How fast is this bike anyway?

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That was an indicated speed on my bike, but even allowing for a 10% deviation in the speedo's acurracy, its still over 160 MPH! Got nothing to gain by spinning yarns about shite to anyone - it happened, I did it, and know I could do it again if required.
I don't know how you compute indicated speed vs actual speed but if the indicated speed was 172 mph and you had a 10 percent speedometer "deviation", then the actual speed would be 155 mph, not "still over 160 MPH".

125 in a Camry probably feels like imminent death, but the same speed in an Enzo probably feels like school zone speeds.
I've been over 100 in a stock V6 Camry, and it felt alright. You know, I don't want to run the grocery-getter that hard every day, but it wasn't "God oh God I'm gonna die"

I've had my feejer between 115 and 120, and that was all I wanted. It still had more to go for sure, just not with me on it.
With a little extra tin around me, the higher speeds are easier to take. The WRX did 120 mph for many a contiguous mile on the way home from buying it (out of state) and that was while keeping it below the break-in 4k rpms. ;)

Now go back and check my '03 FJR that's not cracked that speed yet.

That was an indicated speed on my bike, but even allowing for a 10% deviation in the speedo's acurracy, its still over 160 MPH! Got nothing to gain by spinning yarns about shite to anyone - it happened, I did it, and know I could do it again if required.
I don't know how you compute indicated speed vs actual speed but if the indicated speed was 172 mph and you had a 10 percent speedometer "deviation", then the actual speed would be 155 mph, not "still over 160 MPH".
You can't accurately calculate actual as a function of indicated (or vise versa) for a given bike until after it's been actually clocked at various speeds in various gears and a direct corelation between that bike's indicated and actual speeds can be made. There are too many minor variables that come into play otherwise.

Some generalities can be made based on a large enough sampling of "all FJRs running brand xyz tires" so that, if you're also running the same tires, you can assume that your variance between actual and indicated will be "about the same" and it will work for most real-world street use.

It's like, "Most GL1500s with Dungflop Elite II tires run about -10% actual on their indicated speed". That will work for most purposes and be valid but it took some comparisons between indicated and measured actual speeds to get to that point. And, in this example, the faster you go the greater the different between indicated speed and actual speed.

My experience with GPS and indicated speed on my FJR (running both Pilot Road and ST45/46 tires) is that the variance is much closer than for Hondas. Perhaps -5% but I can't say that with any level of certainty.

Sorry, stock FJR will NOT do a true or actual 172 mph.


Unless its on its way down from a really tall cliff.

I call foul on that claim.

I was going down a major highway in Dallas the other night when a group of motorcycles passed me, all doing wheelies going well over 100 mph!! Not that I ever would even dream of riding like that, but could you with ease?
Could I keep up with a Suziki GSX 1000 or a Kawasaki Nija if I wanted to on an FJR?
An 05 GSX R1000 will do a power wheelie at over 100 mph without breaking a sweat. Those bikes also have from 35-45 or so more hp than the FJR. They also weigh a good 100lbs less.

So the quick answer is: Ya dunnot hava chance. :lol: :lol:


Montreal, Canada

Gerbing Heated JACKET LINER Review


To add my mph worth.

140 mph indicated on a garmin V (143 on speedo)

2-up, fully loaded side & top cases, shield up. solid as a rock.

Would have loved to try again without the weight, but we were on a schedule.

Deb was giving me the "thumbs up" with one hand, and holding her helmet down with the other :lol:

Sorry, stock FJR will NOT do a true or actual 172 mph.

Unless its on its way down from a really tall cliff.

I call foul on that claim.

It won't even make it falling off a cliff. :D

Maybe i am the ONLY one who believes the speedo's on the FJR is accurate within 2-3%? Mine is really close according to the radar trap signs in my area.

The bike mags I read before buying my 04' said top speed 156 MPH.

This should be close to the average. With production variations I could believe max speed of individual FJRs to be from 152-162 MPH.

My speedo has shown 125 MPH with the GPS showing 123 MPH. I usally have the factory trunk on my bike and it gets squirrly over an indicated 127 MPH solo with the trunk on so I try to keep it under an indicated 125 MPH but I have seen an indicated 145 MPH (with out the trunk) on the speedo and she was still pulling strong.

I could beleve an indicated 172 MPH with a fast FJR (~162 MPH acual speed) that has a speedo that reads faster than most.

