How to tell if you're gay

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And what exactly does that imply???? That I'm thinking about playing the rusty trombone 20% of the time???? That I keep a cage full of gerbils at the ready???? I want a second opinion... DO live in Tualatin...
Yeah, and that dude from the Village People called and said to tell you he wants his uniform back!

And what exactly does that imply???? That I'm thinking about playing the rusty trombone 20% of the time???? That I keep a cage full of gerbils at the ready???? I want a second opinion... DO live in Tualatin...
Yeah, and that dude from the Village People called and said to tell you he wants his uniform back!
Damn, and I didn't think anyone would recognize me in the Indian head dress...oh, you mean the police officer's uniform, double damn. :blushsmiley:

I must say, there are times when I am proud to be associated with you all on FJRForum.

This absolutely is one of them.

Thanks for the laugh Gunny!
