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Fair and balance just like FOX news, looks at all the Sport tour bikes, all are good just find one that fits how you ride. I got one of the first ST1300's before the FJR came out now looking for my next bike. May go to the new FJR just don't like how Yamaha sells them. Also like the new GT1200 BMW lots of $$ but what the hell.

How you ride will make more difference on how fast your bike will go than the bike. Had an old friend on a K1000 with his wife on the back he out run the sport bikes (he does have a silver metal from the ISDT) on another ride I took over the Sierras a few years saw two croch rocket riders looking at a good friends HD low boy and wondering why they could not keep up, They did not know who Chris Carr was.

Best bang for the $ KAW Concourse if you don't mine riding a decades old bike

Best for SPORT tour FJR

Best for TOUR sport ST1300 and longer warranty.

Least bang for $$ GT1200 but loaded with stuff.

Never rode an ST, but have pulled away from one pretty easily. :D

Don't get me wrong -- I like Hondas. I've owned all 4 Japanese makers' inline 4s (900cc and bigger) over the years, so maybe I just like an inline 4. Of the 4 makers, IMO, Honda and Yamaha are at the top of the list in terms of fit, finish, and reliability.

I LOVE my Honda Blackbird, but if I had to have just one bike, it'd be the FJR. It may not be quite the tourer the ST 1300 is, not as fast or sporty as the Blackbird (and isn't as good at the extreme ends of the spectrum like a Goldwing or Liter sport bike), but it is THE BEST compromise for giving you a sporty ride, a really enjoyable tourer, a good two up bike and just a generally enjoyable bike to do anything or go anywhere on.

So I'm prejudiced -- I'd go for the FJR over the ST any day, but you may have different preferences in your riding.

I rode both before buying my FJR. The ST is IMHO an ugly bike and the motor sounds like a large sewing machine. The ST windscreen was better, I'll give it that. But it turns like a pig. And there is no way in hell you can read the LCD gage on a sunny day.

I know looks don't matter much, but when I took my wife down to look/ride both bikes, she took one look at me on the ST and said "that bike makes you look like an old man".

And yeah, the ST looks friggin goofy with the bags off and one feature I really like about the FJR is taking the bags off and REALLY riding it!

I've owned both: an '03 FJR, later an '04 STzzzzzzz. Actually they are both very comfortable, high speed, long range bikes. However, of the 2 I prefer the FJR which is why I've had a new '06 "A" on order since Sept 28.

I got rid of my '03 because of heat issues: she was very warm if the air temps were in the 70s, just plain HOT if in 80s, above 90 I didn't bother. My ZX12R kicked out more ponies at the rear wheel than the FJR had at the crank but was still fine in 90+ temps...hhmmm. My Stzzzz was acceptable on a week long trip down into Alabama with ambient temps in the low 90s all that week. Both bikes had bar risers and aftermarket saddles; to me they were about equal in comfort...if the temps (FJR) were low enough. OTOH my Stzzz always sounded like a teakettle about to boil over! Stupid sound for a big, fast motorcycle...heck for any motorcycle! My Honda Cub 50 (yes I still have one, with 256 miles on her..) sounds better than the STzzz did. The FJR, once dialed in, definately felt more agile than my STzzz. BTW, both bikes had Bridgestones which are significantly better than the Dummlops that the bikes can come with.

As others have said the FJR is definately faster and has more "character", relatively speaking. Assuming the '06 has resolved the heat issues it should prove to be a FUNtastic all around motorcycle...plus it happily burns regular, not premium like the STzzz requires. Given how gas prices flew up by over 20 cents a gallon yesterday that is a consideration about these bikes. Also the FJR did get slightly better mpg on regular compared to my STzzzz.

Both bikes are very good; perhaps the Honda is just to good...kinda blaah because of it, but if you like vanilla??? Now where the heck is March...and my new FJR??! DFO ;)

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I was a die hard Honda person, but daydreamed about my FJR. From the first day I rode it, I've never looked back at any Honda.

Your best bet is to ride an '06 FJR before buying. If the '06 has solved the heat issues, you'll learn it is the perfect bike.

Everyone knows I have extracted and expounded the worse points of FJR ownership down everyone's throats here.......I have also done the same in the BMW chat rooms.....although they take criticism much worse.....as it's obvious that when there are 25 currently in a chat room and most are in the Tech topics looking for ways to fix their bikes something is wrong...........just don't bring it up to those BMW dudes as they like to play like everything with their $20,000 hunks of steel ...although 20% of the BMWs failed to complete the IRON BUT as a Honda ST1300 won the damn thing as the BMW leading after 4 days dropped out due to transmissions failure, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,,,,sorry guys.....I think all the FJRs finished along with the STs too.......Speaks highly for rice burners....