Just my 2 cents!.

Maybe i am the ONLY one who believes the speedo's on the FJR is accurate within 2-3%? Mine is really close according to the radar trap signs in my area.

Yup, my GPS consistantly reports my true speed is about 2mph less than speedo indication in the double digit range, and about 3mph off in the triple digit range.


Still pulling when I decided that was fast enough. Solo, no bags, topbox, larger screen down. 238kph = 149mph.

Private road ;)

[SIZE=21pt]oh yeah! [/SIZE]

What does it matter? The bike is powerful enough, quick enough and fast enough to get you a ticket you can't afford.

Let's see:

wheelies=exhibition of speed

150+ mph (double or triple the posted limit)=wreckless driving

0-60 in 3 seconds=whatever the officer wants to categorize it

Summation: You is goin' ta jail. The graybar motel. You is gonna have yer bike impounded or confiscated. You is gonna be tol' by da judge you is a baaaad person, a miscreant, a criminal who has abused your right to operate a motor vehicle with intent and malice. Yer sum kinda deviant! You is not gonna like the fine and/or the jail time.

You is gonna haf ta lern ta control the right-handed twisty thing. Trust those who have gone before and posted the results, with pictures. "Smile, Mr. Office. I is gunna take yer pitcher en post it on the FJR Forum so all my buddies kin see whut I did wrong."

Or, you can go your own way!?!?!?

[SIZE=8pt]Of course, I'd never do any of the above on the public roadways. I always use my own personal private test track. Yessiree, Bob, you betcha! That's why I can't keep up with Mr. Smooth, TWN, Toecutter, et al. [/SIZE]

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For those of you who decide to advance past redline in top gear -- aren't you at some point going to hit the rev limiter? I've hit that a couple of times but not in 5th. I'm not sure I would want to experience it in 5th either -- 2nd gear is scary enough.

Exactly where does that rev limiter hit anyway?

[SIZE=8pt]Of course, I'd never do any of the above on the public roadways.  I always use my own personal private test track.  Yessiree, Bob, you betcha!  That's why I can't keep up with Mr. Smooth, TWN, Toecutter, et al.  [/SIZE]
Well, I have to say it is an honor (of dubious distinction) to be tossed in with that group of hooligans. I'm slow compared to some of us though. (Exskibum, OjaiRoy, etc...)

Wow, all the Preachin' about the hooliganism of taking the beast to max speed.

Now, just what kind of power does this beast produce. If you don't want to use most or all of it sometimes, why the heck have one. And BTW, just how reckless and unsafe are we being anyway, just riding arround surrounded by CLUELESS cagers on cell phones????? I don't know about the rest of you, but I ride my FJR W/O a seat belt and no airbag. And if I get into the slightest fenderbender with ANY cager at any street legal speed, I will probably lose the battle. How careless are any of us, riding the roads when we may suddenly be faced with oil spread on the next turn, or any number of hazards to the MC that are non events for cages. Not to mention losing focus for a few seconds and running off the side of a road, the list goes on and on.

It was dangerous getting flung off Carriers and trapping aboard, but it was sure living LIFE!!

Anyhow, just ride witihin your limits and don't endanger anybody else.

As Dirty Harry said....."A man has got to know his limits"

P.S. Never stopped or ticketed while operating a motorcycle. But, yes I have deserved many times to have that happen.

According to my formula there must be something terribly wrong with all your

big nice plush FJRs.

I calculated the weight of my old XS650 twin with king/queen seat, buckhorn bars,

quarter smoke fairing, megaphones and high test... top recorded speed

(out in front of a group of 80s Harleys, until they went to 4th gear)

@ 112 give or take, corrected, 120+/- indicated.

Engine design exactly half the cc of the FJR, the top speed on your bike should be

at least ....let me see ...112+112+about 56 = 200 something or so. So what's up with letting off the throttle at 160???

And that proves little old choppers can be faster than big ol' modern comfy jet bikes. :blink:

I think! :fool:

If I can't have one yet I can at least pick on you who do. :haha:

Note: An XS650 is a Yamaha, for all you youngsters out there. :clap:

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@ 112 give or take, corrected, 120+/- indicated.
Engine design exactly half the cc of the FJR, the top speed on your bike should be

at least ....let me see ...112+112+about 56 = 200 something or so. So what's up with letting off the throttle at 160???
Yea, but how long did it take you to reach that speed? Yawn!
