My wife and I both have the Nolan flips. Older one Model N100? I think. The new 102 has a built in rear spoiler, the sun shade and I think a new one hand release, other than that it's the same. At any rate, We love them.
Decent ventilation, just decent.
Never noticed it being any noisier than other helmets I've owned. Not objectionable to me at least.
I had another flip up helmet before that (don't remember the brand) I still smoked when I bought the Nolans which was the "must have" reason for the flip up front. I shopped around several brands of flip face helmets at the time and really liked one specific feature about the Nolan that I didn't find anywhere else. All the others, including the one I had before flipped up using a single pin hinge point where the Nolan flips up using a gear and roller mechanism. Long story short, the benefit I noticed with that is that others would flip up and remain very high and stick up catching all sorts of wind and blow your head back at any speed above 50 or so with the chin bar up and the windsheild on the FJR down. The Nolan's flip action flips up, but then drops down close to the top of the helmet catching less wind. Sometimes it's nice cruising around with the top up and with the Nolan I can do that comfortably at highway speeds without the helmet catching all sorts of wind and pulling my head back.
Hope this makes sense, and hope this helps. I really like the Nolan lids and in fact, considered upgrading to the 102. Just need to convince myself that I need a new helmet....and that I need to spend $200 plus