i backed into my fjr with pickup

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Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
i backed into my fjr with nissan frontier. i'm a jerk. i thought it would be ok but ;

bike doesn't ride the same . steers a little off. what did i do most likely? that bolt

sticking out right side of faring put an indentation on plastic on rear bumper.was on

kick stand and did't fall over.

Might depend on what angle you hit it and what parts you hit. What specific hard point part did you hit? If you hit it quarter to the front you might have just tweaked the fork position in the clamps and loosening and retorquing might help.

...otherwise I'd wait for Skooterg. He's an expert on tweaking his FJR and it not tracking straight. If he suggest hitting it on the opposite side to even things out.....don't listen to that advice.

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Only advice I can offer is, next time, wait till Saturday to post.
You must be retired! My advise is to contact Patek Philippe and get your watch re-wound. The last I checked with the rest of the working folk in this nation, it is Saturday!

To the OP, we need to know more info, but if the bolt you are speaking of is the engine mount bolt, you might loosen and re-torque those bolts to see if it helps. Search for slider installation and you'll find the procedure. Don't think it is likely that it would solve the problem, but if that is the bolt in question it couldn't hurt.

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I assume it was the rear end that got hit?

If so, take the rear wheel off and check the axle for being out of round. Roll it on the ground and you should see a wobble if you tweaked it.

If it was the front end, loosen up the fork clamp bolts one side at a time and see if they twang. That would be the sound of them going back into position. Also check the front axle for out of roundness. Did it hit the rim? That could be bent and causing a problem. With the bike on the center stand, jack up under the pipes and spin the front wheel to see if it wobbles.

That is all I can think of for now without knowing more.

You might be a jerk but a jerk would not describe a person who backs into his own bike. I think that person could best be described as an idiot. :yahoo:

Seriously, it could happen to anyone. I know you feel bad but it's not like you killed someone.

You might be a jerk but a jerk would not describe a person who backs into his own bike. I think that person could best be described as an idiot. :yahoo:

Seriously, it could happen to anyone. I know you feel bad but it's not like you killed someone.

I backed into my quad one time with my F250 Super duty. My son parked it in front of the my garage door and when I opened it up and started to back out. BAMMMMM! What the phk was that!

Don't know if that qualifies me to be a Jerk or an idiot? Never saw the dam thing. :eek:


When I was in highschool, my Dad, a friend of mine, and I were on a mountain biking trip. We were about 2 hours from home and we decided to ride until dark on a Sunday, and just leave really early in the morning to get to school. So, my Dad dropped us off at school and was in his usual hurry to get home and back in the office(home office). So anyways, he's driving down the street, opens the garage door when he gets close and proceeds to pull into the garage at mach 1, completely forgetting that there were 3 mountain bikes on the yakima roof rack on top of the car. So he got to buy my buddy and I two knew bikes(score!), new yakima racks, new roof rack bars on the Grand Cherokee, and a new bottom panel of the garage door!

Ah, good memories, and we still give him shit about it!

Been there done that..I thought only the wife did those sort of things??. Good luck with your insurance company cause you're gonna need it.

