How is the road to Bella Coola, BC??

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Oct 15, 2006
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Walla Walla, WA
I am planning a B.C. ride for this coming summer.

The ride on hwy 20 from Williams Lake to Bella Coola looks like a beautiful route coupled with a spectacular ferry ride to Port Hardy.

The big question is the quality of the road to Bella Coola.

Is is a road that the FJR can easily handle? I'm up for some gravel, but not too much.

Anyone ridden this road?



Last time I took the ferry north from Port Hardy, the stop in Bella was not vehicle friendly. They picked up and dropped off people (and a couple kayaks), but I am not sure the ferry can dock there in a manner that allows the loading of vehicles.

Although, since they sank a BC Ferry not too long ago and had to replace the vessel, this may all be different.

Here is a rating of the road. I have not been on it myself in recent years. Used to be a goat path, and a bumpy one at that!

Destination Highways

You may want to pose your question at ADVrider???

The BC Ferries page says the ferry from Bella Coola now accepts all manner of vehicles, but start saving up - it's CDN$150 per person plus CDN$153 for the motorcycle. At today's exchange rate, that's US$250 for rider and bike. The Wednesday and Friday ferries make stops along the way and take just under 24 hours from Bella Coola to Port Hardy. The Monday ferry is non-stop for 13 hours.

I found this fun quote about BC-20:

The road is winding, in some places only wide enough for one vehicle, and in many places bordered on one side by cliffs and on the other side by a drop of hundreds of meters (many hundreds of feet) unprotected by guardrails. Tourists who have driven to Bella Coola from Williams Lake have been known to refuse to drive back and have had to be taken out by boat or float plane

I found this fun quote about BC-20:

The road is winding, in some places only wide enough for one vehicle, and in many places bordered on one side by cliffs and on the other side by a drop of hundreds of meters (many hundreds of feet) unprotected by guardrails. Tourists who have driven to Bella Coola from Williams Lake have been known to refuse to drive back and have had to be taken out by boat or float plane

That quote is accurate. My aunt and uncle took that road a couple years ago in their car. I have never heard that kinda language out of a tiny german woman before...*L*. She was almost a fly out candidate, but endured, cursing my uncle out for....hmmm...ummm

Well, I think she hasn't let him forget it yet...*L*

The ride on hwy 20 from Williams Lake to Bella Coola looks like a beautiful route coupled with a spectacular ferry ride to Port Hardy.The big question is the quality of the road to Bella Coola.

Is is a road that the FJR can easily handle? I'm up for some gravel, but not too much.
I rode to Bella Coola in 2005 on a V-Strom. It is a pretty good paved road except for a 40 mile dirt section west of Anahim Lake that includes the "Hill". You would not have any problems riding the dirt section with an FJR when the road is dry, a wet road might be a bit of a challenge. If you are going to take the ferry than I recommend you take the ferry to Bella Coola and then ride east to Lake Williams, the "Hill" is much more fun when you are going uphill.

I rode to Bella Coola in 2005 on a V-Strom. It is a pretty good paved road except for a 40 mile dirt section west of Anahim Lake that includes the "Hill". You would not have any problems riding the dirt section with an FJR when the road is dry, a wet road might be a bit of a challenge. If you are going to take the ferry than I recommend you take the ferry to Bella Coola and then ride east to Lake Williams, the "Hill" is much more fun when you are going uphill.

Good tip on going west to east.

Sounds like an adventure.

I have a very good friend who lives in Williams Lake and drives to Bella Coola regularly to fish. I sent him an e-mail to find out about the most recent road conditions. Years ago we used to go to Chilko Lake and points west and the roads were all gravel. It was paved to Alexis Creek but gravel beyond that point. I know it is paved now but am not sure if it is asphalt all the way to the coast. Rich

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I have a very good friend who lives in Williams Lake and drives to Bella Coola regularly to fish. I sent him an e-mail to find out about the most recent road conditions. Years ago we used to go to Chilko Lake and points west and the roads were all gravel. It was paved to Alexis Creek but gravel beyond that point. I know it is paved now but am not sure if it is asphalt all the way to the coast. Rich
Here is Rollie's reply....01-01-2009

Happy New Year Rich,

Excellent to "shitty" depending on weather conditions, dry - wet, of course my view may vary from their's. You don't want to loose your concentrtion, "savages", logging trucks, pot holes, gravel, cattle and wildlife, buttttttttt some of the most beautiful country anywhere on a nice day.

I am planning a B.C. ride for this coming summer.The ride on hwy 20 from Williams Lake to Bella Coola looks like a beautiful route coupled with a spectacular ferry ride to Port Hardy.

The big question is the quality of the road to Bella Coola.

Is is a road that the FJR can easily handle? I'm up for some gravel, but not too much.

Anyone ridden this road?


I've ridden down the switchbacks in a schoolbus. It's a thrill and I expect it will focus your mind wonderfully on a motorcycle!

I've ridden down the switchbacks in a schoolbus. It's a thrill and I expect it will concentrate your mind wonderfully on a motorcycle!

I rode that in May 2006 on a V Strom in a pretty good downpour. From the top of the park it drops at about 22% grade down a dirt road that was pretty tricky in the rain; tight steep corners and switchbacks forced serious concentration. :blink: Lots of sliding!! In the early evening I saw 9 black bears along the road the last 25 miles or so. ( I chose not to camp) The next morning I went back up it in sunshine and it was a breeze. It is worth the ride! And I would do it again if I were nearby. The high plateau out of Williams Lake was somewhat boring, but high speed.

Dated someone who had moved out there with her cop ex-husband. The moving company refused to drive down the hill and they were forced to shuttle their furniture, etc... down the hill in pickup trucks.

Was planning a trip out there on the FJR to visit some of her friends but we are no longer dating. I'd still like to go sometime for the experience.

Now I can answer my own question.

I rode The

Took the ferry from Port Hardy and rode from Bella Coola over to Williams Lake.

Conditions were excellent. Cool and dry.

It really was not a big deal. If you are somewhat used to riding on unpaved roads it is very much doable. There are washboards on the really steep hairpin corners, but otherwise the road was is better condition than what we expected. A guy on a Valkerie was commenting on how the FJR did well in the conditions.

My buddy took a video on the way up. We will get it added to the post later.

A very beautiful scenic ride.

If it was raining...the story would be much different......

Very pleased to have done it.

Off to Jasper tomorrow.

I rode The the ferry from Port Hardy and rode from Bella Coola over to Williams Lake.

Conditions were excellent. Cool and dry.

It really was not a big deal. If you are somewhat used to riding on unpaved roads it is very much doable. There are washboards on the really steep hairpin corners, but otherwise the road was is better condition than what we expected.

A very beautiful scenic ride.
Sounds like a fun trip, how did you like the ride to Port Hardy and the ferry trip to Bella Colla?

Sounds like a fun trip, how did you like the ride to Port Hardy and the ferry trip to Bella Colla?
The ferrry ride was very good. It rocked and rolled for about 2 hours in the open water, but not too bad. Weather was excellent. We saw eagles, humpback whales, orca, porpoise, and lots of jumping salmon. Pretty cool.

Sleeping in the comfy chairs was barely OK. Best would be to have a pad and sleep on the ground.

Food was surprisingly good but expensive.

Crew was extremely friendly and helpful. Many interesting passengers.

Ther ferry was maybe 1/3rd full. Thanks to the Canadian government for subsidising the route. :rolleyes:

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I was one of the folks who rode the hill with tumac mike. Here's a quick snap of tumac mike.


We gotta do another ride like this.

