Hard Miles 2, The 2009 Iron Butt Rally DVD

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Damn, finally got around to watching it tonight, and sure enough there is nothing after chapter 25, the DVD player just locks up.

Sending E-Mail.

Yeah, I have no idea how it ends.

I will say that between the DVD and getting the latest issue of the IBA magazine, I really want to go for a ride now.

Interestingly enough, the DVD wont work in any of my newer DVD players, but works just fine in a 17 year old player I have.

Nice timing on getting the DVD and the IBR 5000 starting at about the same time.

Interestingly enough, the DVD wont work in any of my newer DVD players, but works just fine in a 17 year old player I have.
Nice timing on getting the DVD and the IBR 5000 starting at about the same time.

I apologize for your bad DVD playback experience with Hard Miles 2. We just got a new batch of pressed DVDs. Please send me your info and mailing address and I will send you a replacement DVD that should work on all your DVD players.

Keep your existing DVD and case. I'll ship you a new DVD. Throw the original DVD away and replace the new DVD into the existing case.

Thanks for your patience!


Dean Tanji

Producer, "Hard Miles 2" DVD


[email protected]


I've seen Hard Miles 2. Miles is a great actor and director and I applaud him for his pornographic cinematography. First class, truly.

Oh wait, this is a different Hard Miles 2. Nevermind, forget I said anything.

I recieved my DVD in the mail last night. Popped it in and watched all the way through...worked just fine in my XBox 360!

Excellent video, by the way! I really enjoyed it. I can't wait to get out and do my first "long distance" ride.

Just want to throw out a public "thanks" to Dean for his great customer service. :clapping: I had problems with my pre-order dvd playing on all the players I tried, but he quickly sent out a replacement that works fine. :yahoo:

Just want to throw out a public "thanks" to Dean for his great customer service. :clapping: I had problems with my pre-order dvd playing on all the players I tried, but he quickly sent out a replacement that works fine. :yahoo:
Plus ONE, WOOF, Gunny, and all that. Got a replacement DVD earlier this week. Thanks Dean!
