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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2005
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Chattanooga/Northern Georgia Area
Found this wonderful forum today and just wanted to say hello and ask a simple question. I am 54 years young here, west central Ohio native and am looking at either a FJR1300 or a Honda ST1300. Have been riding a Honda 750 Magna for the last three years and recently took an hours drive through the hills of southeast Tn. on a Honda ST 1300. An acquaintance mentioned I should look at the FJRs as well as the STs. Really like the looks and reviews for both bikes, any thoughts or objective comparisions between these two fine machines ? Any replies sincerely appreciated and you guys/gals have a nice forum here.

Maybe someone from around your area would be willing to meet up and let you check out (or maybe even ride) their FJR. We're rather biased on the FJR v. ST issue, so it's best to make up your own mind.

I think the FJR looks cool and the ST looks stupid.

I think the FJR is Fast and the ST is not as fast

I think the ST handles ok, and the FJR handles better

I think I feel cooler on an FJR and like a wannabe on the ST.

I........um, maybe we ought figure out what You think ;-)

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Look on st.n sport-touring.net. The comaprison has been done numerous times. Most say the Honda ST does everything Ok, but lacks soul. FJR more power on tap, a little lighter, and more sport (spirit) in the ride. Good Luck! TJ ;)

In the "good ole days" I owned four Hondas, and currenly ride a Vulcan 750. My Good??? friend Eddie allowed me to ride his FJR, after an hour in the saddle I rode to the local Yamaha shop and ordered one. All my Honda's where great bikes with excellent manners, and all where totaly trouble free. The thing is the FJR is all that plus if you twist it's tail real hard it will rip your balls off and stomp on them. I guess I'm a really sick person

Personally, the only upside that I can see to the ST it that the cops around here ride them. So, perhaps if I had a blue ST and a sort of cop-like helmet, the cagers would be more likely to get out of my way. :D

Of course, that same logic would have me riding a Hardley which, while there is nothing inherently wrong with them, are not my cup of joe.



BTW - I think that the trip computer on the ST is cool but the mirrors are so low that they must be useless. Also, the ST without bags looks like a scooter, IMHO. From what I can see, Yamaha took a great bike and made it even better for '06.

I have ridden both and prefer the FJR. I think it handles better and is probably a little quicker. I think the ST offers a little more weather protection if that is important but for a few bucks you can improve that on the FJR. I have also had a K12GT and again prefer the FJR although it lacks the creature comforts of the K12GT but again all those things can be added. If you can get the 11/05 issue of Cycle World there is a comparison article on sport tourers and the FJR wins that as well and the writers are probably less biased than you'll find here.

Found this wonderful forum today and just wanted to say hello and ask a simple question
I don't think that choosing between an ST1300 and a FJR1300 is a simple question but it can best be answered by how you intend to use your new bike. What kind of riding do you intend to do? Cross country or day rides? One hundred mile days or 500 hundred mile days? What kind of roads do you normally ride on and do you favor performance or comfort. Do you like to ride like a sport bike rider now and then? Are you going to be riding solo or with a passenger? If the latter, how big are you and your passenger? Tell us a bit more about what you want.

I agree with MCRIDER007. Your selection depends on your riding style and whether you ride solo or with a pillion (passenger). Tell us a little more about those topics and I'm sure you'll get lots of comments.

I have ridden both the ST anf FJR many times. I have had 3 Goldwings and now ride a Bandit 1200S.

I would say the ST is more comfortable than the FJR & has better wind protection but that's about it as far as what the ST has over the FJR.

The FJR is faster, is a better handler and has more "soul". Not to say the FJR is not comfortable but I did ride the 2004 and 2005 and this is what my comparison is based on relative to the 2004 and 2005 ST's.

The way I would like to have the FJR improved is better protection form the fairing/shield and less heat coming up from the engine. They say the 2006's will have these improvements.

I would say the best thing to do is to ride the FJR. Americade Rally in June will have them for Demo.

My pic is the FJR.

Good Luck!!

