Have the terms and rules changed with regards to vulgarity?

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It took me all afternoon to decide what oil to use. Then I had to decide on a filter....
You mean there is a filter for the oil? Dammit, now I gotta start all over...

The 'ignore' feature has it's uses. I have enjoyed it on more than one occasion. And since we are collectively a bunch of non-trimming quote whores, often you have the opportunity to choose to view someone's post when a quote makes it appear useful.
Then go back to ignoring them, all w/o changing your settings. Bonus!!

I am kind of hoping this thread has run its course and will soon die. Everybody seemed to benefit from it in some way, there were more "Likes" thrown around on this thread than bottles of Geritol at a GoldWing Rally.
As it evolved it seems that the OP was not so much against vulgarity in and of itself as he was against Vulgarity Mixed With Stupidity. This does live here and can be aggravating to the best of us. I can't really disagree with him on that. As others have stated, when you are truly in search of knowledge and having to wade through useless posts to get it, you start to wonder if this is about the FJR or not. I think the OP used Vulgarity because the rules do cover that. The rules are kind of gray on the subject of tainting a thread with useless stupidity and Ignacio and Bounce have both stated that they are trying to get a handle on this. Perhaps our OP is more in line with what our Moderators are thinking than any of us want to admit.

Now if he were against Vulgarity Mixed With Silliness, or Vulgarity Mixed With Humor, then I would say to hell with him. I don't think this is the case, I think he is referring to a very tiny percentage of the posts here and I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. I find that the various characters in the many different regions covered by this forum make this place rich and unique. I am able to use the humor as much as or more than the actual technical knowledge in my everyday life. I often find myself looking forward to the next picture of Salma Hayek more than I look forward to oil threads. And I just LOVE oil threads.

I am hoping though that the OP, Mr. Flagstaff does not need to make use of the "Ignore" feature. I refuse to use it because I think it detracts from the whole experience. It would be like going to Italy and not eating the food. It would be like going to Paris and not seeing the Eiffel Tower. It would be like going to a Breast Bar and not tipping the dancers. It would be like buying an FJR and not riding it. More to the point, for me using the ignore feature would be me telling myself that I am superior to and better than another forum member. It would be a testament to my personal arrogance. It would also tell me that I moved into a neighborhood that I was not ready for.

Let's hope we all learned a few good things from this. While I don't completely agree with the man, he touched some nerves that are undoubtedly attached to the consciences of some people who are really good folks when all is said and done. The sort of folks you wish you could share a motorcycle ride with some day.
Smooth Redfish. Very eloquently put. But, for some one to come on to a public Motorcycle Forum and complain about what he thinks are vulgar words and images is a little bit too much to let slide. It'll be like any one of us going into his environment and telling him that we don't like the way he lives his life. Personally, I think he got what he deserved. I actually think he got let off easy.
If his eyes and ears where burning that bad from what he saw or read here then, he can go to another site and see if it's more to HIS liking. We all make our own choices in life. He can use the ignore feature if he wants to but, like what's been stated many times here, he will miss out on all the color and texture that this place has to offer. This is a wonderful place for Motorcycle Enthusiasts to learn all they need to know about their FJR. We aren't alter boys. If that's what he's comfortable with then, there are places to go to enjoy that.

Having said all that, having Beemerdons photo chop a picture of Dcarver or Bust getting Biblically intimate with his favorite goat might not be for everyone. I personally think its funny as Hell but either way, who among us has the right to complain in someone else's house about what they do or don't do? I'll bet even the original poster has a few skeletons in his closet that he wouldn't want anyone complaining about. We all have them. Everyone of us. So.... Please spare me all the Pius Baloney and live your life your way and let's us live ours the way we want to.

Ok! My sermonette is concluded. Now, I'm going to hit my girlfriends booty like a rented mule!! We'll talk Later!! :)

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Redfisher Hunter has hit the nail on the head with this comment:

"As it evolved it seems that the OP was not so much against vulgarity in and of itself as he was against Vulgarity Mixed With Stupidity. This does live here and can be aggravating to the best of us. I can't really disagree with him on that. As others have stated, when you are truly in search of knowledge and having to wade through useless posts to get it, you start to wonder if this is about the FJR or not. I think the OP used Vulgarity because the rules do cover that. The rules are kind of gray on the subject of tainting a thread with useless stupidity and Ignacio and Bounce have both stated that they are trying to get a handle on this. Perhaps our OP is more in line with what our Moderators are thinking than any of us want to admit."

I've said as much in some of my previous posts.

I have no intention of getting into a pissing match since it serves no useful purpose, but I feel like addressing a few things.

