Group SaddleSore at WFO-8

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Intramural Culture Warrior
Staff member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
Those coming to WFO-8 that want to participate in the Group SaddleSore at WFO-8 this year.....send me a PM.

Where Beeroux has organized the ride the past few years...he won't be able to attend WFO this year and has H Marc and myself to organize it. H Marc, for those that don't know, was one of the early FJR adopters with an '03 and organizer of WFO-5 and earlier. Moscow is in his backyard and he's come up with several interesting routes possibilities sure to maximize the great scenery within several gas tank range of the FJR. ;)

Tentative plans are for an early Friday departure and expect to get back in the wee hours of Saturday morning. You'll miss the Friday banquet, but since you'll be riding your Iron Butt Association paperwork would be covered by the event fees.

Newbies and veterans alike are invited. For those that think that Northern Idaho isn't mountainous enough, H Marc and I can see if we can dredge up a BBG route for the truly insane. Rumor has it that certain Nevada Jedi-Mind-Trick types might want to cool down with a leisurely BBG after a Top 3 in the Utah 1088 next month. ;)

The ride would also be open to non-WFO and non-FJR riders if they make special arrangements with me beforehand.

I'll keep a running list of probably riders and will post up more details as we go.


1) TumacMike

2) RenoJohn

3) Warchild

4) FJRay

5) eeksnake

6) Dwight G.

7) R62FJR

8) Brodie

9) James

10) Minuteman

11) jzzmusician

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Wow, this is outstanding.

Thanks for the bait, but no BBG for me, 1K of idaho at scenic pace is worth more than a free CBA membership.

Please add me to the list. I'm so fond of that state, and soooo very eager to see what kind of roads you and hMarc put us on.

For anyone on the fence, this is something that should not be missed. I can't think of a better place on planet earth to put in a wonderful 1K ride. I'm sure they'll be a mix of terrain that will give such a variety that every mile will seem like a brand new ride.

If you're worried about missing the dinner/cocktails/social time. (with approval of the rally comittee) I'll gladly take the lead on seeing about getting your self-supplied beverage to be stashed on ice allow returning riders a chance to share tales and knock a few down after the ride.

So what if the sun is coming up :)

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Please add me to the list. I'm so fond of that state, and soooo very eager to see what kind of roads you and hMarc put us on.
Name added.

Wow! Your second podium finish for you and it's not even June yet. You're #2 on the sign-up list and you didn't even have to Karnak it. Combine with your impending Utah 1088 Top 3 and and you're well on your way to a hat trick my friend. How 'ya feeling for an Paintball Jousting showing? ;)

Wow! Your second podium finish for you and it's not even June yet. You're #2 on the sign-up list and you didn't even have to Karnak it. Combine with your impending Utah 1088 Top 3 and and you're well on your way to a hat trick my friend. How 'ya feeling for an Paintball Jousting showing? ;)
keeping on topic ;-) I was the first WFO sign up so I'm putting that bragging right above all else. Very much looking forward to some groovy time in Idaho. Such a cool place. This ss1k is going to be the bomb for fun. As far as paint balls, I pretty much didn't fair very well last time. But then again, I had beerme as my partner :)
This will be the first WFO since WFO5 (where I earned my IBA number, and still have my "Virgin No. 1 towel) that I've not participated in this ride. However - I will be in the parking lot welcoming back the returning riders.

Assuming that I don't have to get them bailed out of jail first.

To those of you on the fence about this - it is a great opportunity to earn your IBA number and first IBA certificate!!

...However - I will be in the parking lot welcoming back the returning riders.
Assuming that I don't have to get them bailed out of jail first.
Who told you about my game plan! ;)

Actually, won't RJ be at a disadvantage on this one? I've never heard of any hoor-houses in Idaho.

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Sorry WC, RJ and Eeksnake, didn't you get the memo that clearly stated that the Superior RTE was a PREREQUISITE for this SS1K ride? But in the spirit of the game I hear Iggy will let you ride if you stop to take photos of ALL the Idaho county courthouses during the SS1k. You shouldn't have any problem finishing in time for a nice cold one in the morning. :p

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But in the spirit of the game I hear Iggy will let you ride if you stop to take photos of ALL the Idaho county courthouses during the SS1k.
Oooh....I have to admit I didn't make that logic leap. But since you bring it up...I just happen to have some data here......44 counties with an average of 1901 square miles per county making it the 39th in county area density for the U.S. (Kentucky would be #2 with 120 counties averaging 337 square miles per county and Alaska is last with over 600,000 square miles per) worries folks...I really had that data because of some rumors and paranoia in this year's Iron Butt Rally.....the route will likely be a more traditional loop type route taking advantage of regionally interesting and fun roads by day and those that are less deer infested during the night.

