I live/ride in a fairly dusty and spring pollen-infested area. When I say infested, I mean every spring morning there's at least 1/8" of pollen on the vehicles.
That said, I change my air filter at the beginning of every summer. I've used OEM, Uni, Emgo and HiFlo. IMHO all are comparable for filtering. All fit as well as OEM. Prices (like tires) are seasonal so when ordering something else from a distributor I always look to see if one is on sale. All 3 can usually be had for ~$15 at the right time so I just tack it onto an order.
No, the HiFlo does not use oil.
The Gen II Bin O' Facts lists the part numbers for the non-OEM filters.
EDIT: I didn't understand the idea that a HiFlo filter would require oil until I re-read some posts. To differentiate:
High flow filters that pass more air prolly require oiling. HiFlo is a brand, HiFlo Filtro, of paper-type filter similar to the OEM.