Have you tried the Calimoto app?

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Opinionated curmudgeon
Dec 8, 2015
Reaction score
York County, PA
I searched the forum, and I only found 1 reference to calimoto. It is a "windy road finder" app. The pro version costs over $50/year, but the free version is nice, despite the many limitations. It is available in the Apple App Store, and the Android Play Store.

  • You can put in a destination, and calimoto will calculate a nice windy ride. I was in Dillsburg PA, about 10 miles from my home. It calculated a 40-mile ride that was pretty nice.
  • You can also select "round trip" and it will plan a route up to 60 miles. (The pro version allows longer trips.)
  • There are saved routes available in your location.
  • You can save your rides for future use or reference.
  • You can share your rides.
  • In the pro version, you can download maps of the area for times that you have no cellular signal.
  • There are customizable displays in a "dashboard".
  • You can export the routes to GPX format or text, as I recall.
  • You can subscribe either on a yearly basis, or a slightly more expensive monthly basis. For those of you who only ride during part of the year, the monthly option would be good. The monthly subscription will also allow a full trial, for under $6.
I only played with it for a few hours, but I definitely like it. I hope I can display the speed limit and my current speed, as I can do in Waze, but I have not found that yet.
Let me know your experiences if you have used this, please.

Link to Calimoto website


I use Calimoto for the last 2K miles traveled. Switched recently to the paid version only because I wanted to do longer trips like 200-300 miles. Otherwise free version should be enough.

So far no big complains, it routes pretty well, using small curvy roads. The only thing that I would love is a bit better voice navigation.
I use Calimoto for the last 2K miles traveled. Switched recently to the paid version only because I wanted to do longer trips like 200-300 miles. Otherwise free version should be enough.

So far no big complains, it routes pretty well, using small curvy roads. The only thing that I would love is a bit better voice navigation.
You have to buy the upgrade to plan a breakfast run? ;)
I use Scenic which is a great app and continues to improve. The developer is very responsive to inquiries and just released a big upgrade. Price is much more reasonable. You can get lifetime for what Calimoto charges for one year. It’s worth a look for sure.
I too run Android, and will try scenic if and when it becomes available as an Android app. In the meantime, I am communicating with the Calimoto folks about some issues and desires.

I posted the following review:

Great idea, needs some work.
Tried Calimoto 3 days. Good, & bad.
-Address location is bad. Doesn't recognize postal addresses & cannot find some towns.
-Says unable to communicate often
-Cannot report road closures/speed limits
-Support says"Google maps too expensive" but paid subscriptions should cover that. Waze always free!
- Larger info box(es) would be VERY helpful
Better help file needed
Orange road borders around technical sections AWESOME
LOVE twisty road routes
Hope for updates!

I followed up with an email as follows:

I was unable to find several locations, and since I don't know what OpenStreetMaps considers the location, I cannot find these locations.
You have a paid subscription model. You should be able to afford Google map data. Many free apps do and have used Google maps. Take Waze, for example. I know that Google bought that product 1 - 2 years ago, but they offered the exact same features for 5 - 10 years before that (if not longer.)
It would be nice if 1st time users were given 30 days for the price of your daily subscription, ONE TIME. This would allow users like me (also an admin at M109Riders.com, a mod for 2 automotive Facebook groups, and regular participant on several other motorcycle and automotive Facebook and other internet groups) to be able to offer a meaningful evaluation of your product.
I asked already asked, seperately why the $60 USD subscriptions don't allow you to purchase Google map access when other free apps can?
I'll be looking for your reply/replies so I can update my existing reviews.

I will post any updates that I recieve.