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Absolutely concur on the Ruger 10/22 comments. Great safe, reliable beginner rifle. Positively "bulletproof". :)

Now, if you're in to SERIOUS rodent herd thinning, check out THIS video...


Absolutely concur on the Ruger 10/22 comments. Great safe, reliable beginner rifle. Positively "bulletproof". :)
Now, if you're in to SERIOUS rodent herd thinning, check out THIS video...

Reminds me of some trips to Wyoming. I shot the throat out of my M77 22-250 there.

Just picked up a Marlin 981T. It's the only Marlin bolt action that takes shorts, long or long rifles. The 'T' stands for the tubular magazine which will hold 17 long rifles. All the other Marlin .22 bolt actions are a 7 shot clip. I don't like to reload as much when I'm whacking prairie dogs! We shoot shorts and cb's at the little varmints in a buddy's yard in the county here. He's got about 10 acres but there are still houses around. Never had a complaint yet. Pretty accurate rifle for being inexpensive and open sights.

Check your local laws before taking ANY firearm outdoors! Around here even a BB gun will get a SWAT team surrounding your house in minutes!

RadioHowie, I shoot dogs annually in Wyoming and have had proffessionally shot videos, (dubbed to appropriately timed music, of course) taken. We shoot them with everything from 17HMR, 22LR, 22 Win Mag, .223 Remington, 22-250 Win., 6.5 Grendel (a personal favorite), 300 Win Mag, and 500 Beowulf(lots of fun,big bang). Yeah, they really do blow up when you hit them with V-max bullets at high velocity! :blink:

Every person that I have taken with me has become instantly hooked on dog shooting! :dribble:

My 17 year old regularly picks them off at+500 yards. :clap:

It's a PITA I have to drive 1500 miles to get to prime areas, but always worth it when we get there, though. :trinibob:

P.S. We always drive back through Deadwood in the Black Hills. What a gorgeous area if you ever get the chance. :D

I'd suggest a Marlin 39A. It's a lever action, tube fed that will shoot LR, longs and shorts. Accurate as hell. Holds 19 Long rifles (and more of the shorter rounds.)

But if you simply want to rid your yard of unwelcome guests, you can never go wrong with a simple 12 gauge pump.


yo bounce ,

a .223 with one of those thing a ma gigs (sound suppressor) works just fine !!!

Wolf rounds are cheep and are great for plinking!!

for the money the ranch rifle is great gun!!!! :trinibob: :trinibob:

yo bounce ,a .223 with one of those thing a ma gigs (sound suppressor) works just fine !!!

Wolf rounds are cheep and are great for plinking!!

for the money the ranch rifle is great gun!!!! :trinibob: :trinibob:
No doubt. But I had to agree with a friend who got one and sold it within the same year. Cost of ammo was eating him alive. It's fun to shoot, but when you shoot it that much, and aren't hunting, the .22 lr goes through more rounds on less cash.

No doubt. But I had to agree with a friend who got one and sold it within the same year. Cost of ammo was eating him alive. It's fun to shoot, but when you shoot it that much, and aren't hunting, the .22 lr goes through more rounds on less cash.
I do agree on the ammo cost ,, but the fun factor out weighs my financial reasoning ,, just like my farceling on the SS Galxy5 ,, :thumbup:

Thanks guys, lots of good info to be found here for sure. There are no guns in the house currently and I havn't had any in 12 years of marriage. BUT before I was lovingly incarcerated, I enjoyed many days with my 410, my 20, my buddies over-under 12, and my trusty remintgon 700 as well as my first daisy 350 fps p.o.s. that I used to almost be able to get to the target before the bb did!

2 gun safety classes, 4 deer and countless rabbit and crows later, I fell in love with a women from a single parent home who never even saw a gun and didn't favor them too well. After 12 years of my side of the family wearing her down with talks of teaching gun safety to the kids so they know what to do if they see one or a stupid freind shows off with one, we have moved up to the next step - the same $19 350fps pos daisy's for each of them. (and of course I have to have a good target rifle too...)

Noise and neighbors are not a problem for our home. to each side of our home we have 1/4 mile of woods between us and our neighbors, no homes at all are on the other side of the street (the land is currently state owned), and out back where my land ends, a friends residence-free 110 acres begins. Nirvana. Truly.

Check your local laws before taking ANY firearm outdoors! Around here even a BB gun will get a SWAT team surrounding your house in minutes!
RadioHowie, I shoot dogs annually in Wyoming and have had proffessionally shot videos, (dubbed to appropriately timed music, of course) taken. We shoot them with everything from 17HMR, 22LR, 22 Win Mag, .223 Remington, 22-250 Win., 6.5 Grendel (a personal favorite), 300 Win Mag, and 500 Beowulf(lots of fun,big bang). Yeah, they really do blow up when you hit them with V-max bullets at high velocity! :blink:

Every person that I have taken with me has become instantly hooked on dog shooting! :dribble:

My 17 year old regularly picks them off at+500 yards. :clap:

It's a PITA I have to drive 1500 miles to get to prime areas, but always worth it when we get there, though. :trinibob:

P.S. We always drive back through Deadwood in the Black Hills. What a gorgeous area if you ever get the chance. :D
Why do you shoot dogs?

