Have bike for a month and already got hit :)

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
West Richland, Wa
Some kid (20 year old) decided to signal left and then after 3/4 of the way into his left hand turn..he decided he wanted to turn right. I hit brakes and wasn't going to stop in time...so tried turning with him and has he continued his turn he ran into me. I scrapped upagainst the the side until he basically pushed me off the bike. Both side are all scrapped up and I'm fine. Good news is he has insurance as do I and should get it all fixed soon and be like new again.

So how many of you have been down on the ground?

This was my first time in about 4 years of riding.


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whoa :dribble: THAT was a close one... Hope you aren't hurt up too bad.

Get that bike back in shape...you'll feel alot better.

Sorry to hear about your fall. I've been fortunate for a matter of years since getting rear-ended, but most of my riding any more is just the daily commute. Anything that you could have done more defensively?


Sorry to hear about your fall. I've been fortunate for a matter of years since getting rear-ended, but most of my riding any more is just the daily commute. Anything that you could have done more defensively?Bob

I've thought of that and I'm not sure what I could have done. The kid was almost perfecting heading East when he decided to turn West. If he would have seen me as he was turning West, I could have made the turn with him, but since he didn't he was cutting the corner so sharp in order not to hit the sidewalk that it was just too tight.

Calling insurance tomorrow and spoke with Yamaha shop and they said, if things go well could be back on the road in 2-3 weeks. The damage is all cosmetic, so could still ride but figure it's winter and now is the best time to get it fixed. Will probably spend the time to get a new back tire as well for next season.


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Sorry about your incident. You must have seriously marked up underwear! :dribble:

But I'm glad you are ok. Things can get fixed. To answer your other question, most of the riders I've ever spoken to have been down at one time or another. Including me. Jump back on the horse as soon as possible is my advice, learn from the incident (like never assume people are going to do what they indicate with turn signals), watch the driver's head through the windows, and the turn of the front wheels, etc. Then have fun again.

Thank you for sharing. Every time I read one of these I learn something. My only drop to date was due to a solo misstep at a light. Hope the insurance works out and you get it back together quickly.

So how many of you have been down on the ground?
Last summer in Utah, my wife ran into me after I stopped. We both went down. She came out on the short end of the stick with a broken hand and cracked pevis.

Took the bike to the shop (Portland) and got estimates to submit to the Insuance Co. Around $6900 for the FJR and $4200 for her bike. I did not leave the bike at the shop. I ordered the parts from University Motors and did the bolt on repairs myself. FJR Damage included: header, two mufflers, rear sub frame, tail light, rear fender, top case, right saddle bag, right side plastic items, front fender, right mirror, slider, Center stand mounting brackets and a few other things. I couldn't believe it until I actually itemized the parts and costs. I sent the list to Mike Barth ([email protected]) at UM and got a great price. Absolutly great service. Go on line and ID the parts and costs at the Yamaha Parts Site, and UM will give you a good prices:


Wife also got a new helmet and I am fixing her bike now.

Come to the Volcano Ride next year (08) and we can compare notes. It will be a three day event in 08, maybe in Packwood. Last years notice: https://home.comcast.net/~kenhattan/VR-3_Title_page.jpg

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glad to hear you're okay and the bike will be covered.

always leave yourself space to completely stop when an idiot does what comes naturally. sooner or later they will and you'll need to.

So how many of you have been down on the ground?
Last summer in Utah, my wife ran into me after I stopped. We both went down. She came out on the short end of the stick with a broken hand and cracked pevis.

Took the bike to the shop (Portland) and got estimates to submit to the Insuance Co. Around $6900 for the FJR and $4200 for her bike. I did not leave the bike at the shop. I ordered the parts from University Motors and did the bolt on repairs myself. FJR Damage included: header, two mufflers, rear sub frame, tail light, rear fender, top case, right saddle bag, right side plastic items, front fender, right mirror, slider, Center stand mounting brackets and a few other things. I couldn't believe it until I actually itemized the parts and costs. I sent the list to Mike Barth ([email protected]) at UM and got a great price. Absolutly great service. Go on line and ID the parts and costs at the Yamaha Parts Site, and UM will give you a good prices:


Wife also got a new helmet and I am fixing her bike now.

Come to the Volcano Ride next year (08) and we can compare notes. It will be a three day event in 08, maybe in Packwood. Last years notice: https://home.comcast.net/~kenhattan/VR-3_Title_page.jpg

Sounds like fun. If it works around my baseball coaching I'll be there for sure.

Sheesh, it's been one of those weeks, we are dropping like flies!

Glad you are o.k. What type of gear were you wearing?

Sheesh, it's been one of those weeks, we are dropping like flies!
Glad you are o.k. What type of gear were you wearing?

I was wearing my Fieldsheer High Temp Mesh Jacket, Fulmer Helmet and leather Tourmaster gloves. I don't have a pair of riding pants so was in a pair of blue jeans and leather skeetchers.

I would guess at impact I was only doing about 10-15 mph and went down around 10 mph. I've had a few scary near hits/falls (because of speed) but it was my first time to hit the asphalt. It was a sick feeling to get up and see my Fjeer on the ground. It basically didn't have a scratch on her. Now she looks like the bus on Slap Shot (if you don't know the show, it's where the bus driver took a sledge hammer and beat the sides in to make it look mean) :)


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Some kid (20 year old) decided to signal left and then after 3/4 of the way into his left hand turn..he decided he wanted to turn right. I hit brakes and wasn't going to stop in time...so tried turning with him and has he continued his turn he ran into me. I scrapped upagainst the the side until he basically pushed me off the bike. Both side are all scrapped up and I'm fine. Good news is he has insurance as do I and should get it all fixed soon and be like new again.

So how many of you have been down on the ground?

This was my first time in about 4 years of ridding.

After 37 years of riding, I finally got whacked back in September. A car coming the other way turned left in front of me at a four way intersection. It totalled my FJR and the radius bone in my right foreman. I've got stainless steel now!!! Lesson to be learned - when approaching an intersection in the right lane of a four lane road, it's best to occupy the far right of that right lane - the cars waiting to turn left in the left lane shielded the offending driver's view of me coming. And wear protective gear - my only injury was that bone which was directly at the point of impact.

Thank you for sharing. Every time I read one of these I learn something. .
An "AMEN" to this. On a beautiful day like today (85 degrees, sunny and no wind) it is hard to think "Accident"....but we gotta or the cages will get us.

Regarding singnals, I get sick every time I find out my turn signal is on (either forgot it or didn't tap it hard enough). Really scary to know you are sending out a false signal like that to others.

Glad your OK! I've been extreamly lucky, 29 years riding and never been down.

Okay.. an update... Just got the estimate for fixing my bike. 5344.00 an can you say WOW???!!!

I'm hoping insurance doesn't want to total or something. My 2004 only has 5400 miles on it and I don't want to spend another 7,500 to get a new one.

