How many miles so far this year in 2010

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Isabella is Lazarus
Dec 2, 2008
Reaction score
Metairie, LA suburb of Ole Nawlins'
22,197 to date



I've had the FJR for less than a month so I've only put about 800 miles on it so far this year.

I've put a little over 8,000 miles on my Harley Fatboy this year.

I've put right about 1,500 miles on my Road Star this year.

I'm in the DC area, so I often ride up until the middle of December. January and February are usually either too cold, or there is mucho salt on the road. I usually start back up in March.

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I'm hugely slacking in my mileage this year... although, I've officially rolled over riding my bike for over 70,000 miles of smiles (since August of '04). Well, I expect they weren't ALWAYS smiles.

Almost 28,000 miles so far this year. Not too bad for the frozen north. Probably have to put it to bed after 30,000. Riding season doesn't usually start until mid-April or so but I got out a few times before then because of an early spring.


The thread made it to NEPRT between the time I read it and hitting the "post" button for my reply. The forum couldn't find the thread but I knew where it would end out!

Edit: Apparently I am arithmetically challenged today - checked the math and I'm closer to 25,000 miles and I won't make 30,000 - maybe 28K.

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I crossed 9k for the year this past weekend (purchased bike at the end of January) and fully expect to bang out a few thousand more by Christmas. I'm slacking... :D

I should easily have 13000 kms, 8000 miles but the time I have to put the bike away for winter. Sadly it's already snowed in Calgary a few times. We put my wife's bike away already.


Why is this neprt?? This thread is about riding FJRs? It's not pointless...

It's not asking for a never ending opinion like oil or tires or gen 1 vs gen 2?

Why is this neprt?? This thread is about riding FJRs? It's not pointless...

It's not asking for a never ending opinion like oil or tires or gen 1 vs gen 2?
shit stirrer ;)

I thought I was asking a legitimate question...

...but if you don't care...that's fine with me if Iggy thinks your post is pointless.

Carry on.

Why is this neprt?? This thread is about riding FJRs? It's not pointless...

It's not asking for a never ending opinion like oil or tires or gen 1 vs gen 2?
shit stirrer ;)

I thought I was asking a legitimate question...

...but if you don't care...that's fine with me if Iggy thinks your post is pointless.

Carry on.
I'm in high sarcasm was a fair and balanced legitimate question :)

and how do we know it's an Iggyism...I've always wanted to suggest the admin has to sign or indicate his, ah, dirty deeds :p :yahoo:

Why is this neprt?? This thread is about riding FJRs? It's not pointless...

It's not asking for a never ending opinion like oil or tires or gen 1 vs gen 2?
Well, if most of the members reply to an open question, it could certainly be NeverEnding.

Probably gets asked a couple (or more) times a year so it is Recurring.

Whether or not its Pointless depends on the reader - I read it and replied.

I probably get as much enjoyment out of NEPRT's as out of any other sub-forum. I check it out regularly!


I'm up to 17,000 thought I was going to make it to 20,000 this year. I'll need to get in some good long rides on the weekends.

You guys have been using the wrong description for NEPRT - Never Ending Pointless RECLASSIFICATION of Threads <_<

Hell I am not quite sure. :blink: But I do know as of today I have over 31K on the ODO. :yahoo: Soooooooo iffen I average it out over three seasons my guess would be 11K before the end of the year. That equals one pair of PR2's every year for those that don't know how to do tire math. :lol:


Going on 11,000 miles since Frankenbike was year ago THIS WEEK! :yahoo:

Mileage, though, is now going on at a slower rate. I've worked a bunch of overtime to finance the needed repairs on my ZRX and am driving it every other day along with the FJR.

Gonna need tires for the ZRX 5th set of Pilot Powers are dunphur. Gonna switch to PR2s. (Hey, I made this a tire thread!)

30,000 miles on the 02 Rex -- can't hold a candle to the mileage I've racked up on the Feej -- 57,000 on the 04.
