How fast is this bike anyway?

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@ 112 give or take, corrected, 120+/- indicated.
Engine design exactly half the cc of the FJR, the top speed on your bike should be

at least ....let me see ...112+112+about 56 = 200 something or so. So what's up with letting off the throttle at 160???
Yea, but how long did it take you to reach that speed? Yawn!
Heck, thats nothing.

In the early 70's one of the MC magazines tested a bone stock Honda 90 with a top speed of something like 130 and a stopping distance of less than one foot from that speed. <_<

So what if they dropped it from a helicopter to get those numbers? It was their test and they could set any conditions they wanted, right? :blink:

And the photo of the 90 splattered in the desert sand was priceless. :p

An 05 GSX R1000 will do a power wheelie at over 100 mph without breaking a sweat. Those bikes also have from 35-45 or so more hp than the FJR. They also weigh a good 100lbs less.
So the quick answer is: Ya dunnot hava chance.  :lol:   :lol:


Montreal, Canada

Gerbing Heated JACKET LINER Review

Actually, it's 200 lbs less! I took my FJR to the scales at a sand and gravel place near my work...650 lbs with bags on, tank full, and (heavy) Corbin seat with backrest. My R1 on the same scale with a full tank of fuel...446 lbs.

If you want speed get the Hayabusa or the Kawasaki 1400 with about 170 plus hp controlled wheelies at 100 plus mph not happening the wheel base is too long like the FJR but you can go very fast rock solid steady. If you like wheelies at speed get the Suzuki 1000 short wheel base good power about 155 hp. If like to go fast, be comfortable, go home with out any back pain or wrist ailments then get the FJR and you can still pop your wheelies up to about 60 mph, ride two up at 130 mph and chew gum at the same time.



According to my formula there must be something terribly wrong with all your
big nice plush FJRs.

I calculated the weight of my old XS650 twin with king/queen seat, buckhorn bars,

quarter smoke fairing, megaphones and high test... top recorded speed

(out in front of a group of 80s Harleys, until they went to 4th gear)

@ 112 give or take, corrected, 120+/- indicated.

Engine design exactly half the cc of the FJR, the top speed on your bike should be

at least ....let me see ...112+112+about 56 = 200 something or so. So what's up with letting off the throttle at 160???

And that proves little old choppers can be faster than big ol' modern comfy jet bikes. :blink:

I think! :fool:

If I can't have one yet I can at least pick on you who do. :haha:

Note: An XS650 is a Yamaha, for all you youngsters out there. :clap:
Well look here:


Lets see your old 650 do 1203 mph!

:p :bleh: :p :p :bleh: :p

@ 112 give or take, corrected, 120+/- indicated.
Engine design exactly half the cc of the FJR, the top speed on your bike should be

at least ....let me see ...112+112+about 56 = 200 something or so. So what's up with letting off the throttle at 160???
Yea, but how long did it take you to reach that speed? Yawn!
Well, given the fact that that was the early eighties and we had all day to ride, I'd say probably about a six pack! :dribble: :drinks:

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Curious about HP to weight ratio. I read somewhere that for every 7 lbs a “Pilot” lost, this would be = 1 hp power gain and vice versa. Anyone familiar with this formula or where it derived from? Makes me wonder what Kate Moss could do on the Feejer? LOL.

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Lighter pilot weights will have a minimal effect on top speed. It will help with acceleration but will be almost negligible on top end. Top speed is governed by frictions of the tires, drive train, etc. and drag (wind resistance). And to respond to the original question on how fast this bike is, my subjective answer is, fast enough to scare the bejesus out of me.

151 between the ECTA trap lights at Maxton

no bags, mirors, rear pegs, front signal lights, front fender,,

on Diablos

taped and safety wired

I needed a new racing suit after!!!!!!!

And that, gentlemen, is that! That's a documented run at a sanctioned track. No GPS, no speedometer. Certified timer on an off-road course.

Good job, by the way. That's not too bad for a fat girl.

(The bike, not you.) :D

Is it a ticker now?

Was it a ticker before?

What weight oil was in it?

What tires were on it?

What were the air pressures?

What kind of gas was in it?

Did she have a helmet on?

What brand was it?

Was she acting like a poser after the run was over?

Alright ...I quit. I'm going home now. :beee:

Oh! Wait, I forgot ! What color was the bike?

That is the most important thing, you know?

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To put it completely OUT of perspective, the FJR will outrun a Cessna 120...pretty close to flying on the ground.

"outrun a Cessna 120???" A Honda Trail 90 could outrun a Cessna 120!

Acutally a Cessna 120 tops out at about 110mph, (I owned one). If an FJR can't go way faster than that, it's only got two spark plugs in it! :D

To put it completely OUT of perspective, the FJR will outrun a Cessna 120...pretty close to flying on the ground.
"outrun a Cessna 120???"  A Honda Trail 90 could outrun a Cessna 120!

Acutally a Cessna 120 tops out at about 110mph, (I owned one).  If an FJR can't go way faster than that, it's only got two spark plugs in it! :D

When I said it, it sounded "wowfabgroovy". When someone who owned a Cessna concurs, it's like "Christ what a stone the Cessna big deal."

Thanks fer nuttin. :(

Radio, If you had said Cessna Citation you would have made your point. Cessna Citation has a cruise of over 400 mph. You just chose the wrong Cessna.

A good Cessna 182 will top out at about 161, that also would have been a good comparison.

I now have a Cessan 182, and would rather ride an FJR than fly the Cessan.

But the Cessna can go back in the Mts. where even the Honda 90 can't get!

Sorry if I ruined your day. But hay, that's half the fun of being alive. :haha:

I love being popular! :D

That being said, I am sorry if I ruined your day. :cry:

Please let me be your friend. :drinks:

Please let me be your friend. :drinks:
Sniff...sniff... :cry: ...okay, I guess, but only if you call me "Howie". "Radio" is what I do, not who I am. "RH" will suffice just fine, too.

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Please let me be your friend. :drinks:
Sniff...sniff... :cry: ...okay, I guess, but only if you call me "Howie". "Radio" is what I do, not who I am. "RH" will suffice just fine, too.
"JOHNSON! Oh, you doesn't has to call me Johnson. You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, or you can call me Johnny, or you can call me Sonny, or you can call me RayJay, or you can call me RJ, or you can call me RJJ or you can call me RJJ Jr., but you doesn't has to call me Johnson!" - Bill Saluga, as performed on The Redd Foxx Show (1977 - 78).
