high beams?

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Maybe.... If we asked really nice.... Really really nicely, our stunning and obviously capable Riona would repost...

I too admire and respect a beautiful woman who can and does ride...

I too missed it... So Sadly, i can only imagine...

Uhhhh No it's not! That was me being an adult and a gentleman. Here's a moment of honesty! The voice in my head of the teenager who grew up in The Bronx was saying:

"Yowzahh!! I'd rip her clothes off. Spin her around, grab her by the hair and hit that booty like I hated her!!"

There! That's what I wanted to say but, didn't think it would be appropriate being that we don't know each other. Yet.... :rolleyes:
Vic, you're a sick bastard...And I love it. It's amazing how many women respond to that instead of a PG rated compliment. Dayum...To be 23 again!!

Uhhhh No it's not! That was me being an adult and a gentleman. Here's a moment of honesty! The voice in my head of the teenager who grew up in The Bronx was saying:

"Yowzahh!! I'd rip her clothes off. Spin her around, grab her by the hair and hit that booty like I hated her!!"

There! That's what I wanted to say but, didn't think it would be appropriate being that we don't know each other. Yet.... :rolleyes:
Vic, you're a sick bastard...And I love it. It's amazing how many women respond to that instead of a PG rated compliment. Dayum...To be 23 again!!
Just being honest Zilla. :)

Uhhhh No it's not! That was me being an adult and a gentleman. Here's a moment of honesty! The voice in my head of the teenager who grew up in The Bronx was saying:

"Yowzahh!! I'd rip her clothes off. Spin her around, grab her by the hair and hit that booty like I hated her!!"

There! That's what I wanted to say but, didn't think it would be appropriate being that we don't know each other. Yet....
Vic, you're a sick bastard...And I love it. It's amazing how many women respond to that instead of a PG rated compliment. Dayum...To be 23 again!!
Dayum yerself, Scrotum face.. 50 would be nice to repeat.

23 would fukin kill me...

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Uhhhh No it's not! That was me being an adult and a gentleman. Here's a moment of honesty! The voice in my head of the teenager who grew up in The Bronx was saying:

"Yowzahh!! I'd rip her clothes off. Spin her around, grab her by the hair and hit that booty like I hated her!!"

There! That's what I wanted to say but, didn't think it would be appropriate being that we don't know each other. Yet....
Vic, you're a sick bastard...And I love it. It's amazing how many women respond to that instead of a PG rated compliment. Dayum...To be 23 again!!
Dayum yerself, Scrotum face.. 50 would be nice to repeat.

23 would fukin kill me...
I've seen pictures of yer zombie ass....23 DID kill you! :finger:

I'm sorry I missed the picture that Riona posted. I would have been able to vouch for its authenticity or call it out as a fake because we met a couple months ago when I gave her a screw in my driveway.




















Okay, the rest of the story: she tried out a couple of my windshields and one of the plastic screws was busted on her FJR so I gave her one out of my stash. And yes I can vouch that she's an attractive lady that looks great on the FJR. Although she probably looks good on a Hardley also.

Dear Forum,

Yes, I am old enough to be a grandmother (My eldest is 26, getting married this summer), and no, I'm not a model. I did go out on a limb to post what I thought was a fun picture, fitting into the theme of "high beams and headlights" and I got shot down. I assumed that everyone would know it was a photo of me (after all, I knew it was me, so everyone else should know, right ?) and so I took the comments very personally.

My picture (sans helmet) has already been shared with the forum over on the "pay it forward" thread ... I guess not everyone saw that one. It's still there if you care to look. That post is where the "mysterious and elusive" tag came from. I'm not really "mysterious and elusive" as the folks here in the PNW can attest, as I've been attending rides and events (e.g. Backfire & the PNW Tech Day) where I've had the opportunity to meet a whole bunch of Forum members.

If I come at it from the perspective of someone critiquing the shot as if it were a professional shoot of a paid, airbrushed model, then yes, it wasn't up to the standard of the previous 6 photos posted and the comments make some kind of sense. With that interpretation I can understand that this wasn't a personal attack.

I guess you are forgiven,


(but you don't get the picture back, so don't ask ...the pose was something like this ....)


I'll always remember that picture though.

Since I did take into consideration it was your picture and studied it from that perspective, I thought you looked damn good. I applaud your courage for taking a picture like that and more so for posting it in the public domain.

If my wife did something like that it could not be done on a Harley. The suspension would not work. She'd have to pose in the back of a dump truck or possibly a cattle trailer...

I'll always remember that picture though.

Since I did take into consideration it was your picture and studied it from that perspective, I thought you looked damn good. I applaud your courage for taking a picture like that and more so for posting it in the public domain.

If my wife did something like that it could not be done on a Harley. The suspension would not work. She'd have to pose in the back of a dump truck or possibly a cattle trailer...
She doesn't read this forum, does she? :)

I'll always remember that picture though. :upset: Since I did take into consideration it was your picture and studied it from that perspective, I thought you looked damn good. I applaud your courage for taking a picture like that and more so for posting it in the public domain.

If my wife did something like that it could not be done on a Harley. The suspension would not work. She'd have to pose in the back of a dump truck or possibly a cattle trailer...
She doesn't read this forum, does she? :)
No!! I'm sure she doesn't. :))

Other than food labels in the grocery store and menus in restaurants, I am not sure she can read. Of course her math skills are good as she manages to spend every cent of my paycheck...

(but you don't get the picture back, so don't ask ...the pose was something like this ....)

You're welcome to come on by the other more fun sandbox and post in the TGIF thread or just send me a couple and I'll post 'em for ya.