I haven't been on the ST, so maybe I shouldn't comment. Came to the FJR from the Honda 750, after a LOT of reading from LOTS of different sources. Bought the FJR "sight unseen" and could not be happier. From what I can gather, its more "sporting" than "touring" than the ST is. All I know is that I love it, be it a 15 minute excursion or a 8 hour excursion. Can't get the smile off my face!

Also, needless to say, you have all of these FJR Forum brethern to converse with at any time !! :D That alone is worth the price of admission! ;) Good luck with your decision, and happy riding. Jay

On an un-named site, one of the regular contributor wanted an FJR but was concerned about the heat. Apetoid bought an ST1300 and got rid of it in a month because of the heat, went and bought a used ST1100. He now has an FJR on order because of the changes Yamaha has made concerning the radiated heat from the engine. IMO, the engineers have done a great thing in changing the fairings for wind management.

I've ridden with owners of ST1300's. We have no need to get into "discussions" about the merits of each bike. At 58 yrs. of age, I bought the bike that makes my heart go "pitty-pat". I still look in the garage and grin.....and yes, I am a little mad (crazy).

By all means, read the comparisons others have posted here. Then buy the bike you want.If you ride with a pillion, you will have to sit on one, 2-up, to decide her comfort. Most of the riders in Norcal are "couples" and they all do fine. Since you've been on a Magna, a fairing-type bike will be a new world to you. I would definitely seek out owners from your area so that you can get "up close and personal" with a bike. Of course, the 3 earlier editions are not like the '06, but will be close enough for comparisons. I'd try and find ST owners in your area and do the same.

That being said, I ordered my FJR never having seen or sat on one, and I've never looked back.

I am 52 ,, and I looked at everything on this and other threads while on the search for a new bike ,, BMW ,, Honda ,, Aprillia ,, Moto Guzzi ,, Triumph ,, Ducati

all have their merrits ,, the FJR just puts everything together in a package that is not only tech advanced but it is also smooth in any situation ,, commuting ,, long distance ,, touring the back roads and twistys ,, with as much grunt as you can handle with out the bags or loaded down with weeks of travel gear ,, all wraped into one of the most eye apealing packages you would ever want ,, I am looking forward to putting 100,000 miles on my Blue Beast ,, I have put on 10,000 miles since May ,, not as much as some ,, more than others ,,

I just love this bike !!!!!

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I looked at the ST, BMW, Ducati, Goldwing and my final bike is my FJR. If your leaning towards true touring, then go with a Plush Goldwing, but on the oppisite scale towards sport, you can't buy a better bike. I switched from cruiser to sports touring, and even though my friends all envy how much fun I have on my bike through the curves and down the straights, they rather ride slow straight and loud. At my age, I have to have alittle more adrenalin, get the FJR, you'll get a better rush.

If your leaning towards true touring, then go with a Plush Goldwing
That's exactly what I was going to recommend. If you were leaning towards the ST1300 because you intend to do more Touring or two-up type riding you might as well skip that bike altogether and go for a Gold Wing. The ST doesn't exceed the FJR in those areas enough to justify picking it over the FJR. The FJR has many more points in it's favor and it's a much more balanced bike with respect to Touring/Sport characteristics. The FJR is a decent long-distance bike but will definitely satisfy most in the curvy stuff. In addition - with or without bags - I think it looks much better than the ST.

I have a buddy with an ST and he likes switching bikes with me every chance he gets.

I would guess that the choices for most on this board came down to choosing between the FJR and ST. The FJR is less money but even if you would have swapped the price tags I would have picked this bike. It's excellent! ;)

I say buy the fjr take the money you saved and treat your wife to a nice surprise. than everyone is a winner and a very happy wife . :D :clap: :rolleyes:

I never could get the Honda ST1300 to do this!


or this!


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I don't know jack about the ST, but my FJR is "Flippin Sweet".Mark
Nope, this is the place for a completely unbiased and impartial comparison between the FJR and, um, that other one that looks like a whale. ;)
