I know it doesn’t apply directly to the OP’s question, but I had the “opportunity” to work on a friend’s FJR front calipers that were completely seized. In his case it was caused by the seals having become swollen, most likely from being sprayed with fork oil when his fork seals leaked previously. The swollen seals got jammed between the bores and pistons and would not budge.
Managed to get them out using compressed air. After one of the pistons blew out, I stuck it back in its bore without a seal, and using old brake pads and sockets, rigged up spacers to retain the 3 pistons that I wasn’t blowing out, if that makes sense. 100 psi was enough to get them all out eventually. No heat required.
All he needed was new seals. And for the record, never put any oil or grease on brake seals. Pure silicone grease might be ok, but I would stick with brake fluid for assembly lubricant.