Home Brew Mirror Extensions for Gen II

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Just a thought, do you think these would work with the brackets being fabricated for the inexpensive HID lights on the other thread? Probably no way to tell without seeing both units together, but can an edumicated guess be made?

Note; On my Gen 1 FJR1300, the mirrors were "parts bin" Yamaha products, shared by other Yamaha models like the FZ1 and early R1's.
Not strictly true. Dunno the R1, but the FZ1 mirror's stalks are 2" longer than the FJR's (to offset the fact an FZ1 has a narrower fairing.)
FZ1 mirrors will bolt onto a Gen I FJR- moving the mirrors out 2" and up a little. Makes a HUGE difference.

I have been under the impression that they'd bolt onto a Gen II bike as well. That removes the "hand guard" benefit, of course.

Here is an alternate version of the mirror extension. I just got it out of my rapid prototyping machine (I carved it out of floral foam). It is about 3/4" shorter than the ones previously shown, and 1/2" taller. This version won't stick out as far behind the back edge of the fairing, but it also maybe doesn't move the mirror quite as far back.

My bike is in the shop right now, but I will do a better comparo with version 1.0 when I get it back. I asked a coworker to give me an estimate for fabrication based on this design. Any initial comments on version 1.0 versus 2.0 (except for the finish) are welcome.



By the way, floral foam is great for quick protoing. It is cheap and really quick to form. No strength at all, though.


Here is an alternate version of the mirror extension. I just got it out of my rapid prototyping machine (I carved it out of floral foam). It is about 3/4" shorter than the ones previously shown, and 1/2" taller. This version won't stick out as far behind the back edge of the fairing, but it also maybe doesn't move the mirror quite as far back.
...and let's not overlook the weight savings of the floral foam over aluminum! Critical factor right there, my friend... cri-ti-cal... :D

Here is an alternate version of the mirror extension. I just got it out of my rapid prototyping machine (I carved it out of floral foam). It is about 3/4" shorter than the ones previously shown, and 1/2" taller. This version won't stick out as far behind the back edge of the fairing, but it also maybe doesn't move the mirror quite as far back.
...and let's not overlook the weight savings of the floral foam over aluminum! Critical factor right there, my friend... cri-ti-cal... :D
Can we get the floral foam in Cerulean Silver?

Check this out for those of you with foam carving skills.

Link (Go though each step to see the final product using foam as a base)

Might be able to CNC the foam and get someone with tinkering skills to forge it in their back yard.

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Check this out for those of you with foam carving skills.
Link (Go though each step to see the final product using foam as a base)
SCMAGNA, My new found friend, You ,sir have hit the mirror dilema nail right on the head. You are now '' the MAN", "the mirror guru", "The elbow emancipater",You have reinvented the term, "rear veiw" Thanks to you, we can keep our elegantly designed, and color matched factory mirrors, and SEE BEHIND us! Count me in, contact me at [email protected] Good work,Kurt!

There are a lot of CNC job shops around. You just need to get someone with some basic Cad skills to get them into a DXF file.

Alteratively, build your own CNC mill. A few years ago I had a bike project in mind but ended up realizing that I needed CNC equipment to do the job. Like most everything else these days, you can figure out how to build your own CNC equipment on the internet. That's what I did. Unfortunately, these would be a bit too large for my small setup.

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I just touched base with my coworker on Thursday. He should get me a machining estimate soon. I think the latest design is the one I will be offering. It is not as long, but 1/2" taller than the original. That puts the mirror in about the same place, but the extension doesn't hang as far beyond the back of the fairing.

Just as a heads up, I am not in this for big bucks, so I will be a little cautious about sticking my neck out too far based just on expressions of interest. These will be cheaper if I order them in quantity, but I don't care to wind up with a bunch of sets that nobody ends up buying. If anyone can advise on how to go about arranging this so that everyone is comfortable with it, feel free to chime in.

I tried to take a comparo picture with the old and new (foam version) style, but it turned out crappy. I may be able to get my coworker to make a prototype pair so you all can see what the real thing looks like.


I just touched base with my coworker on Thursday. He should get me a machining estimate soon. I think the latest design is the one I will be offering. It is not as long, but 1/2" taller than the original. That puts the mirror in about the same place, but the extension doesn't hang as far beyond the back of the fairing.

Just as a heads up, I am not in this for big bucks, so I will be a little cautious about sticking my neck out too far based just on expressions of interest. These will be cheaper if I order them in quantity, but I don't care to wind up with a bunch of sets that nobody ends up buying. If anyone can advise on how to go about arranging this so that everyone is comfortable with it, feel free to chime in.

I tried to take a comparo picture with the old and new (foam version) style, but it turned out crappy. I may be able to get my coworker to make a prototype pair so you all can see what the real thing looks like.

Well, there's a kind of chicken/egg thing: It's completely understandable that you wouldn't want to invest in lots of sets that just sat around, but OTOH people aren't going to want to just send you money cold and hope that what they got back was worthwhile.

You might look at how Brodie handled the wiring harness initiative (https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//index.php?s...=wiring+harness): I think he made a couple of prototypes and got testamonials from a couple of the active forum members, then he took orders and made the harnesses up in groups of thirty. Once one group was sold out, he made up a second, then (I believe) a third. All in all (you could PM Brodie to check), it seemed to go fairly well for all involved.

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Kurt - count me in up front. I'm down for $50 for a pair up front and will extend this to $100 if they cost more than the first $50.

Drop me a PM when you have an idea of costs. The shop should be able to estimate both the prototype and productions costs for you up front.

I am in for a set.... just a matter of what the final product is......... would like to understand the extra 1/2" a bit more.

I am in for a set.... just a matter of what the final product is......... would like to understand the extra 1/2" a bit more.
+1 Eager to get them, however, I'd like to get a little better handle on the change from your original design. I wasn't that concerned with them extending beyond the plastic. You were pretty high on the results of the originals. I'll be eager to hear your comments when the new design is installed.

Thanks for your efforts........

Keep Going!

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I'm still waiting for an estimate from my coworker. I don't want to pester him, but I am getting a little impatient. I will probably get him to make a few sets that I can post pics of and send to a few other guys for reaction, testimonial, etc. I should also be able to post a pic of Gen A vs. Gen B. Stay tuned.


I'm still waiting for an estimate from my coworker. I don't want to pester him, but I am getting a little impatient. I will probably get him to make a few sets that I can post pics of and send to a few other guys for reaction, testimonial, etc. I should also be able to post a pic of Gen A vs. Gen B. Stay tuned.
I react very well! Pick me. Happy to share my views and offer constructive feedback, if any is needed. :)
