Gun control

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I don't like the shooting in the foot thing though. Sends a wrong message. Should always shoot for center of mass.
In the real world, he would be in deep **** for wingin' the guy. Never shoot to wound.

"The Armed Citizen" is the only column I religiously read in my monthly copy of the NRA mag that I get free for the rest of my life....

+1 on all counts

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I don't like the shooting in the foot thing though. Sends a wrong message. Should always shoot for center of mass.

Given the range and the fact that the kid was holding a gun, I likely would have gone for a head shot myself.

Given the personality of the person he plays on the show, the idea of him inflicting pain instead of death seemed believable, and less contraversial for the folks watching ....and much funnier.

I had a friend that went througjh a bit of hassle with the law after shooting a thief on his property. The thief tried to sue him for it but luckily? got nabbed for another offence out of town and missed the court date. So the case against my freind was eventualy dissmissed.

He had heard a noise durring the night, and ended up looking in his garage, an outside door to the garage was broken in, and he found a guy bent over inside his car trying to remove the radio.

He aimed his 38 snubnose at the only target available , and so at point blank, fired a round into the guys ass.

The crook turned around and he held him at gunpoint till the cops arrived.

He was asked why he shot the guy, and why in the ass from behind. He told the cops he just wanted to get the guys attention......


I don't like the shooting in the foot thing though. Sends a wrong message. Should always shoot for center of mass.
He aimed his 38 snubnose at the only target available

Therein lies the problem. Insufficient caliber.

Use of a properly sized weapon would have ensured an exit wound somewhere around his nose. Personally, I prefer the Winchester 1300 Defender with either 000 Buck or sabotted slugs in 3" Magnum. A .357 magnum is an adequate substitute and I use the Smith and Wesson 686 for in-town use.

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We at FJRForum are Gun Friendly... word. :)
Seems most motorcycle boards tend to be gun friendly. Maybe it is just because riders in general have to deal with weighing risk and personal responsibility on a daily basis.

Anyway, the movie clip made my morning. However, at that range I'd hardly be aiming for a knee or foot. Certainly made for a funnier clip though. Not sure I'd want to try and pull a gun in that scenario though...good for a movie, corpse in real life. (I know, spoiling all the fun) :rolleyes:

Thanks SCAB. I am glad I got to see that one. Pretty damn funny. I don't know anything about guns, never shot, yeah.

Damn Fox and their loud music. They have pulled the video. Anyone has downloaded?
I watched it using the other link, but +1 on who's got a copy. It's only a matter of time before it's pulled on some pretext or another, and I'd like to have quick and handy access to it.

I saw the end of that episode by accident. It was funny as Hell. I obviously missed this part that got Shatner in trouble in the first place. "Thank God for guns, huh Jerry???" :lol: :lol:

Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun, the caliber of which does not start with a "4."

So my S&W 500 Mag isn't big enough? Crap, now what? :blink:
S&W was holding a demo at my local range. Any gun in their line: free rental, free range time, you just buy the ammo.

Exactly, so, of course that's what I did. Who wouldn't buy a crap load of .500 ammo? Turns out crap load worked out to dingleberry-sized portions, as each round was $3.50. So I bought $35.00 worth. That turned out to be about 9 rounds more than I needed. ;)

I'm good with a Sig 9mm, and PDG (pretty damn good) with a Kimber .45. I fired 10 S&W 500 magnum rounds at the target and either hit it only 3 times, or put all 10 rounds through only 3 holes. (Exactly)

The S&W 500 magnum is a round that shakes your whole damn skeleton....violently.

It is not the size that matters. It is how you use it :)
The only people who say just don't have a big shoot

Size does matter!!

You are correct, I do not. I have 9mm. From what I read and heard. Anything bigger then that would be slicing and dicing through the walls of my house. I do not need this with two kids in the house. I rather put that 9 in the 10 and be done with it. Nicely placed 9 will do just as good of a job as 45 I would think. Specially if it is hollow point.

Umm... wrong.

It is not uncommon for a person to be shot 10 times in the torso with 9mm ammo and live through it. With the same shot pattern and either a .45 or .357 and there is a 99% chance of mortaility.

The greatest favor the gun industry has done for the population at large is to convince the punks of the world that the 9mm is an adequate caliber. Hell, the military adopted the round because the .45 was too lethal. The brass would rather inflict a wound that needs to be treated than to outright kill a combatant. The wounded soldier requires medical treatment, healthcare after the surgery, food, clothing... you name it. A dead guy only needs a 3 x 6 x 6 piece of land to rot in.

I guess you can tell I dont agree with the Brass on this one. I believe what General Patton believed. My job is to let the other poor damned bastard die for his country.

Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun, the caliber of which does not start with a "4."

So my S&W 500 Mag isn't big enough? Crap, now what? :blink:
You're o.k. I believe that should have been

the caliber of which does not start with [at least] a "4."
9mm * .03937 = 0.35433"

I thought I wanted a 40 cal until I saw this:

I'd like a 45 ACP now please. Thank you very much.
