MEM rode down from Canuckistan to ride with Fred and Joann on the way to EOM. After a day of tire changing, flashie light thingie installs and other maintenance we went out to supper with the soon to be birthday boy.
The hardest part of the evening -- what to eat? EZ Button --- we will order EVERYTHING!
The Birthday Boy knocking down the Saki, one of many consumed.
Our very patient and helpful waiter Kee.
911 blog to Reno John, more important than food :lol:
After the consumption of mass quantities the Freds and MEM left for the packie . Hope their ride got off OK this morning, not only will it be blurry but it turns out to be rainy too.
Looks like a great pre EOM carb loading event Hope the clock did'nt spin too fast last night! :blink: and all got off to a good trip. Fred a most excellent B DAY to you :yahoo: ENJOY EOM and we'll have a few for ya jus :drinks: cause we can