Hit At Light Last Night.

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I to had a near miss yesterday at a stop light. I was on a two lane highway in the number 1 lane (fast lane) going around 40-45 mph. and the light ahead just turned green. Traffic was moving slow in the number 2 lane because of a blue hair driver didn't realize the light changed. An impatient driver decided to go around the first vehicle in line and merge into my lane. He noticed me at the last second and swerved back into the number one lane. I already anticipated this and slowed down way in advance making sure I had room on the shoulder to escape on. When you drive on a 2 land highway with stoplights and get even more dangerous especially in fog which was the case yesterday. Be safe out there.

Glad you're ok. An acquaintance's wife just went through the ABATE training, purportedly so she could be a better passenger for her husband who is recovering from double hip replacement. Now that she knows more about the traffic hazards and how stupid cagers can get, she says that she is too scared to get on the back of his HD any longer. Sounds like they really drove home the 'defensive' attitude point, basically scaring the 'b-jesus' out of her! :dntknw:

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