Heated seat question - especially Laam owners

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2014
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St Louis area
I had planned to have Seth add the heater to my seat since I commute to work year round. A pants liner would obviously be warmer but changing clothes at work every day would be a problem and a heated seat would always be available.

Now the more I think about it the less I like the idea. My biggest concern is where to mount the switch as I don't want to cut into my fairing and it appears from the pictures on Seth's web site that it will require something along those lines.

Does anyone have a heated seat and what do you think of it? If the power switch isn't part of the seat then where did you put it?

I have a Laam seat, but without the heat option. I think in most cases, heated seats have the switch embedded along the side of the seat itself.

That's what I had assumed but apparently Laam just gives you the switch and says "mount it where you want it". That sounds fine in theory but "where I want it" doesn't mean there will be a decent way to put it there. The switch looks a bit deep. I'm trying to figure out the exact dimensions to see if there is a place I like that it will fit.

Next to the glove box is a little panel that comes out. Great placed for a switch. Lots of room underneath. I have a RDL and the switch is built right into the seat.

Hope this helped,


I have a Sargent heated seat on the GS. Toasty is an understatement. Their controller is a solid state item with a ribbon wire harness. I mounted it (double-sided tape) to the left windshield stay. It's of no use if you can't see it and reach it.

My question about my own seat is whether the heating element makes the saddle itself harder. I didn't notice it at first, and it may just be that I don't have enough a**, but the last time I rode, it felt semi-un-padded. Dunno about the Laam on that issue.


I fitted a switch on a small bracket mounted using the front screw of the rear side fairing.

(click on image for larger view)

Mine was a simple push button switch (for a garage door controller), but there is space for any reasonable switch, is easily found by feel, and doesn't get in the way.

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Thanks for pointing this out on Laam seats. I had no idea the switch was not integrated into the seat. I saw the pics of the switches on his site and assume it was built in like all of the other brands.

The previous owner of my bike installed a leather Corbin front/rear and had the heated option put in the front. The switch is built into the seat on the left side and my only complaint is that a single heat setting is almost too hot.

Plenty of people say the Corbin is too hard but it works for me. I have done several 1K+ days and quite a few week long trips with 700-800 miles/day. The seat works and is relatively comfortable but I often wonder if something else would be better. Russel is a bit too bulky for my tastes and I have been on the fence several times about ordering a Laam. On a trip earlier this week I had decided I would go ahead with a Laam. Heated seated are now a must for me and I and would have added both front/rear heated.

Learning that the switch is not incorporated is a complete show stopper from my personal perspective.

Thanks for pointing this out and helping me to avoid buyers remorse.

Edit: Seriously-thanks for pointing this out. It may seem like a trivial complaint but locating the switch is really a gripe of mine. I don't see why it's not on the seat...like everybody else. I would have been so pissed if I ordered it and found out later. The way I see it, RJAMT you just saved me $700+. I owe you lunch if we ever meet up or beers if it's on an overnight somewhere!!

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I purchased the heated seat option. I cut into the seat and installed the on/off rocker along the side of the seat. I have since out a controller up close to the heated glove controller. I just disconnected the one I installed in the seat and left it there and use the controller up on the fairing. I had up until my most recent trip thought it was a wasted expense but adding the controller tha allows some variability in temp versus on or off has made it better. I still say I do not use it as much as I do the heated grips which I would not live without. I am out of town at the moment and cannot add a picture of my switch for you. PM me and I will send you some pictures next week if you are interested.

Go to Radio Shack (if you can find one still open) and purchase a correct size "Hobby Box." This will be over in the area where you buy led's and resistors. Then cut a hole in one of the big sides for your switch and a hole in the ends for the wiring. Then use industrial strength velcro to mount it where you want it. No cutting and everything stays protected and looks fairly nice. Not factory, but nice. I've done this before for remote buttons for garage door openers and it works rather well.

From Amazon, but I'd rather go to RS and see and hold it in my hand to make sure I'm getting the right size I want.


However, I'm curious...changing clothes? The heated liner goes over your clothes under your riding gear. It's no different than taking off your riding gear, just an extra step. That said, it seems my gerbings don't do a good deal for my bootay and I could use some heat in the seat.

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I just got off the phone with Seth and he cleared things up. When he says you can put the switch where you want that DOES include him putting it IN the seat or leaving it loose for you to mount how/where you wish.

He also told me that he has 2 types of heaters. One is a simple on/off while the other (more cost of course) has hi/med/low/off settings. I'm going to go with the on/off mounted in the seat.

bseelbach - if you change your mind and buy the seat does that mean I lose the free beer?

RFH - Seth remembered you and said thanks for the business.

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Unless it's prohibitive, I'd get the three-way. The BMW K1600 has a five-step control, and it's pretty useful.

Ahhh thanks for clearing that up with him. Some may like the idea of mounting on the dash but I prefer it installed on the seat from the manufacturer.

Depending on the price differential, you might reconsider the multiple settings. On/Off on mine is like 3rd degree burn/hypothermia.

After my hissy fit last night I came to terms with the idea of keeping the Corbin....that is until I hear how awesome your seat is. Beers are on still on me.

The "some may like the idea of mounting on the dash...." is exactly why he doesn't automatically put it in the seat.

Seth's reasoning on the single vs 3-way systems is that he finds the single's heat is warm but not too hot. On the 3-way he said he can't really feel heat on the low setting and the high is too hot so he only uses the medium setting anyway. Why pay for settings you aren't likely to use?

I thought it interesting that he tried to talk me out of getting the heat altogether even though he admitted he makes more profit if I buy it.

I think it is great that he offers option(s) on where to put the switch. Your original post raised some concern and the wording on his website says that switch placement was up to owner but hinted to the fact that it was elsewhere on the bike. Thanks again for the clarification that one of the options is the standard side of seat location.

Hopefully other Laam heated seat owners will chime in. It is interesting that the manufacture suggests not to add heat. I've read that some heat elements make the seat hard. Perhaps he's concerned about affecting the comfort factor.

Do you have a build date or just in the preliminary stages of deciding?

He has my seat and told me he expects to start on it Monday. He is apparently not a fan of heated seats and prefers heated clothing. As a business man he offers it for customers that want it, like us.

In my case I have a short commute to work in miles but spend lots of time sitting in line trying to get through the gate at the military base where I work. I like the idea of a little heat on my butt that doesn't require me to take off 2 layers of clothing in the morning, put them on to go to lunch, take them off again after and on again to go home. I also have to store this stuff in my cube every day. My 1 current layer is enough hassle.

I have the stock heated grips on my 08 and I have a corbin canyon heated rider and passenger. My experience says I would forgo both heaters for heated clothing including gloves. In spite of the grips being turned to high when it is cold enough to need it the back of my hands still get cold. As well the seat does produce warmth but I do very little riding in stop and go city type traffic. Consequently if the air is cold my upper body feels the chill. I have a heated vest as well as a heated jacket liner, I really enjoy the jacket because it keeps my front,back, arms and neck bathed in warmth! Still haven't purchased heated gloves yet but may in the future?

Got my seat back and it's looking good

The heater switch went into the seat and looks like it belongs there to me

The temp was 38 when I got it wired up so I made a quick trip to check it out. It seemed to take a bit to warm up but maybe I was impatient. Anyway, it definitely got plenty warm. I was also wearing my heated vest and ended up turning both off as I was getting too hot.

Gotta wait awhile to put in a long enough ride to judge comfort properly but so far I really like it.

Sounds about right, Same here eventually it gets to hot. To bad they don't put a three position switch in the seat for two settings. Off, Medium and High. I am sure it could be easily done. A three position switch and a resistor.

