cents worth.
Hmmm...........half truths. ;)

I encounter instant on radar frequently. Hopefully, you will get a short alert from the LEO lighting up a car in front of you. Its then up to you to properly interpret that information.

You can also use a Marc Parnes visual alert instead of the H.A.R.D system.

If you get a Mix-it, yes, you surely can listen to mp3 and radar detector simultaneously. You will also have audio amplification, and one convienant knob for volume control (or mute) of all your electronic goodies (up to 3 I believe).

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All, I think this group buy was an example of an amazing amount of work and effort by Skyway - we all need to keep this in mind any time we participate in a group buy. There are many other members of this forum that put forth an extraordinary effort for the team. Let's all make certain that we remember this !!

Let's see - we have the CCS100 mount, the Moko replacement sliders, and now the Escort Group Buy - the way I see it, Ian shouldn't have to buy a single drink or meal while he's at WFO-5 in July. You peeps with me on this?

It's gents like Ian that make this forum great.

(And I am so glad my check didn't bounce ! :rolleyes: )

Thank You, Skyway !!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

(Ok, I'm done sucking up now ...... :D ) but Seriously - Thank You.

Thanks Sky,

+1 what kaitsdad said.

I'll dedicate the first speeding ticket I don't get to your name.


:clap: :clap:

I wouldn't start saying good things yet until you have your order in your hands. :lol:

GB"s I've followed in the past, sometimes have a tendancy to get downright ugly when someone's panties get in a bunch. But I know this won't happen here, cause you'll all be talking in my deaf ear. :p

Actually I'm not in this for the kudo's, its just fun spending other peoples money and negotiating with companies for their products. Don't forget that I also got the discount as well. That and what else is someone to do during winter? :D

Ok. Order is in my hands (thanks Skyway). Now for the direct wire.

I had planned on just putting the red wire to the positive battery terminal, and the black wire to the negative battery terminal. The black wire has a loop on it (which is fine). The red wire has a plug-like end that you can use to plug into an existing wire.

If I didn't want to plug into an existing wire and wanted to direct wire this would I just cut off the extensions and wire it directly to the battery? If someone plugs into an existing wire, what wire are they using?

Sorry for the stupid questions. I just don't want to hurt anything, and I'm obviously lacking knowledge in this area.

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Since I don't have mine in my hand yet, I cannot answer your question re: cutting the wiring. Hang on for a couple of days until it arrives.

Typical, a guy gets in AFTER my deadline, and gets his first, sheesh! :lol:

Only one state away from Ohio (Mich) so delivery went fast. It's hard for me to feel sorry for anyone in California when it's 30 degree's here.

Not sure which one to go with:

1. Hard to hook up Passport when hands go numb before first panel is off.

2. Speeding isn't an issue when ice is still on the road.

At least it's in the car right now. I've been seeing a LOT of reveue seekers out on the expressway's lately.

Will say it was quiet on the way to work today. I expected many false signals in city driving. X-band only went off once when I pulled into a gas station.

Ok. Order is in my hands (thanks Skyway). Now for the direct wire.
I had planned on just putting the red wire to the positive battery terminal, and the black wire to the negative battery terminal. The black wire has a loop on it (which is fine). The red wire has a plug-like end that you can use to plug into an existing wire.

If I didn't want to plug into an existing wire and wanted to direct wire this would I just cut off the extensions and wire it directly to the battery? If someone plugs into an existing wire, what wire are they using?

Sorry for the stupid questions. I just don't want to hurt anything, and I'm obviously lacking knowledge in this area.
If you are going to connect the wire directly to your battery you need to put a fuse in line as close to the battery as possible. So, you could buy an inline fuse holder and put a connector on one end of the fuse holder to fit whatever comes on the red wire. Then you need to put a ring connector on the other end of the fuse holder and another on the ground wire. The ring connectors need to be the right size to fit the battery bolts.

Make sure the wire is long enough to reach where you plan on putting the detector plus a little slack for routing without stressing it. This is probably obvious, but If you are putting the detector on the bars somewhere then you need to have enough slack to account for the full arc of the bars.

I plan on putting an SAE connector on mine and plugging it onto my existing Battery Tender connection which already has an inline fuse.

Maybe I'm using the wrong name for it, but what I call an SAE connector is a flat rubber connector with two wires in it. There is a male and female on it. The male end looks more like a small tube rather than a pin. It looks to be waterproof. This is the standard connector that comes with the battery tender, but I have seen it used under the hood on most cars.

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Just received my detector here in NY also. Thanks again for the legwork....Now all I need is a motorsikle to put it on....

Maybe I'm using the wrong name for it, but what I call an SAE connector is a flat rubber connector with two wires in it.
Is that what those "additional" wires that came with the battery tender were? I don't even know where they are now. I found that online. Looks like a good setup.

I'll probably still just wire it directly to the battery. Waiting to see what approach the more knowledgable take when they get their detectors.

Mine came in today! :D Thanks Skyway! :clap:

Along with a boatload of stuff from Sunnyside; brakes, tires, bearings, left case cover and gasket. One more month before tax season is over and I get to play with my bike (my wife says playing with it makes you blind, but I don't believe her :p ).

Got home today and discovered that the little brown truck had left me a package. Very nice. This detector is lighter weight than the Bel-Tronics that I have in the car.

I ordered an ECM shelf from FJRgoodies to mount it on so I'll be waiting for the brown truck to visit one more time before I install it.

Thank you again skyway.

Got mine today !! Thanks forgetting this deal done, Skyway!

Now if the dang snow and cold would turn to full spring. Can you help with that too, Skyway??

Thanks, John

Got a call from UPS in Chile. My unit is being held up in Puerta Yartou, Tierra del Fuego. Something about Whale Saftey Day in the Strait of Magellen... :dntknw:

I was told my detector was still being built in China... sometimes it just sucks to live in CA huh TWN?

I called Escort, and was told that they're holding them for the delivery of the 06 saddlebags .....

why am I not surprised. :blink: :blink: :blink:
