Thanks, and no-I won't be going to WooFoo. Between Home Improvement and this trip my funds are exhausted. Next year a definite possibility, but not this one I'm afraid.Good on ya, Radman! Soooo, you'll be riding to WFO?
Oh yeah, congratulations on getting a son-in-law for a birthday present. :lol:
Welll, I, for one, am going to miss you (And I'm supposing I'm not alone). I understand about the "Home Improvement". Necessary and expensive, but NOT fun! IIRC it calls for siding replacement. Then the windows and doors, the porch and the new walkways and landscape...might as well add a roof...... <_<Thanks, and no-I won't be going to WooFoo. Between Home Improvement and this trip my funds are exhausted. Next year a definite possibility, but not this one I'm afraid.