"But, for some one to come on to a public Motorcycle Forum and complain about what he thinks are vulgar words and images is a little bit too much to let slide. It'll be like any one of us going into his environment and telling him that we don't like the way he lives his life. Personally, I think he got what he deserved. I actually think he got let off easy."

Since you point out that it is a public forum, of which I am a member, why wouldn't I be allowed to express my opinion, just as you are doing? If it were a private forum your comment would have validity.

"I actually think he got let off easy." and from a previous post "...I think Flagstaff has been hammered on this enough..."

Please don't delude yourself into thinking I'm now a crushed and broken man because of things posted here. I wasn't schooled, slapped down, or hammered. I expressed my feelings and opinions on an internet website. People responded on an internet website. Some of those responses were negative, others positive, but in the end they are just words on a screen. I'll lose no sleep over what was said to or about me.

I'm with Redfish Hunter in hoping this has run its course.

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I was thinking about the thread that had the software trouble shooting to-do list as an example of how a "business" thread could get tainted and how aggressive-ish moderation was used to keep it on track.

To do so takes a lot of work and the different explanations about why certain contributions to a thread are hidden will eventually get very "concise" (dupe, bullshit, etc.). Additionally there will eventually be someone who either feels picked on or not treated genteely because long, verbose justifications aren't used when hiding a post. Time wouldn't allow for such detailed hand holding. It would be what it is.

I'm assuming here, but I suspect that the other admins agree with me that I hope we don't have to go to this form of moderation on technical threads. It's a hell of a lot easier for us if everyone moderates themselves in those threads.

I don't have a link to it handy but if someone else has it and wants to post it, it may be worth a gander if you're unfamiliar with what I'm using as an example.

I was thinking about the thread that had the software trouble shooting to-do list as an example of how a "business" thread could get tainted and how aggressive-ish moderation was used to keep it on track.
To do so takes a lot of work and the different explanations about why certain contributions to a thread are hidden will eventually get very "concise" (dupe, bullshit, etc.). Additionally there will eventually be someone who either feels picked on or not treated genteely because long, verbose justifications aren't used when hiding a post. Time wouldn't allow for such detailed hand holding. It would be what it is.

I'm assuming here, but I suspect that the other admins agree with me that I hope we don't have to go to this form of moderation on technical threads. It's a hell of a lot easier for us if everyone moderates themselves in those threads.

I don't have a link to it handy but if someone else has it and wants to post it, it may be worth a gander if you're unfamiliar with what I'm using as an example.
An interesting thought; For technical threads, allow the thread starter to admin that thread. Allow them to edit/delete other users post content, (noted as being done in the post), and hide entire posts w/o content. Not sure how feasible this is from a software/admin stand point, but it would make the technical threads a lot more concise, and minimize no content posts to begin with, except by full on children that would post, even knowing their posts would be hidden or deleted. Bound to piss some people off, but what doesn't?

As the saying goes.........."Holly Shit" this thread has run it's course. let give Flagstaff a break. Why. why. why. why you dare ask? Well it's as simple as the following: Tonight I've been working on a choc/chip cookie recipe, that's right I bake in my off time. Well as I was baking I was looking at a 1991 issue of a Jim Beam collectable Dodge Challenger that I've had for the last 12 years, I realized that I'm not a collector, I'm a connoisseur of Fine/good tasting shit. Well as I poured my self a glass I realized that I hit Jim Beam pay dirt. As I looked at the glass I just poured I thought, "shit this is a glass I should be sharing".

Now here is the strange part; While I have never met the man, and I'm quite sure we are at the opposite socio/political views, we have 2 things in common: 1, a love of Bikes and Riding, and 2, a fondness for Jim Beam............................Bustanut, you should have been here.

Dark in color, hints of maple and so, so smooth. Brother you should be here. I have no regrets. Can't wait to share it with my locals...........................

to the point...................in the short time I've been a member, there is the one best part,,,,,,It brings us middle aged old shits together. Hope to meet you all in person some day, till then

Be good, Be Safe...........................

. . . I happen to be a frequent reader and contributor on forums relating to baking, embroidery, and yoga. . . "
. . . I've been working on a choc/chip cookie recipe, that's right I bake in my off time. . ."
So Daniel, have you checked out "www.happybakingboys.com?" GREAT forum. You should sign up right away.

As for Bustanut, I had occasion to put him and a couple of the boys up for the night last year on our way to FJRay's Reuben Run (first annual). Turns out he has a taste for a good single malt, too. Apparently he'll drink damn near anything.

Sorry if this post is taking this valuable thread off topic.

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