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Will this be a "fuel cells and energy-drink-drip" group, or could someone with a stock FJR and not enough sense to know enough is enough come along? Don't want to piss everyone else off because I have to stop for gas again.


Oh ya, not terribly interested in making any large donations to the Idaho speed tax fund, either.

I would imagine this will be a steady comfortable pace. As you know, when the speed goes up the mileage goes down and it becomes an exercise in diminishing returns. Being a group ride, group speed will be in effect. We should do it in under 24 hours, however it may take a few extra minutes to get everybody rolling after the planned stops.

I'm looking forword to it. :hyper:


Riders, while you can do this as a group ride if you choose, I would suggest (based upon experience) that you set your own pace. Please don't get into the 'I gotta keep up' mentality. I got caught up in that during WFO6, and almost ruined everyone's day.

Do the ride as a solo, and if you happen to be on the same pace as another rider, settle in with them and proceed on down the road. Remember - you have 24 hours to complete the ride - that's a overall pace of 42.5 mph. Easy Peasy.

Show up prepared to stay hydrated, keep snacking to maintain your blood sugar levels, and don't hesitate to get off the bike and do some jumping jacks.

If this is your first SS1K, remember that it's all in your head.

What Kaitsdad said.

This is for the never-run crowd as well as the done-it-before group. While certainly not a lot of freeway droning...H Marc has come up with a route that one can ride comfortably, rest on, and still finish reasonably well. Other than hydration and a good set of tires....most anybody should be able accomplish it. No fuel cell required.

My humble opinion is that if possible, everyone should buddy up with someone else of similar riding style and pace and ride in pairs. I see no advantage in doing this as a group, other than the the fact that more heads (and tool kits) are better than one in a crisis.

Don't have any any of those and riding in pairs will work better. If your pairing isn't working, then agree to split up and ride separately. Not ideal, but if you ride well within your comfort zone and maintain constant situational awareness, not really any less safe.

I'm thinking that if you start at 5am, and don't dawdle, you should be done by about midnight and thereby do 80% of the ride in daylight. There is some nice scenery on this route, particularly the ID/MT portion and the northern WA stretch on Hwy 20. But it's all good. It's just way better in the daylight.

A stock tank will be sufficient if you follow the adage of never passing up an opportunity to pee or to refuel. Use the larger towns for refueling and don't try to run as far as possible on a tank when the endpoint is a tiny town like Dusty, WA (which has no fuel last time I checked). Many small towns in WA have fuel, but only during "working" hours. Get there at midnight and you'll be SOL.

A gas stop can be well under 5 minutes if you take off just one glove (to fish out the credit card) and leave the rest of the gear on, including helmet.

You are going to need to check in with me and/or whomever else is playing Den Mother, so DO NOT SIMPLY START YOUR RIDE without checking in. There will be a few minutes of "guidelines" we will be imparting to you, without which your ride may be in vein.

Details will be posted prominently at the event prior to the ride, so look for them...

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Is there a cutoff date to join in? I haven't pre-committed to WFO yet due to other plans but there's a good possibility that I'll be in the area on the 30th and if an "at the door" sign-up is allowed I would be game. (I know... no T-shirt, no supper, etc... )



Is there a cutoff date to join in? I haven't pre-committed to WFO yet due to other plans but there's a good possibility that I'll be in the area on the 30th and if an "at the door" sign-up is allowed I would be game. (I know... no T-shirt, no supper, etc... )
No, at the door won't work because we have to submit orders for meals...including the Saturday meal for riders. WFO sign-up by July 26th per this post...and realize that if you do sign up by that date a shirt won't be guaranteed and SaddleSore certificate will have to be mailed.

No, at the door won't work because we have to submit orders for meals...including the Saturday meal for riders. WFO sign-up by July 26th per this post...and realize that if you do sign up by that date a shirt won't be guaranteed and SaddleSore certificate will have to be mailed.

Thanks Iggy, I'll try to get schedule etc confirmed prior to the 26th.


I got a slight extension from the IBA. Today is the last day to have a certificate for you at the event. Anybody interested in riding the Saddle Sore...drop me a PM including your name, city & state, year & model bike, and if you have an IBA number already.

James just signed up today and we're up to 9 riders! Hopefully, all 9 will be honored at the Saturday banquet.
