How much safety do you really give up with a Modular

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I ride with a flip up. I had the HJC but when it got to be 5 years old I got a new shoei .

If I had a crash I wouldn't want to say I go such a deal on a cheap helmet.

Go for one that fits so you will always wear it.

I've tried full face but too hard with glasses.

Get one that is confortable after your long rides.

Scorpion EXO-1000 is a flip helmet that is Snell approved...if that matters to anybody...personally I won't wear a Snell helmet...too hard and imparts too many g's at slow speeds. Oh, I believe only the small/medium size is officially Snell approved.
WebWorld Review of EXO-1000
Nope not the EXO 1000. It is not a flip.
yep, dunderhead moment:

I meant the EXO-900 -> webbikeworld article here...

Scorpion (propaganda !!!) web sight for EXO-900...

it's a flip, modular, or transformer helmet - the chin guard piece can be removed fully changing the helmet into a 3/4


whoops, sorry, I stand corrected <sigh>,

Mike in Nawlins

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Honestly NOT trying to act like I am a know-it-all here, but I cant help saying this: just because anyone has heard of one accident where the helmet performed correctly does not mean it is "safe". "Safe" of course, is a personal determination of risk, where obviously everyone on this forum has made the decision to take significant risk in riding a MC in the first place.

Anyway, science is science, and until a controlled study is conducted with a significant sample size of crash scenario's, we will not be able to quantify the safety of modulars over full face. Until then stories are just that, and we should put no weight on them for making our own decisions.


I use both a modular (HJC IS-MAX) and a full face (SHOEI RF1000). I use the modular only when I ride rallies and the convenience factor is a huge plus. However, for my every day riding, I rely on the full face for maximum protection. Although, I love my modular..... I believe it is a compromise in safety. Just my opinion..... but I am an "expert" on my own opinion!

Honestly NOT trying to act like I am a know-it-all here, but I cant help saying this: just because anyone has heard of one accident where the helmet performed correctly does not mean it is "safe". "Safe" of course, is a personal determination of risk, where obviously everyone on this forum has made the decision to take significant risk in riding a MC in the first place.
Anyway, science is science, and until a controlled study is conducted with a significant sample size of crash scenario's, we will not be able to quantify the safety of modulars over full face. Until then stories are just that, and we should put no weight on them for making our own decisions.

I agree. We should not forget the difference between data and opinions.

Still, I think the full face is safer because a one piece item should be stronger than one with a hinged connection. That's my opinion. My value system is that I want all the protection I can get for my head, so I have a full face helmet.


Okay! Finally after careful consideration of the board members input and weeks of shopping, I just ordered my helmet from Dennis Kirk...

Well as I was scouring the closeout section in Dennis Kirk, I came across this one.

Don't know how to paste pics yet. Need to keep studying the page for that.

Anyways, did some research and AGV seems to make solid helmet that fits the psychological mold in which I was searching.

Okay, it was the Huge discount thrill of buying a $300.00 helmet for $80.00 bucks that pushed me over the fence. Lot's of good reviews on youtube and in guest comments on various sites.

Chime in if you wear this particular brand; especially the 'Stealth' model.

Should arrive on Friday and I look forward to sharing my thoughts.

Darn near pulled the trigger on a Nolan N100 Classic *Modular, they had also; still may. Just did not meet my psychological specs...

Scorpion EXO-1000 is a flip helmet that is Snell approved...if that matters to anybody...personally I won't wear a Snell helmet...too hard and imparts too many g's at slow speeds. Oh, I believe only the small/medium size is officially Snell approved.
WebWorld Review of EXO-1000
Nope not the EXO 1000. It is not a flip.
yep, dunderhead moment:

I meant the EXO-900 -> webbikeworld article here...

Scorpion (propaganda !!!) web sight for EXO-900...

it's a flip, modular, or transformer helmet - the chin guard piece can be removed fully changing the helmet into a 3/4


whoops, sorry, I stand corrected <sigh>,

Mike in Nawlins
Both DOT and ECE certified. Not Snell.

can't tell from your pic, is that AGV Modular
No, it is full-face helmet. Webbikeworld reviewed it and have a short video clip.

As I said though, people comments are the best, found this one here:

very nice




Comfortable Padding

Fog Resistant

Good Visibility

kept my head safe




Best Uses

Everyday Rides


"I love the way it looked. I could ride with the visor open and it would pass the wind around my face but not too much in my eyes (I wear contacts) very nice. unfortunately after 4 days of riding with it someone hit me on my bike. I remember all of it even my head hitting the ground after I broke my shoulder but it didnt hurt my head at all!! no concusion at all. I love it"

Scorpion EXO-1000 is a flip helmet that is Snell approved...if that matters to anybody...personally I won't wear a Snell helmet...too hard and imparts too many g's at slow speeds. Oh, I believe only the small/medium size is officially Snell approved.
WebWorld Review of EXO-1000
Nope not the EXO 1000. It is not a flip.
yep, dunderhead moment:

I meant the EXO-900 -> webbikeworld article here...

Scorpion (propaganda !!!) web sight for EXO-900...

it's a flip, modular, or transformer helmet - the chin guard piece can be removed fully changing the helmet into a 3/4


whoops, sorry, I stand corrected <sigh>,

Mike in Nawlins
Both DOT and ECE certified. Not Snell.

Guessing Mikey is off his meds :p , am guessing he is thinking about this helmet:


I just went from modular to full face.

