How do you “Long Distance” guys concentrate???

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A GPS is also nice to keep the mind occupied. When we did the Mission Impossible SS1K, Ian and Steve both had GPS units, I did not. Blindly following another bike isn't a very good way to stay alert....
Yeah that female voice telling you twenty times in 3 miles, with increasing amounts of panic, to get ready for that right turn, will keep you up too.

Bet if I find another level of menus I can get her to make orgasmic sounds when I execute the maneuver?

Maybe. if she laughs and says 'Is that all you got' it will keep you up longer?

Actually, I've never driven a bike more than 500 miles in one day, nor do I feel the slightest need to do so.

As Lau Tzu said, in rough translation with incorrect perspective, across boundaries of time, culture, ease of rapid motion, the joy of hitting a perfect sweeper at the ton, and language:

'A good traveler is not intent on the destination'. Of course. I'm not sure he would be down with my desire to avoid pain at all costs.

Another dietary hint to maintain alertness....

Eliminate any simple sugars.... no "sugar", dextrose, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, etc.... Foods using maltodextrin or honey as sweeteners are less likely to cause the sudden loss of energy and focus that many of the simple sugars can cause.

Lots of water and choose high protein foods like almonds, peanuts, tuna (relates to the whores mentioned earlier and also a serious post), etc... Caffeine, in the long run, is your enemy. So are guarine and taurine.

Simple sugars will enhance fatigue, especially about 2 hours after consumption. High protein foods are slower to break down and also reduce the spike in insulin. I'll have to dig up the "test taking diet" that, strangely, seems to work well to maintain clear thinking and a level of reality perception that is relatively constant.

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