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user 6393

the Vixen of Vancouver Island
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
So, during our usual morning coffee El Gordo and I were discussing the inherant differences between men and women.

Generalizations aside, I was pointing out that there are good reasons we are hardwired differently. I was saying that men are stronger and more agile to provide food and shelter. That men naturally lend towards infidelity as they are hardwired to populate the species...(at which he just smiled)

So then I started to say "And women are..." and made the mistake of taking a deep breath.

It was at this point that Gordo took the opportunity to interject..."the agents of the anti-Christ?"

So, when we stopped laughing we tried to figure out if that meant I was in fact made of anti-matter, or if that the things that 'matter' to me just don't mean anything.

What do you guys think?

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The silence may indicates man's wisdom to refrain from..uhhum, trivial matters...? :D

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Its not that women are ANTI-matter....

They're OMNI-matter, unilateral-matter, all-inclusive-matter. Refer to the "Favorite Box" thread....most ladies are wired so that everything matters (and NOTHING is forgotten).

As an aside, perhaps the biggest issue isn't that we are different, but that one or the other party decides one is WRONG. Once the discussion begins and ends with someone being wrong, the unstated argument is that the other is right. Then discussion is limited because we can no longer celebrate or try to understand differences, but must defend ourselves from the perception (accusation) of being wrong.

I know that's a bit convoluted, but I hope you see the principle of it.

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Don't make much difference what the guys think...They're GUYS!

they all think the same thing anyway... and they're wrong! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

See...that was simple! :rolleyes:








.Just kidding!

Now what was the question? <_<

See, I was gonna go in here and talk all about electrons vs positrons, protons vs. antiprotons, hydrogen vs anti-hydrogen, blah blah blah.

But the thread is actually about something really hard to understand: male versus, . . . . . um, other.

In the Universe, there is apparently way more matter than anti-matter, an unimaginable asymmetry.

In humans, the asymmetry is not in population, but in certain real-life useful abilities. Like thinking. Planning. Coping.

In both, there will be annihilation when they meet.

Gotta watch out for that part!

Where I come from, anti-matter is anything that I don't care about. See, if I don't care, it don't matter: Anti-matter.

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Finish this sentence:

"And women are..."

...always looking for ways to kill us in our sleep. It's that whole "trade-up-the-mate" thing that the female of our species is hard-wired to do to ensure producing healthy, strong, successful offspring. (Discovery Channel. Guilty as charged.)
