How many States you've ridden in ?

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I think it may already be in my sig.


apparently not.

all but Alaska and Hawaii

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In 2005 I did a 48+ all 48 states and Alaska in less than 10 days. I did that on my old Honda Pacific Coast, riding the FJR now feels like cheating :lol:
I did the same in 2005, part of the MTF ride that year. All 48 plus Alaska, Canada, and Mexico. Still have the docs, maybe I should send them in... :unsure: Still have some of the northern Canadian provinces to cover, Yukon, Northwest, Nunavut, Newfoundland and Labrador.


hmmm...lemme think about this.....

My back yard in Ohio on my Rupp mini had two wheels...could probably count the ride up and down the street on my friend's Wombat.

bought the RD250 in Biloxi, MS rode it there and AL, LA

trucked the RD thru several states on my way home and to my next duty station but that doesn't count I think....

burnt valve in Barbarton, OH on the truck so rode the RD from OH to PA....

After fixing the truck and getting married in PA we trucked it thru several states to OK but those don't count either...

rode it in OK but the farthest ride there was 56 mile to Lawton for a Big Mac. (No McD's in Altus at the time!)

trucked it back to OH where it sat while I was in Germany for 2 years. Wish I had had that RD over there. Would have been a perfect size bike for buzzing around German back roads.

rode it in OH some but sold it the next bike, the 82 Virago, when I was in Memphis so add TN to the list...can add MS again, but the northern end of that state...and AL again for the Memphis Motorcycle Club anual camping trip at Pickwick lake.

Hauled the Virago up for vacation in OH and PA ...again not counting the states I trucked it thru....did ride it in KY when the spark plug blew out of the Taurus.

Also added the 84 Venture while I was in Memphis and did TN, MS and AL on it too...

much time later and not anywhere near enough riding I got the FJR and have done GA, NC, TN on it so far.....

so...lets see......add that... and that...carry the 1...divide by Pi...take the square root....

hmm...10 states....looks like I have some catching up to do...actually surprised I have that many.

Was fun thinking about this though...brought back some old memories of some really good times.


Don "BeemerDonS" Stanley States, Provinces and Countries Ridden by Motorcycle.

Canadian Provinces: All, except Northwest Territories and Newfoundland.

Estados de Mexico: All, except Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo.

United States: I have ridden all of them; except the South. And that is inexcusable, because having friends from the South, I know full well that the South is beautiful, with great motorcycle riding and wonderful people. I solemnly swear that I am going to ride through Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, North & South Carolina, Georgia and Florida before 2009 ends!

Foreign Countries: Guatemala, French Polynesia: Islands of Moorea, Tahiti and Bora Bora by scooter; Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales; Netherlands; Denmark; Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monte Carlo and Italy.

The two European countries that I have missed, and I must visit, are Andorra and Ireland. FJR friend, Stefano - Teerex51, here on is guiding me to Andorra in less than 60 days on his wonderful Pyrenees Trip.

Before they plant me I absolutely have to ride Ireland by motorcycle. We of the Stanley Clan originated in the village of Slane on the River Boyne. The battle between King James and King William was waged just 15 kilometers from Slane. Being Catholic, and on the losing side, most of the Stanley's emigrated to the far ends of the earth. The potato famine dispersed the rest.

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Not all on the FJR, but at least they're all ones I've ridden a motorcycle in. Looks like I need to pop into N. Dakota and then do a trip to the "other" coast.

Also done British Columbia and Alberta Canada.


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Well, I can't remember which states I haven't visited less than three or more times except Alaska, only been up there once, but taking my second trip to Alaska this June...can't wait. :yahoo: Also covered most Canadian Provinces.

On a bike:

Canada: ON, AB, BC, SK... all the rest except PEI by other means.

USA: so far just CA... nearly made it to NV once due to heat stroke and poor navigation....

Pretty much all of it on an '84 Nighthawk 650.

The FJR will see a good chunk of the map this summer, between NAFO, the EAA Convention in Oshkosh, visit to family in Ontario and Quebec and just tooling around for the hell of it.

Happy Trails!


I've been to 23 states... but only ridden in one... :cray:

I've got a goal for 12k miles this year... :hyper: Figure I've got the right bike to do it... :yahoo:

Only Minnesota, Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas on my bike. I've been passenger on bikes in Utah, Wyoming, Nevada and California.

But this summer, if all goes according to plan, I'll be adding New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona and possibly California to my list on my own bike.
