Helmet, no other gear?

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People are people, leave it be.
Why leave it be? maybe if all this talking spreads and borrows into the thick skulls of the poeple who don't wear ATGATT, which has a flow on effect....less accidents, less money spent on such accidents, less money spent or fixing these people from these accidents, less taxes spent on such accidents and by default more to be spent on other things (you thought I was going to say pay less taxes...Yeah as if!) less pain and angst for their family and friends...I'd say (and I do) ask someone (generally a young tool) why they are not wearing their gear whether you know them or not, at least you had a go....maybe, just maybe you might change the occasional bilegerant mind.
Cause like I said, People are people, and no amount of preachin is going to change their opinion.

There's plenty of _good_ info on why you should gear up, and yeah I agree with it and it's a good idea, there's plenty of good info on why you shouldn't smoke and people still do that too.

Much in the same way I'll never ever be convinced that Loud Pipes Save Lives. I'm just saying thumping the ATGATT bible isn't going to change anyone's opinion, it's something one has to just 'get', if you know what I mean.


Helmets Always Save You! Never Say Always!
I hope those are parachutes in the backpack!!!!

Anyone thinking of trying the new AirProtek airbag protective jacket? https://www.airprotekgear.com/
I want one with helium in most compartments & one compartment for nitrous oxide so I can do whippets. Maybe with an adapter the jacket can also inflate flat tires?

"Is that a pair of AirProtek pants, or are you just happy to see me?"
How about airbag no helmet...


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