Guess who shouldn't have sold his 2007 FJR

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Maybe none of this convoluted story exists. No girl, no FJR, no nothin...

Either that or maybe he doesn't want to post pics because she's a bowser... :unsure:

omg, where'd you get the odot avatar??

I found this avatar on google images......Whats an odot?

.....Whats an odot?
i've met odot and i still ask that same question :p's a person...I have his avatar? Was not my intention, sorry for the thread hijack....
The tree three faces of Odot and the relevance to your avatar:



better off single than with a boat anchor around. (IMO that is one of the reasons less men are getting married, you get screwed by the ex, the courts if kids and/or alimony). I learned a lot growing up about women, in the SFBA during the late 60's and 70's. If you are not in a hot band it was tough, until you got a job that paid well then you became attractive all of a sudden. I graduated college in the start of the golden days in IT. My sister filled me in on the female perspective which was a big help. "It is easy to fall in love with a rich guy as a poor guy" , so don't date guys that do not have lots of $$. She has been married for over 20 years now to the CEO and president of a fortune 500 company. She lives like a queen , never went to college and only qualification was she was the HS Homecoming queen and knowing how to play the game. She filled me in as a young lad when I married an anchor and divorced. I remarried a 5 years later to a beautiful woman that rode bikes before I did. Sadly she died 10 years ago , and i dated for a while and almost hooked up again until I mentioned a prenuptial. No way she would agree , so bye - bye. I busted my ass for way too long like all of you I am sure, to give it up and "take a chance" . One thing I have noted still being a noob pretty much, and reading the closed post to the guy. There is a hell of a lot of life wisdom here too, he was given good advice. God Bless the late Sam Kinison for leading the way.

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Ok, how scary can an eskimo jihad be? I'm thinking a lot of booze and some whale blubber...

Might be more fun than Crisco? Ya never know? :glare:

Ah, this guy is whipped, doubt he ever had a man card to begin with, despite owning a Speed T and FJR.......... He needs to post some pics......................

Dis guy is an accident waitin' ta happen.

Dumps the Feej for a dame, dumps the dame, getting a new bike, getting a new girl.

All in what, 2 weeks? Bi-Polar comes immediately to mind.
