Guess Someone Up There REALLY Meant For Me To Get The AE

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
Athens, GA
Well, I guess someone up there really knew I would need the AE. I have never met most of you in person but I LOVE to ride and go stir crazy without being able to. Well, yesterday while doing some chores before going on a 250 mile ride, I severly sprained my left ankle and broke my left foot. Not how I pictured the day going. I will be out of commission for a while since I can put NO pressure on it right now. But, with the AE's paddle shifter, I'll be able to ride sooner than I would if I had the standard A version. Seems God had the bike decision in the cards!!!

Man I'm so sorry to hear you got injured. Much less broke your ankle. I sprained my ankle back in February and man it still hurts like hell. I hope you heal quick.

The AE has been a blessing for many with left hand, foot or leg issues. Ya-mama ought to rethink the discontinuing of this model. It's a very good bike and for those that need it, or have fun with it (like me), there will be plenty out there for a while.

Heal well.

There's a whole 'nother take on this you know. The Great Deceiver :diablo: maliciously put the AE in your path then compounded his fun at your expense with some bad mojo and a broken ankle. So it's really two strikes...

Guess it depends on what you think of the AE.

Just sayin'... :winksmiley:


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This SUCKS!!! I'm missing prime riding weather. It looks like best case scenerio, at least 8 more weeks before I can ride.

This SUCKS!!! I'm missing prime riding weather. It looks like best case scenerio, at least 8 more weeks before I can ride.
I was gonna say..."Don't forget that you may have to put that left foot down to support the bike sometime; whether you have to shift with it or not."

Heal up quick. Being injured sucks!

Well, I guess someone up there really knew I would need the AE. I have never met most of you in person but I LOVE to ride and go stir crazy without being able to. Well, yesterday while doing some chores before going on a 250 mile ride, I severly sprained my left ankle and broke my left foot. Not how I pictured the day going. I will be out of commission for a while since I can put NO pressure on it right now. But, with the AE's paddle shifter, I'll be able to ride sooner than I would if I had the standard A version. Seems God had the bike decision in the cards!!!
So in a nutshell whatcher sayin' is a Gen II AE is the perfect bike for a cripple? Or clumsy 'tard?

Sorry, couldn't resist. :p

Frankenstone replies with uncanny corn. Off the Prozac today. He spent too much time at Disney scarring little children.

Frankenstone replies with uncanny corn. Off the Prozac today. He spent too much time at Disney scarring little children.

If you can't put any pressure on your left foot/ankle, how do you get off the bike?

Geeeze, if you have not yet evolved to the point where you understand and can accept that being different is not necessarily synonymous with being less than, do the rest of us a favor and avoid the threads untill you understand the concept. If I prefer beef to chicken or red to blue does that make me a loser as well?

Well, I guess someone up there really knew I would need the AE. I have never met most of you in person but I LOVE to ride and go stir crazy without being able to. Well, yesterday while doing some chores before going on a 250 mile ride, I severly sprained my left ankle and broke my left foot. Not how I pictured the day going. I will be out of commission for a while since I can put NO pressure on it right now. But, with the AE's paddle shifter, I'll be able to ride sooner than I would if I had the standard A version. Seems God had the bike decision in the cards!!!
So in a nutshell whatcher sayin' is a Gen II AE is the perfect bike for a cripple? Or clumsy 'tard?

Sorry, couldn't resist. :p
All I respond to you is [SIZE=36pt]FOAD[/SIZE]. if you don't know what it means, PM me. :angry:

If you can't put any pressure on your left foot/ankle, how do you get off the bike?
I can't right now. I really hope it heals by mid June even though I'm not counting on it. There's a trip to Barber Motorsports Museum that I really want to go on. Some of our neighbors that are like adopted parents have never been and they are huge motorcycle buffs so I really want to see the look on their faces when they check it out. Worse case, I can drive the car but I wouldn't be able to get around the museum without a wheelchair and I don't know if they rent them there or not. Hopefully, it will heal and I'll be able to go with them and ride my bike.