But after listening to of this bickering, fighting and arguing why their bikes are the best,,,,being called an loser, downer, troll, etc........I have finally settled on an 06 FJRAE........there is nothing bad about this bike I can find.....NOTHING!!!!! And I have dug hard & deep....There appears to be NO EQUAL to this bike.....until Honda comes out with the 165 hp ST 1500 that is......but meanwhile you'll have the best bike out there..........and the Price......A FJR is cheaper than (4) 50 yr line tickets to the Rose Bowl.....t

The only thing you might want to add is a Russell seat on it and some high end shocks, that is, if your butt and your ride is that important to you…..otherwise, it comes out of the box ready to go….

First off, thanks to everybody for their objective or not so objective input. Nothing wrong with loyality to the model or brand. I try not to get hung up on which brand is better than the others as most of the likes and dislikes are rather subjective. Just give me a good realible and fun bike to ride at a decent price and I'm a happy camper. Since I've already riden the ST1300 the only thing left to do is find and ride an FJR, which I intend to do. Again thanks for the feedback and safe riding and happy new years to all.

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On an un-named  site, one of the regular contributor wanted an FJR but was concerned about the heat.  Apetoid bought an ST1300 and got rid of it in a month because of the heat, went and bought a used ST1100.  He now has an FJR on order because of the changes Yamaha has made concerning the radiated heat from the engine.  IMO, the engineers have done ....
Maybe I'm a bit odd.. BUT I've always thought anybody who complaints about heat coming out of a bike in the summer when you are actually sitting on top of an engine in 100F and 100% humidity should buy... a VESPA. I know. I've got one. No heat issues there. Forced air cooling on an enclosed engine compartment. Now, want heat? Try a 1992 Ducati 851! I've got one of those too. Come mid June I don't ride it but on Sunday mornings until weather cools in September. And when I do ride it on Sundays I get the hell out of dodge early in the morning before every dope on earth on their SUV japping on their cells get out to go to the mall. That way, i don't wait in traffic and my arse ain't toast! And anybody complaining about "air buffeting" should buy... a car. I've got one of those too. It's like bitching about getting out when it rains and getting WET !! WTF !!! Want dry? Stay indoors !!! Or.. ..you can just :russian: and put yourself out of your self-imposed missery...

There! My $0.02

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I haven't been on the ST, so maybe I shouldn't comment. Came to the FJR from the Honda 750, after a LOT of reading from LOTS of different sources. Bought the FJR "sight unseen" and could not be happier. From what I can gather, its more "sporting" than "touring" than the ST is. All I know is that I love it, be it a 15 minute excursion or a 8 hour excursion. Can't get the smile off my face!
+1 (coming from a Wing)

For what it may be worth I rode an ST1300 in August 2005, Chattanooga, Tn. My son and I were playing golf and a friend of his called us on a cell and ask if I would like to ride on his ST after golf, which I agreed to after about two miliseconds of thought. I rode the ST in golf garb, (shorts, golf shirt and tennis shoes, not the smartest thing I know) and a helmet. Rode for probably little over an hour or so through some slow traffic areas and then finally some hills and twisties. His friend also had a full dresser Harley which he rode in the lead due to knowing the terrain better than I. Never once did I consider the heat from the ST to be an issue. With my Honda Magna I would have probably had second degree shin burns. If the heat throw from the FJR is the same as or less than from the ST I don't see any big issues. And besides anyone with any sense knows enough to wear some long pants when riding. Not that I have any sense though. ;)

One thing I did notice about the ST, was the engine noise, kinda sounded like a turbine or a sewing machine as compared to my Magna. Not good or bad, just different.

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frayne, you just gots ta hear an FJR! Even better, youse needs to find a really, really friendly owner to let you ride one for about 10 minutes....that's all it will take (Then about 30 minutes for the grin to ease a bit). :D

Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated!

Someone in Ohio hook this man up, fer goodness sakes....

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Someone in Ohio hook this man up, fer goodness sakes....
Hey Frayne, I'm just down the road from you in Centerville (just south of Dayton). You can give me a call if you want and come check it out sometime. My cell is (937)572-2906.

I currently own and ride an 05 ST1300 (20k miles or so) and a 05 Yamaha FZ6 (5k miles or so). Never rode an FJR, just sat on them. With that said...

