How many significant others ride their own bike?

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My SO rides her own.

When we started dating, she had ridden on the back to Sturgis with prior boyfriends. I bought a VFR, she got on back, and decided to never ride on back again. So I got her a Magna V30. After a year, she traded up to a 1995 Magna. Then an SV650.

She saved her money and bought me an FJR ;-)

Now she's drooling over a Nite Rod.

Gotta go!

That don't sound good...You OK? :dntknw:
It's not good. It's *incredibly* bad as a matter of fact and no, I'm not good. :(

Her boyfriend in Boulder, CO called the cops on me on Saturday.... :(

Ouch. I can relate to that pain. I was separated for a year and we got back together. That was 12 years ago and the wounds are healed. The kids are thankful for it.

Recovery is possible. It does not help to soak yourself in young girls despite what the beer commercials would have you believe. Instead, friends and family are where you need to spend your time. And don't forget God, even if you are pissed at Him right now.

used to be a pillion s/o, then became a riding s/o, now...I'm not an s/o
+1 sorta... started out as pillion s/o but the gent moved outta state and it just seemed easier to get my own bike than a new s/o at the time... haven't looked back since. :)

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My SO rode a scooter 45-odd years ago, but never been on two wheels since. Does that count?

No S/O, but my youngest(30 some thing) daughter rides an EX500, for about a year now and loves it. First thing I do when I visit her is check the chicken stripes.

It does not help to soak yourself in young girls despite what the beer commercials would have you believe.
LOL No worries there. I have a face that scares off young girls... :)

Instead, friends and family are where you need to spend your time. And don't forget God, even if you are pissed at Him right now.
Thanks for that.

Wife went and got her license in a few years ago and rides a Honda Shadow 750. Although she is not up for real long rides, it makes for some very enjoyable weekend excursions up into Napa and over to the coast. I should also note that both kids have their own bikes and ride.

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Wife says, "Why don't we get a motorcycle?" She's very happy sitting on the back seat taking it all in. She also knows her limitations on balancing skills.


My SO's on the forum here somewhere...she rides a Kawasaki 650R, and won't let me touch it. She upgraded last season from a ninja 250, and we're just getting the 650R properly farkled for the long rides (comfort wasn't really an issue with it, but we had to add saddle bags, and it looks like we'll be adding the passenger grab handles so we have somewhere to hook bungies to...)

My wife Darlene, started off with an old Maxim 750 and now rides a Shadow 750. We do long distance touring together and as long as she has her tunes and CB she's happy with her ride.

S/O rides 2-up on long adventures, but will hopefully moving into her own in the future. Got her started on an KE100 about 3 years ago, and since has graduated to a Super Sherpa 250. Great bike, but it just wasn't quite up to the task of making our 6,000 mile trip to the west coast last year........ :rolleyes:


SO has a Suzuki GS500F. She is good for short trips at a very leisurely pace. It usually goes something like this: Wanna go for a ride? One bike or two? Then I plan the route from there. About half the time she just wants to ride on the back.

Yepper. The SO has her own machine a 2005 SV650 yellow color which she calls Lemon Drop (its yellow and she dropped it more than a few time when she first got it and she does like Lemon Drop cocktails!). She's been riding a few years and we love to go on trips togther. But- she's always complaining cause her bike is not set up well for long hauls like my feej is!!

I was hesitant to have her start riding - but now I love it!


My wife rides pillion with me on long rides. For local riding, she rides her 883 Sportster.

She took the MSF class almost two years ago and learned on a Virago 250. She plans on riding something "sportier" soon.

When my wife gets done with paramedic school she wants to take a class. She rides with me for shorter rides which I am suprised about after taking her out for only her second ride on a bike and ending up in this mess. Thats all hail, got to love later afternoon thunderstorms in Colorado.


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The wife is on the back of the FJR if it just looks like good weather. She is signed up for the ABATE motorcycle training class starting June 21st too. So maybe we will be bike shopping soon? :D

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My wife rides a Honda Rebel 250:


Mostly short rides near home, but she did ride it up to the UP of Michigan and back from our home in the Detroit area. She conquered the Mackinac Bridge.

We're saving up for her dream bike within the next couple years - a Victory Vegas 8-Ball:


AIW (Angelic Italian Wifey) likes to ride pillion, but health problems have put a kink <pun intended> into it for '09.

Had severe carpal tunnel in both hands/wrists which was fixed in Feb

Has a broken neck (cracked vertebrae at C4-5) and a broken back (wing broke off vertebrae floating around) which has stifled riding per doc's advice.

but I digress:

I met AIW in '85 at a singles church group when I stopped cruisin' the bars and started cruisin' the Bible Studies.

Group had 30 guys and 10 girls. I was riding a '83 Suzy GS550E and would ask all the girls if they'd like to take a ride as pillion. About half agreed, but after the first ride, never agreed to ride again with me.

AIW, as well, agreed for a ride (never been before and had to agree to never show or mention the bike to her Dad) on our 2nd "date" (First date anniv May 24, '85). Took her riding on Lakefront Drive with a few curves at speed limit of 35mph. Asked her how she was and answered was great and enjoying her ride immensely in the great weather. OK, took the interstate back at 65 or so and asked again how she was: great. Asked if you wanted to go home or keep riding. Keep Riding. Took her to River Road with 45 mph speed limit and lots of good curves. How are ya Amy Jo? Great, let's keep riding. Headed for the F. Edward Hebert big suspension bridge crossing the Miss River from Destrehan to Luling. Only went from River Road East Bank to River Road West Bank. Got on the on-ramp and slowly accelerated to 45 and made the clover leaf 270 degree curve to the bridge. Crossed the bridge to off ramp and to River Road on the other side. How ya doin'? Great, this is really an enjoyable experience. Geez, my eyebrows go up and I wonder. OK, let's head back across the bridge. OK, let's go, Mike.

Head to the S curved on ramp and accelerate to speed...hit 70 going over the bridge in the wind and have to lean into the wind at the apex of the bridge. Hear some noises coming from AIW. Can't interpret them as good or bad. Setup for the long, tight, decreasing radius off ramp which S turns to the right, doubles back under the edge of the bridge, and decrease radius curves left and straight to River Road. I'm haulin' from 65 to 55 leaned WAY over. Hear primal screams coming from my pillion. Immediately think I've blown it again and another female friend will never ride with me again.

As I slowed, then stopped at the red light at River Road, I turned to see the biggest smile on her face ever and she's giggling to uncontrolable laughter. I immediately get a cold, scary feelin' and think "Geez, I'm in real trouble now". Engaged 13 months later June 28, '86. Married Jan 31, '87 and still am.

Pillion riding worked out great for me.

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'
