High Speed, Low Drag

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
Since most of you won't see me again until WFO, this is as good a forum to post this as any....


The last number of years, it seems my hair is just leaping out of my skull anymore. It's not from being old (per say), it's mostly just unfortunate genetics (father lost most his hair by early 30's, so I'm lucky I've had it this long, I guess....)

And the last number of years, it's *really* become a huge ass-pain during bike events. Little fly-away hairs irritating the eyes in the helmet, always having to have someone braid it up before I go:



And if I was distracted or otherwise not paying attention before I could stop them, I'd sometimes end up with some totally gay-ass French braid.... dayum! :blink:


Regardless of the effort to braid it up tight, I'd always come back look like some rag-bag hairball by the end of the ride:


So I thought, hmmmmm.... it's it time to do something about it? Well, what to do? I know... maybe I should take a cue from my Heroes on the FJRForum!!!

For example, what does my hero TurboDave do with his hair? At the Cal 24, he let it grow about an inch or two:


And what about my other hero, MadMike2? It appears he has a liking for the crisp military haircut:



Being so highly motigvated by my two heroes here..... I decided to go for a new look.

Are you ready?


















.... no, seriously, are you really ready for this?


















.... okay, then... steel yourselves.....



































But not to worry, I am still the warm, engaging guy you've always known.....










There is it.... Warchild's "High Speed, Low Drag" look.... what'cha think? :D

Hey... it works for Vin Diesel, so..... :lol:


Nice cut!!! Actually, the new 'dew' looks pretty damn cool on ya! How does your helmet fit now???

I cut my hair in November 2004 and donated a 18 3/4 " braid to Locks of Love.... I haven't regretted it and have not looked back since.

I'm sure you will find that the short cut will be much easier with the riding you do.

See ya in Reno!!! :)

Thank you for sharing this little detail. Having looked at your bare skull now for about 5 days at work it's gratifying that you're sharing this tidbit with the world. You can now all be as freaked out as I was.

Wanted....hells angel....name:warchild....reward for info on arrest.

Nice cut!!! Actually, the new 'dew' looks pretty damn cool on ya! How does your helmet fit now???

I cut my hair in November 2004 and donated a 18 3/4 " braid to Locks of Love.... I haven't regretted it and have not looked back since.
Surprisingly, the helmet isn't that much looser..... which is unfortunate, as I convinced the wife that I would need a new Shoei for, um, safety's sake. :D Truthfully, the old helmets fit fine, so..... no new Shoei. :(

My bride braided up my hair for the last time before taking the shears to me. I was going to donate it to the Locks of Love, but the fact it, it's not like it's a whole lot of hair to work with (which was the issue in the first place). The old braid is hanging on the garage wall... sorta looks like furry road kill. :lol:

Looks distinguished, macho and a little intimidating on the outside of that big hearted fella some of us have grown to know. I want to do the same but the wife said I, fortunately, have a few more years before I am allowed to take the cut. Hell, it would save $$ on my barber, shampoo and other expenses.

Now to get a little tan on the brim, it would be a natural. :fans:


That's positively evil! I love it! Hey do this for me - go to some restaurant and start staring at the little kids with that evil look.


I liiiiiiike it!

Hey Warchild.

Why don't you fill us all in on why you had long ass-pain hair to begin with.

Damn man, you almost made the 10-year mark.

I hope I can still recognize you in Reno. <G>


Top ten revelations coming your way:

10) T-shirts provide a constant reminder of where the idea for velcro came from !

9) Bald guys now seem to be everywhere

8) Sunglasses look better than ever

7) Lack of 'feelers' will have you headbutting objects until you learn your new 'space'

6) Complete strangers will approach you to make a wish, fortunately most will be female

5) Sunscreen burns when it runs in your eyes

4) You can never have too many hats

3) Those pesky helmet straps are now optional

2) A brisk rain now results in full upper body cooling


1) Women will swoon and men will wonder...

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Good Job Man :)

Some people can't get away with that.... There are some ugly heads out there!


Do the eye gouge ya turkey necks....do the eye gouge

Orrrrrr.......WC buys a Hardley

Nice look Dale!

Radman beat me to the wrestling pics... and Jesse Ventura. I'd have gone with Hulk Hogan due to the 'stash, but regardless, I bet you'll be cooler now...

One thing, can we see the 666 tattoo behind your ear now that the hair is gone?

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Top ten revelations coming your way:.




1) Women will swoon...
You know what, I wasn't quite prepared for this, but it has proven true nonetheless.

For example, the woman at work are going ga-ga over it.... it's pretty funny (except to my bride) to have the young 20-something females in the office to walk up with a look that, um, in my younger days would have resulted in some major scores....

Awe yes the first shave. Remember it well. That was four years ago. Liberation my man, that what it is.

All that wasted effort dealing with hair, the money, the prep. Novelty for now, the newness as the wind swirls around your head, and the cooling vents actually work. Enjoy your new liberation Warchild, oh and don't forget to moisturize!!

See you WFO bro' .

well well well - you sure gave enough hints at WPF -

all I can say to you, my friend is....

Sun Block !!!! is your friend.

and ask if you still have your boony hat?

Boony hats are OUR friend.