I purchased my 05 ST1300 in Feb 2005. At that time, 2 of the big reason I did not get the FJR was the heat issue supposedly being worse on the FJR than the ST and the valve ticking issues some FJR owners experienced. Coming from an '02 BMW 1150RT, the last thing I wanted was yet another bike that I had to worry about mechanically. The ST1300, from all accounts and so far in my experience, was/is very very solid mechanically. Again, coming from the 1150RT with "soul", the idea of having a solid dependable bike like the ST1300 was very appealing.

Since it was going to be my everyday ride and main source of transport, I was also concerned with weather protection. ST1300 seems to have the edge here.

How fast do you want to go? The ST1300's top speed is in the 150mph range, I'll never want to go that fast on the street, much less faster. Passing is a breeze as well, if done correctly.

For a big bike that is over 700lbs wet, the ST1300 handles pretty good...for a big heavy bike. That qualifier is why I ended up also getting the FZ6, which handles great and loves to eat up twisties. I wish the ST1300 wasn't quite so heavy, although it is balanced quite well with the V4 engine.

The ST1300 also has a more robust alternator than the FJR. At least it used to, anyone know if the 2006 FJR has a better Alt? It's nice not having to worry about draining the battery when adding on farkles, especially if you have any heated stuff or extra lights.

The riding position on the FJR is a little more aggressive than the ST1300. Although that can be adjusted with risers and other mods. I'm curious how easy it is to adjust the risers on the 06 FJR that has the built in 3-way adjustments?

The ST1300 engine growls quite nicely when hitting the throttle hard. The sound grows on you. I actually like quiet bikes, better on all day rides. I would never let how a bike sounded be a deciding factor, unless it was just way too loud. Can change the sound easily enough with pipes or slip-ons if you wanted.

I live in Tampa, Fl where it can get quite hot and muggy. Rode the ST1300 in 90F+ temps and 90%+ humidity many times. Was I hot? Of course! Drink plenty of fluids, air flow, evaporitive cooling, etc etc etc. So it is doable. That said...now that I have the FZ6, if it is dry and 70F or higher, I ride the Yamaha which is much cooler to ride in hot weather.

IMO, the ST1300 with bags looks better than the '05 FJR with bags. I never take the bags off, so could care less what they look like without bags. Not that the FJR looks bad, not at all, looks great with bags too. Just preferred how the ST1300 looked.

I have never, ever, never had a problem seeing the LCD on the dash. And I have ridden in all sorts of different lighting conditions. Maybe it is height dependent? I'm 6'2". Maybe it is 'cause I always wear sunglasses? I don't know, but I never did understand why people complained about the LCD brightness. I think at least a few of them didn't know you can adjust the brightness, it has 3 settings.

If you are coming from a cruiser V-Twin, then moving to a bike with a V-4 engine might be easier for you than to a bike with an Inline-4. Then again, maybe not...something to think about anyway.

You can wheelie the ST1300. Done a few power wheelies myself ;) Not like a sport bike of course. Truthfully though, if I lift the front wheel, I think of it as bad power management.




So, now you are probably wondering why I am looking at this board if I have an ST1300 already? The new FJR1300AE caught my eye. If that bike had been available when I was looking last February, I probably would have ended up on the FJR instead of the ST. Supposedly, the heat issues are resolved, as well as the ticking issues. If a used one crosses my path toward the end of '06 I may end up with one :) Depending of course on real life user reviews of the bike once they hit the showrooms.

Getting the FZ6 has inflamed my handling desires. I would love a touring bike that handled great, without having to tag on "for a big bike."

I hear everybody talk about the heat issue with the FJR, but in the winter that heat is a blessing. I ride with a couple less layers of clothing than my none FJR riding buddies; and in the summer, I can live with it. Beyond that, the FJR is just a great all round bike that doses out tons of fun.

As with most, my decision to buy the FJR was based on personal biases.

I liked the looks of the ST1300. It is very comfortable, but:

I was not thrilled moving from a 500 lb bike (540 filled with fuel), a ZRX1200, to a bike that was even heavier, the FJR. For me, weight was an issue. The ST 1300 weighs 80-100 lbs more than the FJR. I absolutely did not want to move into the Harley weight range. Sure the weight is not noticeable at speed, but how many time on even a day ride do we move the bike at low speeds - parking, getting out of the parking space, riding in traffic, making a U-turn. The more than 700 lb weight of the ST disqualified it for me.

I have not suffered from the FJR heat, even in traffic. Maybe that is because I ride in full gear, including protective pants. Oh, yes, I've felt it, but it was never an annoyance. Maybe it would be in South Florida, but certainly not in the Denver area. During my ride today up to about 9000 ft altitude, it was a blessed accoutrement.

Best Wishes on your choice,

