Hugger group buy

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I emailed Geelong last week. I really like their product and the color match can be done w/ the carbon fibre as well. If there is interest in the carbon fibre hugger I'll email back and see if they will accomodiate us w/ a group buy.

Aaaaarrrggghhhh -- et tu, Highlander?!? You know I'm weak when it comes to group buys. I'm probably in, but on the fence about buying black and painting it silver or ordering it that way.

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What is the current exchange rate from aussie money to american? I like the CF, But it is EXPENSIVE!!

thanks for the detailed explanation what ABS and also the idiots guide - both very helpful...I must admit i would like mine in silver - will it stop the shit being thrown up on the panniers and the rear lighting set?( and top box)

I'm very interested, In fact I was just about to place an order with Franck via email. Franck also stated that for us folk waiting on the FJR-AE he'll be able to match the cerulean silver also for an additional $20 over the regular silver.

I believe the FSD hugger is made of fiberglass and not plastic. The GCC carbon fiber is much more expensive but I do like the fact that you can match a whole carbon fiber set including front fender extender, tank and side tank covers along with the huggers.

Here is the link for the GCC stuff

I wonder if they can match the cerulean blue in the carbon fiber also? Are we gonna run one or two group buys on the huggers at the same time. I think the FSD huggers are a better match with the styling of the FJR. The carbon fiber tank covers, etc. will look just as good with it IMHO.

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I'll email Geelong about a G.B discount and the Cerulean color match issue. I have that color as well (got to be the fastest since they repeated the color on the 06).

Is this hugger made of ABS or fiberglass? I sell undertails made of ABS because fiberglass can shatter or crack. Be carefull.

Eh, slap the pass-pegs and cans back on and you can hardly see it. No gain, IMO, but thanks for the legwork, Highlander.

I don't mean to slow this down but I remember googling a carbon fibre hugger from an Australian company that was a very nice looking piece. I emailed the company and they responded promptly but I never ordered one.As I recall they made a variety of Carbon Fibre parts for motorcycles....anyone else run into these folks? I will see if I can find that stuff.

OK, gang, I found it....pricey but special....didn't review it again closely but have a look for yourselves...

Ride Safe,

Ok folks. I've had corespondence with both companies. The FSD hugger is made of fiber glass. Franck proposed to me that if I purchased now at full price that he would refund the discount to me if the group buy takes place. Maybe he might consider just doing an open discount to all forum members. I suggest that if anyone is interested in purchasing and is a little impatient then let Franck know that you are a forum member and see what he says. The FSD hugger DOES fit the 2006 FJR. Franck also assured me that the hugger can be color matched to the "cerulean silver" for and additional cost of $20 over the cost of the silver model. It takes about 5 days for him to get it painted and about 2 weeks for shipment.

As far as the Geelong carbon fiber hugger. Phil the owner just recieved another member's 2006 FJR from FJR Owner's forum and is custom fitting molds for the hugger, tank protector (3 seperate pieces), alternator cover and front fender extender. These should be available shortly and pricing will be made known then.

The hugger IMHO is very visible when the panniers are removed. I'm going to trim the factory rear fender just below the license plate to make it more visible.

I hope that answers a lot of the questions asked.

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I'm in for one of the fibreglass huggers in the silver color that matches the swingarm silver paint. How do we go about payment on this for the hugger including paint and shipping?

At least 10 / 15 have shown interest so far.

I have a long list of questions still to be answered by the manufacturer. I'll post up when he replies

I'll post a GO when it's official !! Still need some answers.

Well Franck answered all the questions and it looks like enough riders are interested in it. I'll contact him to set up the group buy rules. WOOHOO !! :D

Is this hugger like the one mentioned on the international board a while

back where a bunch of hacking/fitting was required for a perfect fit, or is

this one bolt on perfect right out of the box?

We have just finished this hugger 10 days ago, before this date we did not

propose any part for the FJR 1300.

Has this company had any issues with the fitment of their hugger and the

Avon tire?

We never had any issue so far with any of our hugger...

Is this hugger made of ABS or fiberglass?

The hugger is made in fibre glass.

Does it get in the way when removing the wheel for a tire change?

You shouldn't have any trouble to change the tire, no need to remove

the hugger .

Does one need to drill and tap holes in the swingarm for mounting or do

these glue on somehow?

For the 2002-05 you can on 1 point ( 1 screw ) either drill your swing arm

or glue it

to your swing arm.

For the 2006 you don't need to glue or drill the swing arm as Yamaha as made

already a hole on the swing arm

that you'll be using to fix it. It is the new ABS line fixing point.

I also need to confirm that it does fit the new redesigned 2006 FJR. You had

stated it did, but another board member has said he emailed your company and

was told it did not ?

3 weeks ago we had finished the design for the hugger 2002-05 model

and we had not tried yet on a 2006 model. 10 days ago we had a try on a 2006


and the fit was just perfect, so the answer is yes, the hugger we propose

does fit the 2006 model.

Is it paint ready when shipped or will we have to sand and fill to smooth

out the product?

The part is paint ready in plain black.


Whats the painted prices, frame silver, superfast Galaxy blue? Thanks for doing the legwork.


Well, to make it official count me in conditionally. I'm waiting to find out the pricing on what the Geelong carbon fiber stuff will be. I could get the fiberglass hugger from FSD and match the silver carbon fiber for the tank protectors, fender extender and alternator covers from Geelong with it. So make my vote a maybe.

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the fiberglass one looks cooler...

but I like the carbon fibre tank guards as well.

anyone got a pic of that hugger installed?

I'd like to see it before I make a committment..


