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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2010
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concord nc
must be the first one home. Got in just before noon I did get to see a big old bear on the parkway 1st time for that pretty neat. had a great time thanks for everything Wayne and all who helped.

I rolled in around 3:00 today. Only saw cars, trucks, and a couple really annoyingly loud Harley's on the way home. Left the Harley's in my rear view mirror. LOL

It was great to meet everyone, thanks to all.

Home as well. Got in around 1:20pm. Was riding with Boomer612 till jasper where I split off on 53.

Got home about 3:45 to beautiful hilly NW Indiana. hahaha Nice to see some folks I hadn't seen in a while. Thanks Wayne for putting on a great show. My riding riding partner OFace is still somewhere down there in the Smokies, comin home tomorrow.

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Home around 3pm...traffic was moving fast, so the miles zipped by quick!

A big thanks to Wayne and the rest of the crew! It was awesome meeting friends again and some for the first time! :D

Annette and I are home. Annette is a trooper - after running NC209 this morning, we made a b-line for Columbus. We made that run on 2 fuel stops - no lunch or breaks, just pounded out the miles.

New tire on at Ironpony in Columbus, and we decided that the only bed right for tonight would be our own...

After a wee bit of a late start, Sooze and I got home around 8:15. 475 miles on the day and just over 1200 for the trip which is kinda light for us, but that's OK - my front tire is DONE. Bring on Tech Day!

Huge thanks to Wayne and all of the organizers. Sooze and I had an absolute blast of a time! Bummer that it rained yesterday, but I think we made up for it along with the ShowMeMos and M&Ms. Yowzah..

BTW - who had the '07 with the Rigid Industries aux lights? If you know who it is or it is you, would you PM me? I'm curious aboot those lights.

Got home To NORVA about 5:00PM with one sore butt. Air Hawk doesn't do it. Great meeting all the FJR folks.

I got home safe at 1:22pm today ,,, looks like Calimus beat me by 2 minutes..

downloaded the group shot... looks good

Now waiting for EOM 2014... VA or KY,,, OH even... NY???

the last 2 EOM's have been within 30 miles of each other... just saying....

Rolled out of Maggie Valley @ 7:30 AM and rolled into the house @ 3:10 PM. 420 miles of boring slab.

Thanks to Wayne and everyone else who contributed to the event. It was great to see people from past events and meet some new folks too. Looking forward to the next one!

Got home yesterday at 5:30...just in time for dinner. Had a great time...thanks to the efforts of everyone who made this years EOM happen. 1453 miles for the weekend...with only 6 (down to WTT and back) of them on Saturday. It was great to see everyone that I only get to see once a year.

Got home about 20:30 last night. 2240 miles total for the trip including the following states: OH, KY, TN, MO, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, and NC. Great trip. Unfortunately the rain kept me from riding with any FJR peeps, but I still had a great time seeing the museum, at the banquet and in the parking lot.

Thanks to Wayne and all the rest who worked so hard to put this event together. Great job!

The EOM site is only 1 1/2 slab hours from my house so I had to make up another twisty route to make it interesting. A tip of the hat to our invaders from the Great White North and others from the far reaches who made the trip.

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Got home around 6:30 PM 1220 round trip.

I'm A newbie. It was my first EOM And am looking forward to the next one. I had a great time. Thank you every one.And special thanks to George,Bill,Chris And Heidi

We pulled around 1:00 PM today. Good event, thanks to Wayne.

We found an interesting road from Columbia, SC over toward Savannah, GA. US 321.

A thank you note will be on it's way to Murphy's for the cruise control. What a birthday surprise.

Got in @ 3:00 Today from Roanoke. Ran twisty roads for 5 hrs Sunday, and slabbed a few more.

Sunday the wife had a panic attack in the twisties after the fuel oil get off on Friday. Probably going to hell for messing with her. Hey I gave you Saturday rain day to get over it? The guys with new suspensions all made it through, you had to have a new floor. I think your ass got big and affected the center of gravity. Yeah hell.

Home safe and sound after dropping Mrs. Showmemo at the Nashville airport and a stay in Cape Girardeau. Had a great time and thanks to Wayne and all for the hard work putting this together! We had great riding days and a terrific rain day ( note to self - say 1000 Hail Mary's) !

Front tire made it all the way home... Woohoo!

Looking forward to the next one!


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