Help me confim "TICKING"

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Great White North
I just need a bit of help confirming whether my 2004 is a "TICKER". When the bike is warm I hear a pretty pronounced ticking sound between 3000 and 4000 rpm. When riding a bit more aggressively and gearing down for corners into 3rd or 2nd gear the sound can get quite loud. I had started to notice the sound at around 17,000kms and the dealer replaced the cam chain binders. It is now getting quite loud but I still don't really hear it when the bike is cold at idle. The bike now has 32,000kms.

I've listened to the TICKING SOUND BYTES, read all Warchild's stuff and have heard other bikes ticking badly at idle. The sound I get between 3000 and 4000rpms is litteraly the same...

Does this fit the TICKER pattern?

Thanks for any and all help.

Does this fit the TICKER pattern?
Yes, it does. Almost perfectly.

Sorry about that..... got Y.E.S.?
That's what I suspected... No I haven't got Y.E.S. Yamaha wouldn't let me get it when I bought the bike off an "elderly" gentleman with only 12,000kms and still under warranty. Some crock story about internal warranty policies... The local Yammie rep reassured me at the time I bought it, that should it TICK they'd repair it out of warranty... Let's hope he puts his wrench where his mouth is!

Any news about the latest valve guide parts I should know about?

"Thanks" for your diagnostic confirmation... pray for me...

My 04 is scheduled for a visit at the local Yamaha dealer this week, it has the same symptoms. One of the mechanics on duty that listened to my bike had heard of the valve guide issue on FJR's, this gave me some comfort. I'm hoping for the best but expect the worst when they call and say the noise is normal, but they were conerned with the top end noise at the first visit. has alot of good information about how to go through the process and I may have some information to share about this later in the week or next. The web site also says that approx. 5-8 percent of FJR owners may encounter this on 03-05 FJR's? Seems like alot of folks here are having problems? I hope that it is something simple rather than removing the head and my noise is taken care of, I really do like this bike tons and tons!!

I did like what Cherokee Kid did by doing things Himself, I have considered it myself and still may if Yamaha does not come through and I do have excessive valve guide wear.


04 FJR

16,725 miles

My 04 is scheduled for a visit at the local Yamaha dealer this week, it has the same symptoms. One of the mechanics on duty that listened to my bike had heard of the valve guide issue on FJR's, this gave me some comfort. I'm hoping for the best but expect the worst when they call and say the noise is normal, but they were conerned with the top end noise at the first visit. has alot of good information about how to go through the process and I may have some information to share about this later in the week or next. The web site also says that approx. 5-8 percent of FJR owners may encounter this on 03-05 FJR's? Seems like alot of folks here are having problems? I hope that it is something simple rather than removing the head and my noise is taken care of, I really do like this bike tons and tons!!
I did like what Cherokee Kid did by doing things Himself, I have considered it myself and still may if Yamaha does not come through and I do have excessive valve guide wear.


04 FJR

16,725 miles
Alan...believe me when I say: It`s not 5-8%. I do love the platform. True, nobody knows for shure. Mammi Yammi hasn`t been exactly honest with the membership. Nevertheless and anecdotally speakingt, time for a paradigm shift. I am raising my projections from 1.5 yrs ago and u can mark my words. I predict, that 50% of all pre `06 fjrs will be suffering from valve guide wear within the first 5 years of their existence. Case closed your honour. :assassin:
