I bow down before the Great Satan

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I detest Walmart. Truly. I can't go in that store without the desire to smash my cart into everyone in my way. The store is fine. It's the people who shop there that drive me batty. Purchased a oil drain pan there for the FJR and an occasional headlight bulb for cars. Walmart causes HTN.
:yahoo: Thank you, thank you ---- It's not just me who feels this way about Walmart

I detest Walmart. Truly. I can't go in that store without the desire to smash my cart into everyone in my way. The store is fine. It's the people who shop there that drive me batty. Purchased a oil drain pan there for the FJR and an occasional headlight bulb for cars. Walmart causes HTN.
I guess this means you can't stand yourself. Obviously you shop there.

WalMart has saved millions of customers billions of dollars. Much more efficent than any program yet conceived or executed by the government.
Hard to understand why anyone would be negative about WalMart. If it's beneath you to mix with the masses don't go there in your BMW, Volvo or Prius. Pay a bit more somewhere else so you can puff out your chest and boost your self-esteem
+1 Well said. I'm starting to feel like I'm not socially worthy of owning an fjr.

WalMart has saved millions of customers billions of dollars. Much more efficent than any program yet conceived or executed by the government.
Hard to understand why anyone would be negative about WalMart. If it's beneath you to mix with the masses don't go there in your BMW, Volvo or Prius. Pay a bit more somewhere else so you can puff out your chest and boost your self-esteem
+1 Well said. I'm starting to feel like I'm not socially worthy of owning an fjr.

Naw you are just not an elitist snob. I have watched a shit load of mom and pop store owners complain and then you will see them going to someplace other then their own town shopping rather than at their neighbors store.

"You might as well try convincing the whole country to stop drinking."

TIP: Don't bother starting this endeavor on motorcycle forums, you won't gather the required critical mass. :dntknw:

Interesting note I read tonight on oil filters. Don't know for sure but said "car" filters vs. "motorcycle" filters, that car filters that have a by-pass valve are set at a lot higher spring pressure for the oil to by-pass out. And Toe, please don't bow to Satan.....bad ju ju going on there.....PM. <>< :D

Interesting note I read tonight on oil filters. Don't know for sure but said "car" filters vs. "motorcycle" filters, that car filters that have a by-pass valve are set at a lot higher spring pressure for the oil to by-pass out. And Toe, please don't bow to Satan.....bad ju ju going on there.....PM. <>< :D
Can you provide a link to this "note"?

If it's not Walmart- then it would be Handymart, or _______mart. Point is we love these stores. Whats not to love they have everything. As far as customer service goes, yeah thats non-existant, thats why they have a very lax return policy, I always buy more than I need, then return what I don't use. And who do you think the 'old timers' are there--yeah thats right Mom & Pop, the only difference now is they have benefits..So say what you want about these stores, personally, I love 'em, I know what to expect, and I know I will find what I need. I don't really care for the Mom & Pop stores, for several reasons like. Do they have what I want- need? How old and dusty is it? More expensive? Will I have to travel to several stores to get that stuff? God forbid I have to return something, I get the 3rd degree? Most times you don't even need your reciept, with the big chains, especially if you use their credit card, and there everywhere. and on and on...Shit, now you don't even have to leave your home, with online service and free shipping! Theres no argument here, it's win, win, win for the consumer...Did anybody bitch when the big food chains came into town 50 years ago, and shut the Mom & Pop burger joints down? I don't know. I was'nt here...

Interesting note I read tonight on oil filters. Don't know for sure but said "car" filters vs. "motorcycle" filters, that car filters that have a by-pass valve are set at a lot higher spring pressure for the oil to by-pass out. And Toe, please don't bow to Satan.....bad ju ju going on there.....PM. <>< :D
Can you provide a link to this "note"?
Sorry Fred, I tried to back track last nights pages and I can't find that "note". I thought it was in the Amsoil site but I couldn't re-locate it. I am totally in the dark on what "type" of filter motorcycles use vs automobile filters. I am now using the Purolator "auto" filter on the FJ with no seeming problems. The idea of the spring difference does seem like it could be an issue, what that is I'm uncertain. Maybe someone with more knowledge could help out. Good luck. PM. <>< :unsure:

There are inherent rules to capitalism, our country has prospered using them, and so has Walmart, Lowes, and so on. A few years ago, I would have said, "If you don't like it, you can move to France"... But today I have to say If you don't like capitalism, don't worry, it's almost gone.

Don't worry comrads, help is on it's way.

The last time I was at WalMart... big, fat, jelly ass woman with the popcorn ass oozing thru the spandex tights, standing at 'fashion jewlery', yelling at someone at the entry about 100 ft away, completely oblivious to ... well... just completey oblivious.

Here in Missouri, Walmart is a household name, And you dont DARE to talk trash about it! :rolleyes:

I have mixed feelings on the whole great satan thing. Since i am constantly traveling from coast to coast, Walmart is my one remaining constant that i can "buy anything, Anywhere". Love it or hate it, You can't deny the convenience of consistency.

[Admin Hat]... :rolleyes:

I say it's ok to talk about the generals of wallyworld, But please be careful to not bring the obvious politics with it in here . We all have strong feelings on both sides of that coin.

[/Admin Hat]

The last time I was at WalMart... big, fat, jelly ass woman with the popcorn ass oozing thru the spandex tights, standing at 'fashion jewlery', yelling at someone at the entry about 100 ft away, completely oblivious to ... well... just completey oblivious.
I'm assuming she was an employee.

The one thing I could determine from observing the workforce there was, they must not drug-test....

And Toe, please don't bow to Satan.....bad ju ju going on there.....
It's OK. I made him my bitch-boy long ago....

The last time I was at WalMart... big, fat, jelly ass woman with the popcorn ass oozing thru the spandex tights, standing at 'fashion jewlery', yelling at someone at the entry about 100 ft away, completely oblivious to ... well... just completey oblivious.

You should not talk about your wife like that.

WalMart has saved millions of customers billions of dollars. Much more efficent than any program yet conceived or executed by the government.Hard to understand why anyone would be negative about WalMart. If it's beneath you to mix with the masses don't go there in your BMW, Volvo or Prius. Pay a bit more somewhere else so you can puff out your chest and boost your self-esteem
I'm all into capitalism, saving money, etc. Actually - Really big in capitalism and against other economic forms

HOWEVER, a big part of that is the issue of how you get there (the philosophical question about whether the "ends justify the means.") Talk to those who have done business with Walmart. I worked for a wholesale plant nursery that sold to WalMart. I assure you, WalMarts methods are completely unethical. Our owner finally said enough and stopped selling to them. WalMart routinely/randomly pays late, doesn't meet contractual obligations in terms of late payments, randomly disputes invoices to delay payment and has a cumbsersome process to justify a disputed invoice (the sole reason being to effectively not pay for a certain percent of product they have purchased (in the 2-5% range)), etc. So, some of those savings passed onto customers in some cases came from essentially stealing from suppliers. Some suppliers say no thanks, but they are the 800lb gorrilla in the big-box retail industry (Kaiser Permanente treated its suppliers in the same way back in the '90s, and I hear still does). My point - Walmart is a low-file, scumbag company to do business with and that isn't a result of been a good competitor. I'm talking purely sleazy business practices.

So, I love a company that does business cost-effectively and beats their competition fairly. My wife loved WalMart as with litle kids (this being years ago), making one-stop with child seats, strollers, etc is a huge deal/time-saver. But when that company profits and low prices are achieved through unuethical means? sorry I draw a line there. We have way TOO many examples where unfettered capitalism without ethics will get you. When a company gets so big, and doesn't have a real strong ethical foundation (and with Americas focus on quarterly results, which company anymore does?), it is too easy for that large company to abuse its position of power for self-interest. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Well, really strong power corrupts in the same manner.

So - I'm all for being successful. Just don't expect me to excuse bad behavior in certain areas due to the success overall, and exceptional behavior in certain areas (ex. community charity actions).

WalMart has saved millions of customers billions of dollars. Much more efficent than any program yet conceived or executed by the government.
Hard to understand why anyone would be negative about WalMart. If it's beneath you to mix with the masses don't go there in your BMW, Volvo or Prius. Pay a bit more somewhere else so you can puff out your chest and boost your self-esteem
You work in the Walmart marketing dept., right? ;)

Ah Walmart, the giant. Started by a business major, buying a local 5 and dime, making a killing selling inexpensive ladies panties. He turned that into quite a business. However, Sam has passed away. Walmarts are not the same now. They will be around a little while longer. For all of you Walmart haters, their time is coming. If they pursue bad business practices, they surely will fall by the wayside like so many other giant discounters. Someone else will come along, never fear.

Capitalism always prevails. :rolleyes:

Local sales outlets can successfully compete with WalMart but not in generic commodity type products where the customer doesn't need on-site assistance.
I'm no WallyWorld hater...I shop there all the time...but I can cite two personal anecdotes that totally contradict this statement:

1) the exact same model sewing machines he was selling for less money than he could buy them wholesale.

2) exact same models of bikes retail for less than he could buy them wholesale.
Don't bet on them being "the exact same".
If a vendor wants the sales volume WalMart promises, they do it on WalMart's terms, selling at the price point WM dictates. To make that price point, sometimes they have to "cost engineer" the products. A bicycle frame might be a heavier (cheaper) alloy; a sewing machine might have more plastic gears... both may be assembled a little sloppy.

Then there's the people. I swear, each WM store comes pre-equipped with a few hundred customers that limp, wear stained T-shirts, and speak with back hills drawl...

Saw something somewhere (Wall St. Journal online?) about a startup competitor that's posed to kick WM's butt...
