Holeshot Full System

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SkooterG said, "I'll believe it when I see it."

Me too.

The full system wouldn't make the FJR a big polluter. It just doesn't work that way.

The system without cats will not make much difference in sound level through slip-ons. My R1 through slip-ons makes no discernable difference with, or without the cat.

No one knows if a properly designed aftermarket system could outperform the stock system on the FJR. It depends on a lot of factors. It could be a lot, it could be a little.

Removing the cats from the stock system may actually compromise engine performance, rather than boost it. A 'wide spot' in the pipes might seem like it would help flow, but most likely, no. Exhaust is more like a musical instrument.


Somebody needs to call Ivan at Rockland County Motorcycle and ask him.

He is an absolute guru when it comes to exhaust tuning.

If anyone would know, he would.

Call him. 845-268-1212.

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Somebody needs to call Ivan at Rockland County Motorcycle and ask him.
He is an absolute guru when it comes to exhaust tuning.

If anyone would know, he would.
I did.

I talked to him at length on the subject before Dale Walker committed to try anything.

Ivan had the same initial thoughts that Dale did. Nobody knows how much you'd get. Ivan speculated very little, without cam/valving/compression mods.

Right now, Dale is a little out-of-pocket. His father just passed.


Dale did also have a "get off" while racing and broke his wrist?

I have seen the system that he was testing last year. I has an excellent sound!! The person riding theFJR swore me to keep my mouth shut. I have Dale's slip ons now.

I can't wait for a deeper sound to wake up the Hardly As--hat that leaves at 5:00am across the street after leaving the thing "warming up" for a half hour before he starts the real revving. He really believes he is safe with his straight pipes. Ahhhhhh!!

Besides a little more power would be usefull :bigeyes:

Dave B)

Disco Bay

I can't wait for a deeper sound to wake up the Hardly As--hat that leaves at 5:00am across the street after leaving the thing "warming up" for a half hour before he starts the real revving.
Just pop off those slip ons and get busy when you know he's trying to sleep :D :D :D

Bobby it's true different strokes for different folks! what ever blows ya skirt up :)

I'm middle aged as well, But I still love a bike to sound like a bike!! and if theres a way to make it even faster then I want to do that to!! If someone else doesn't that's cool. I don't think that it has anything to do with age, it's just what I like.

It's true the FJR is Fast bone stock, but it's not fast enough :D :D :D

theres always room for improvement :D

If I had a Busy or an R1 I would make them louder and faster to :D :D :D

But that's just me!! Ain't America great!!


Well I wouldn't mind mine being faster also but I'm not willing to give up the "Stealth Mode" of the stock pipe.

I've had full race systems on street bikes and liked the sound but on a bike I may do long distances on I prefer quiet.

I also agree that bikes with "TOO LOUD" pipes only make cagers hate motorcycles and cause anti-motorcyclist letters/calls to their asssemblymen/congressmen/senator/ect.

When I ordered my cans I suggested to his gal there that they should start a list to notify existing customers if and when they would be shipping the headers. She said that was a good idea and told me that I would be first on the list. If and when the call comes I'll go for it. Dale told me that they would sell for the same price as the cans may be little bit more and that they might have a crossover pipe if it adds anything.
