How much income do you need to retire?

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That was my conclusion.

1. How much would I make at x/100% of full retirement over the years I would collect that?

2. How much more would I make @ 100%?

3. How many years would I need to be retired at 100% for that difference to equal the amount collected @ x/100%?

The answer, for me, was 27 years. That's 27 years after the older retirement age not the earlier age. While optimistically, I hope to live to 95 - 100 year old, it really is an odds game. They are betting you don't and tempting you to stay longer, so they pay you less over all.

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I think that if a person is struggling to get by in retirement then serious consideration should be given to using crime to supplement one's income. Older folks are generally more patient and deliberate and therefore less likely to make silly mistakes. And, if you do get caught, then your financial and health care problems are solved. I think serial check kiting might hold some promise (not to be taken as a recommendation or as encouragement; not valid in New York, Texas or any other state with capital punishment; must be 65 to participate).

That was my conclusion.

1. How much would I make at x/100% of full retirement over the years I would collect that?
2. How much more would I make @ 100%?
3. How many years would I need to be retired at 100% for that difference to equal the amount collected @ x/100%?

The answer, for me, was 27 years. That's 27 years after the older retirement age not the earlier age. While optimistically, I hope to live to 95 - 100 year old, it really is an odds game. They are betting you don't and tempting you to stay longer, so they pay you less over all.

Thanks. That is the calculation that I still need to make.

Even if the break-point were only age 80, it's not like you'd have no income after that, just that you would have been slightly better off had you waited longer. With my family history for male longevity, I'm pretty unlikely to make it to 75.

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Male longevity......never mind.
Here in New England we have a lot of Minutemen.

The way things are going I won't be retired until they are putting me in a pine box.
As long as I have enough vacation time, I can deal with working until they lock the office doors and take my key away.

I still have to pay for the Euro trip, NZ trip, and others I plan on taking...

Give me a gun with lots of ammo, a warm climate, a tin roof hut and an outhouse and I will be happy.

That's all anyone needs.

Happy Friday folks,

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Give me a gun with lots of ammo, a warm climate, a tin roof hut and an outhouse and I will be happy.
That's all anyone needs.

Happy Friday folks,

You are in luck 08FJR4ME, I have a large spread in Western Arizona near the Colorado River that Papa Chuy Viejo might just be interested in selling! JSNS!

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Give me a gun with lots of ammo, a warm climate, a tin roof hut and an outhouse and I will be happy.
That's all anyone needs.

Happy Friday folks,

You are in luck 08FJR4ME, I have a large spread in Western Arizona near the Colorado River that Papa Chuy Viejo might just be interested in selling! JSNS!



Give me a gun with lots of ammo, a warm climate, a tin roof hut and an outhouse and I will be happy.
That's all anyone needs.

Happy Friday folks,

You are in luck 08FJR4ME, I have a large spread in Western Arizona near the Colorado River that Papa Chuy Viejo might just be interested in selling! JSNS!


The casa grande is a little much for my standards. I am looking for something with a little less upkeep.

But thanks, Dave

Give me a gun with lots of ammo, a warm climate, a tin roof hut and an outhouse and I will be happy.
That's all anyone needs.
Are you kidding me? You need gas and tahrs for your bike.

And beer isn't free (for the rest of you shlubs). It is for me as long as the boy works at the brewery.

That should be part of all of your retirement plans: Get your kid working at a brewery!

That was my conclusion.

1. How much would I make at x/100% of full retirement over the years I would collect that?

2. How much more would I make @ 100%?

3. How many years would I need to be retired at 100% for that difference to equal the amount collected @ x/100%?

The answer, for me, was 27 years. That's 27 years after the older retirement age not the earlier age. While optimistically, I hope to live to 95 - 100 year old, it really is an odds game. They are betting you don't and tempting you to stay longer, so they pay you less over all.

Thanks. That is the calculation that I still need to make.

Even if the break-point were only age 80, it's not like you'd have no income after that, just that you would have been slightly better off had you waited longer. With my family history for male longevity, I'm pretty unlikely to make it to 75.
Actually, the "break point" for me would have been 7 years after early retirement. The break EVEN point would have been 27 years after that.

____________--------------------------------------- vs _________________________________________________ (lower for longer)

early....................full retirement (how many years of this difference does it take to make up for the years earned during the early retirement.
