How do you move a 600,000 pound transformer?

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I saw a show on TV where they were moving a house and had to go over a smaller median. Same sort of deal, but obviously a lot less weight. They just cranked on the thing slowly and the tires scrub around the turn eventually. To get over the uneven-ness of the median they had to jack the whole house up, then as each wheel came to the rise they adjusted it's individual hydraulic ram to let it up.

Just imagine the condition those roads will be in after a million pound truck rolls slowly down them. I wonder why they couldn't make it in a few pieces and do the final assembly on site.

Near the New Hampshire border the trailer will cross the median strip to the southbound lane of I-95 and exit at Route 107 in Seabrook.
Yessiree, Bob! You Betcha! It doesn't look as if the "dolly" axles have turning ability. I know housemovers now have steerable wheels on the dollys to rotate the houses, but the axles on this set-up looks like straight trailer axles. That means a lot of grunt work by the attending crews to maneuver this beast. Whooo-eeeee, baby! That's why they make the "really big bucks".......
The engineers have devised a diabolically clever way to turn the trailer -- lubricate the roads:


Same setup moved one from train station in Glasgow Mt to Fort Peck Dam. Bout 21 miles. They also learned a little some thing about alkali soil. Took them 7 days to get it moving again.

I'll bet 3 mph max! How in the world do you stop something like that.
The Airbus A380 and both of the Russian heavy-lift aircraft (AN-125 and AN-225) weigh as much or more and can stop in 8000 feet from a speed of 140 knots (~160mph)! It can be done.

That move is pretty impressive though considering the A380 costs 2000 times more than the tractor and trailor combined.

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