If I'm riding alone which is 95% it's a Shoei RF1000. When the wife want to go for a ride, or I'm riding with friends I wear a Nolan N102 modular for the convenience.

Other than the convenience of communication, the Shoei's a better helmet all around. Quieter, lighter, and more comfortable and secure, shades fit inside the helmet better, and air vents work much better.

As everyone knows, opinions are like . . . well, never mind. Just some thoughts: Snell has not tested ANY modulars. At least as of a short while ago, when I read a comprehensive article on the subject. So it is NOT that modulars cannot pass the Snell standards.

The article Patriot linked to--about how the author's friend crashed and he "thinks" the hinge of the helmet smacked him in the temple: first, did you SEE the bike?? It looked like it lay in the middle of the freeway and 200 cars--and trucks--ran over it after the crash. Anybody on that bike was damn lucky to survive. Period.

When I totaled my '05 last summer I was wearing a modular. My bike looked a hell of a lot better than the "friend's" in the article above, but my helmet was very scratched up. It definitely took some impact. Stayed closed, NO damage to the head.

I simply can't stand the enclosed, claustrophobic feeling inside a full-face. Bottom line. I'd choose a modular anyway. Good luck with your choice.

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I use the Nolan 102 and owned a KBC FFR before that and a full face Bell before that.... I had no fear of any of them. Everyone has some fear that others do not share, spiders, snakes, skydiving, riding motorcycles...

One person commented about hitting a solid object at speed. In the right or wrong conditions, however you wish to see it, it won't matter what you are wearing, your done. This kind of crash with that kind of helmet....I don't consider a Gold Wing rider wearing an open face helmet to be crazy. Is that would I would wear? No, that is just my personal preference. You can read all the articles about modular helmet's that failed in some way or fashion and compare that with the people who were hurt just as bad with a full face. The variables are far to great to calculate.

Some people will argue/debate about a modular or full face helmet, then go out and ride with no gloves or other protective gear to speak of. People will ride with what they are comfortable with and if, God forbid, something goes wrong, you hope that the protective measures you did take will be enough on that day.

If you are not sure you trust modular helmets and are going to spend your riding time worrying about it, then in my opinion you made the wrong choice.

Enjoy the ride, enjoy your life.

Some people will argue/debate about a modular or full face helmet, then go out and ride with no gloves or other protective gear to speak of. People will ride with what they are comfortable with and if, God forbid, something goes wrong, you hope that the protective measures you did take will be enough on that day.
The big difference is that you will live with scraped up hands, or a crushed foot, or whatever other safety gear you opt not to wear doesn't protect. But if you smack your melon without the right protection, well it's just game over, or worse.

My point is that there are many who were wearing the "right protection" and it did not save them, just like there were some wearing the wrong protection in some peoples eyes, and they were protected.

You have a quote in your signature that basically says just that.

"Long and short? You never know when you're number is up, but it's pre-programmed into the cosmos, so go knock your socks off and enjoy life. This is the only chance you got!" TWN - 04/03/06
People will make their choice based on what they want or like and that's it. You are afraid of modular helmets, we understand, many are not.

I won't ever be a sky diver...

Okay! Finally after careful consideration of the board members input and weeks of shopping, I just ordered my helmet from Dennis Kirk...Well as I was scouring the closeout section in Dennis Kirk, I came across this one.

Don't know how to paste pics yet. Need to keep studying the page for that.

Anyways, did some research and AGV seems to make solid helmet that fits the psychological mold in which I was searching.

I've been an AGV wearer for damn near 20 years now including my 10 years of motorcycle racing (that's an AGV in my avatar, as are the gloves, leathers, and boots). I currently own an AGV stealth. Re: AGV in notch protection! I've spiked the ground head-first on more than one occasion while wearing AGV (I only buy the ones made with the carbon/kevlar composite shells). It pretty much comes with the territory that if you roadrace motorcycles for any length of time, you WILL get to field test a helmet or three. Each time I walked away with a trashed helmet and no head or neck injuries of any kind. One of my racing buddies and I decided to see just what the composite shell could really withstand. We cooked up some 'homemade' incendiary devices, gutted the helmet, and put it to the test. It took 4 significant "bomb blasts" to actually crack the shell. Tough mothers they are. To my recollection, I've trashed 3 AGV helmets through "field-testing" with nary an injury to my noggin.

RE: the Stealth model in particular...a little disappointing compared to other AGVs I've owned. Biggest gripes are that the massive "vents" on top seem to be massive wind-noise generators. And while the venting on my last AGV (a Q3 if memory serves) was outstanding, I can barely discern whether the vents are open or closed on the Stealth. To its credit though, it moves a reasonable amount of air with vents open, still a bit drafty with vents shut, but not bad, and I ride from 15*F to 95*F with the same helmet. Excellent graphics, good comfort, removeable liner, good shield clarity. If you paid 80 bones for that sucker, I seriously doubt you'll be disappointed.

As a comparator for you, I recently purchased a Shoei X-11...a top shelf helmet for sure. I expected to be quite impressed with it considering its reputation, reviews, price, and features. I've only done about a hundred miles commuting in it so far, but when I got home from my mother's house this evening, I told the wife I just might save the X-11 for a summer helmet (better venting) and go back to the Stealth for the winter. For the SUBSTANTIAL price difference, I'm really not all that impressed with the Shoei. It won't bother me one bit to go back to my AGV Stealth. I suspect you'll be plenty pleased with your purchase.

As always, YMMV.

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