Honda Africa Twin - oh my

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Where's that 800 cc adventurish rig we all want that's not too heavy? The DCT is pretty nice...... better than the AE. Decisoins.... I feel Bungie's angst.
I could give two ***** about 'adv' bikes. They do not inspire me to ride at all. Fugly they is. But it seems if you want an all arounder in the middle weight realm, that's what your looking at.

The only real thing keeping me off a 500x is pillion room. Otherwise, what a great all arounder. The FZ07 impressed the hell out of me, but it needs some wind protection - Yammie leaked the FJ07 with a 3/4 fairing a few months back. It would get the nod over the 500x simply because of the 30 extra horsepowers and torques. We'll see what happens in the next couple of months.

I've got two bikes, maybe 4 on my radar. I'm very seriously considering selling all my bikes. Let me explain, Line and I are moving in the spring and the new place doesn't have a garage and no access to add one. All my **** will have to fit into a 10x10 shed.
I've grown extremely tired of the FJR's weight, selling it will likely be a mistake given all that it does well, hence, the consideration.

I'm looking at an FJ09, the FJ07 (if they actually bring it to market) or Honda's Africa Twin or, CB500X. Which ever bike gets the nod, it'll need some mods for panniers and seating. Or another forum members kitted out Wee.

Their'll be a significant cost savings in that I can ditch 2 insurance policies, and will likely eliminate a bike payment.

Decisions.. decisions...
I think you should look at getting a bigger shed.


I've got two bikes, maybe 4 on my radar. I'm very seriously considering selling all my bikes. Let me explain, Line and I are moving in the spring and the new place doesn't have a garage and no access to add one. All my **** will have to fit into a 10x10 shed.
I've grown extremely tired of the FJR's weight, selling it will likely be a mistake given all that it does well, hence, the consideration.

I'm looking at an FJ09, the FJ07 (if they actually bring it to market) or Honda's Africa Twin or, CB500X. Which ever bike gets the nod, it'll need some mods for panniers and seating. Or another forum members kitted out Wee.

Their'll be a significant cost savings in that I can ditch 2 insurance policies, and will likely eliminate a bike payment.

Decisions.. decisions...
I think you should look at getting a bigger shed.

I think that's the right choice.

Where's that 800 cc adventurish rig we all want that's not too heavy? The DCT is pretty nice...... better than the AE. Decisoins.... I feel Bungie's angst.
I could give two ***** about 'adv' bikes. They do not inspire me to ride at all. Fugly they is. But it seems if you want an all arounder in the middle weight realm, that's what your looking at.

The only real thing keeping me off a 500x is pillion room. Otherwise, what a great all arounder. The FZ07 impressed the hell out of me, but it needs some wind protection - Yammie leaked the FJ07 with a 3/4 fairing a few months back. It would get the nod over the 500x simply because of the 30 extra horsepowers and torques. We'll see what happens in the next couple of months.
I think an FJ-07 would be very nice. The Kawasaki 650 Versys gets a lot of love in write ups.

I've got two bikes, maybe 4 on my radar. I'm very seriously considering selling all my bikes. Let me explain, Line and I are moving in the spring and the new place doesn't have a garage and no access to add one. All my **** will have to fit into a 10x10 shed.
I've grown extremely tired of the FJR's weight, selling it will likely be a mistake given all that it does well, hence, the consideration.

I'm looking at an FJ09, the FJ07 (if they actually bring it to market) or Honda's Africa Twin or, CB500X. Which ever bike gets the nod, it'll need some mods for panniers and seating. Or another forum members kitted out Wee.

Their'll be a significant cost savings in that I can ditch 2 insurance policies, and will likely eliminate a bike payment.

Decisions.. decisions...
I think you should look at getting a bigger shed.

I'll tell Line that the Arkie says to get a bigger shed. What am I gonna say when she asks where I'm gonna put it.

(If it were up up to me. We'd stay where we are - hell, we just spent $20G's fixing the garage!)

There is no way in hell a guy can get enough toys in a 10x10 space. Hell, I've got a 40x40 shop with a 34x20 carport attached and a two car garage attached to the house, add in a 24 x30 barn and I still look for room for stuff.

There is no way in hell a guy can get enough toys in a 10x10 space. Hell, I've got a 40x40 shop with a 34x20 carport attached and a two car garage attached to the house, add in a 24 x30 barn and I still look for room for stuff.
Amen, brother. I have to keep two bikes at Ray's at all times. One bike in the pump house. One on the rack. It's outta control I tell yah.

Now then, where's that sportsguy at?

I was hoping to see the African Twim at the Miami motorcycle show this weekend and Honda & Triumph did not even have a display. WTF? I was also surprised that the attendance was poor compared to Minneapolis's show.

There is no way in hell a guy can get enough toys in a 10x10 space. Hell, I've got a 40x40 shop with a 34x20 carport attached and a two car garage attached to the house, add in a 24 x30 barn and I still look for room for stuff. :)
Sounds like you need to purge...hoarder.

There is no way in hell a guy can get enough toys in a 10x10 space. Hell, I've got a 40x40 shop with a 34x20 carport attached and a two car garage attached to the house, add in a 24 x30 barn and I still look for room for stuff.
Sounds like you need to purge...hoarder.
But it's all good ****. Carver would be pissed if I put his girls out in the cold. I do have stuff for sale but probably won't sell anything until spring

This Africa Twin thing is one of the main articles in Rider magazine this month. I am wishing it would stop popping up everywhere I look. I am trying very hard to not want one.

I was so interested in the AT that I totally forgot to look at it at the Motorcycle Show.

Not that we missed the Honda display, we just were there with a different purpose. Purchased one of these for the kiddo in the pic the next day and it's hidden in the garage waiting on his birthday.


I was so interested in the AT that I totally forgot to look at it at the Motorcycle Show.
Not that we missed the Honda display, we just were there with a different purpose. Purchased one of these for the kiddo in the pic the next day and it's hidden in the garage waiting on his birthday.

I got just ONE thing to say!


What abooot me?

I was so interested in the AT that I totally forgot to look at it at the Motorcycle Show.
Not that we missed the Honda display, we just were there with a different purpose. Purchased one of these for the kiddo in the pic the next day and it's hidden in the garage waiting on his birthday.
Jasen, don't forget you'll need something to ride offroad with him! Hint...hint!

