Had to put dog down.

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Pie Smuggler
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Pacific Northwet [Woodinville, WA]
14 Years with this pup. I had to put him down yesterday and it was one on the hardest things I have ever had to do.


I feel you pain my friend. It's a real gut punch to lose them. We have one that's 14 and I know it will be sooner than later. Have a drink and a piece of pie in memory. 

I grieve for every pet that's gone before. Your pain is shared to diminish it's power over you. My hope is that the afterlife allows them to rejoin us.

That's the ONLY thing wrong with dogs.  One of these days I'm going to be getting a dog that's still with me until I go.  Then we'll see how HE likes it.

Sorry about your buddy, Dave.

Dave, sorry you had to experience that. Tanya and I talk about how we hope our dog stays with us a long while - amazing how these furry creatures work their way into our hearts. 

A very difficult thing to go through for sure (have done it three times in the past six years). I find that focusing on all the happy memories helps a bit. Instead of thinking on the days near the end, I think of all the fun things we did together. I took my pups all over the place - Europe, Canada, and many places within US. Such good travel companions and endless fun together...I miss them all dearly - but I am now able to think about them and smile, knowing that I gave them all perfect lives. May your days become sunnier...

Had to do this myself a few times. It never gets any easier, it seems. But I'm glad we live in a day and age the not only does modern medicine make this painless, but we can smply ask the vet to do it for us. I'm glad I'm not a vet. I would have a hard time dealing with this. 