Why do you shoot dogs?
Gee sparky3008, you must live east of the Mississippi River for sure :haha: . I’m willing to bet they are shooting p-dogs, not spaniels and retrievers (willing to bet but not guarantee... :erm: ).


Why do you shoot dogs?
Gee sparky3008, you must live east of the Mississippi River for sure :haha: . I’m willing to bet they are shooting p-dogs, not spaniels and retrievers (willing to bet but not guarantee... :erm: ).

I wasn't trying to judge or anything that is why I asked.

p-dog's definitely on the hit list around here...

Frederick MD.

Deer with Muzzleloader stamp.

German Shephard

Japanese Kai

On one of the hunting forums they were showing the book that PITA is aiming at kids.

Showing dad as a evil person and the kids better hide their dogs and cats :angry:

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Perhaps the term "Bubonic plague infested prairie-rats" would be a bit more appropriately discriptive.

The western ranchers and farmers basically beg us to shoot them, verses their other method of pest control, AKA: "Poison", tends to have a decidedly less "target species specific" tendencies with more severe consequences on the rest of the animal population.


The 100 million estimated P-rat population is in no danger of extinction, particularly with their multiple litter/annum approach of repopulation.

I love canines, cats however.......

Perhaps the term "Bubonic plague infested prairie-rats" would be a bit more appropriately discriptive.

The western ranchers and farmers basically beg us to shoot them, verses their other method of pest control, AKA: "Poison", tends to have a decidedly less "target species specific" tendencies with more severe consequences on the rest of the animal population.


The 100 million estimated P-rat population is in no danger of extinction, particularly with their multiple litter/annum approach of repopulation.

I love canines, cats however.......
No, Sorry my fault. P-dog never entered my mind when I saw it.

I knew there was a logical explanation I just didn't see it.

On an unrelated matter my mother in Texas had some NY yankees move in next to her. My mother lives on 5 acres and farms all around.

One night the NY's got drunk and with their new found country life decided to see who could shoot my moms pet goat.

Not long after this is was their German Shephard.

I am surprised that my Step-Dad didn't end up in jail. I am not sure I could have been so level headed.

My step dad raised that goat like you would any pet or kid for that matter. He hand feed it and it even lived in side as a baby.

Asshat doesn't say enough

Hmm, just looked at the Marlin 981T. That's a mighty nice looking .22, I must say. I do favor a bolt-action, too. You probably can't go wrong with either one.

My favorite plinking tool right now is a Yugoslavian military surplus SKS. It's a bit heavy, but from a rest, it's accurate and fun to shoot. It's the one with the folding bayonette and grenade launcher. I don't have any grenades, though. Too bad.

A 1,000 rounds of Russian 7.62X39, steel casing, non-corrosive, from Cabelas is $95 delivered. With two ammo boxes! That's a deal.

My son and I plink at a steel plate hanging at 100 yards. We often hit it 10 out of 10. It puts some serious shit down range. I would not want to be on the receiving end.

Hmm, just looked at the Marlin 981T. That's a mighty nice looking .22, I must say. I do favor a bolt-action, too. You probably can't go wrong with either one.
My favorite plinking tool right now is a Yugoslavian military surplus SKS. It's a bit heavy, but from a rest, it's accurate and fun to shoot. It's the one with the folding bayonette and grenade launcher. I don't have any grenades, though. Too bad.

A 1,000 rounds of Russian 7.62X39, steel casing, non-corrosive, from Cabelas is $95 delivered. With two ammo boxes! That's a deal.

My son and I plink at a steel plate hanging at 100 yards. We often hit it 10 out of 10. It puts some serious shit down range. I would not want to be on the receiving end.
Sold my SKS for my Thompson Center Encore .50 cal black powder.

Now I have my dream gun Rock River Arms AR-15 .223. I could take the black out at 100 yards with iron sites.

Now with my 1x4 40 Leopold I shoot groups of 1.5 inchs at 100yards, if I do my part.

Great gun the SKS for the price though.. Can't beat it...

Yeah, I like the AR-15, too. My old M-16 was a sweet shooter. Sure did want to keep that rifle when I got out. Seemed fair to me.

At my NATO unit, we qualified with German weapons and they qualified with ours. Then we get to wear each others shooting badges. Wouldn't you know it, my M-16 was fairly neutral in sight adjustments, so those German boys must have put 400 or 500 rounds through it in one afternoon. I thought I'd never get that rifle cleaned up. Didn't jam one time.

They carried a G3, in 7.62, but not the 39 mm length, the long round. Looked like a 30.06 to me. Nice straight shooter, but heavy as hell.

Those were the days. Lots of fun.


Tevern, Germany

