If it's too hot for the gear, I don't ride. I dress for the crash, cause you just never know. The asphalt will be pretty hot when you're laying on it, and no one will let you get up because there's all that blood, and a lot of skin is missing. And have you ever seen the really NASTY road rash- you know, the kind that takes a good brushing to clean, and neosporin and saran wrap and a month or so of crying yourself to sleep and smelling really bad cause you can't shower properly, and your SO tired of your whining every time she has to help you dress, and your boss pissed off cause you can't really do your job properly, and everyone's insurance rates go up because you lived, and now they have to pay all your medical bills, and under the beef jerky it looks all green and gooey, and then you have really bad scars for a LONG time, and all your friends listen to your story and you realize as you're telling it they all think you're stupid for not wearing gear and your mom says she knew you were going to get hurt on that damn thing, and you think(or, obviously don't think)- ****- I should have worn my gear.Oh yeah- helmet speakers. I did the regular headphone thing also. I slid them under the fabric in the ear slot, and the cord under the removable liner. Then I run the cord down through my tank top to the mp3 player in the front pocket of my shorts. I don't have bike power, so I keep an extra battery velcro'd to the strap on my flip flops. I wear the flip flops so my feet don't get burnt when I stop at the light. Or if I step in gum.
Ride safe.