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There's lots of good advise in this thread, I'm lucky my new wife of one year but been chasing her for 5 years. She lives and breaths motorcycles , she would'nt look at me til I got one which I did five months after meeting her, that was a 91 Gold Wing 10 months later new GL1800 wing and two years ago a new FJR 04ABS 91,000 on the wing and 51,00 on the FJR. She rides her own wing :rolleyes: You do whats best for you and her but stick to your GUNS I mean FJR.

rogerfjrfaster :D

Have you ever had to make up your mind?

Choose one and leave the othe behind?

It ain't always easy and it ain't always kind..

Have you ever had to make up your mind?


You need to determine how dead set against it she really is. At the beginning, my ex was going to the races with me, had a great time. Long rides to Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming on the Harley. Short trips to wine country. Loved every minute of it.

But... over time, read my first post on this thread..

Have you ever had to make up your mind?

Time to establish who's drivin' the bus. Tell her your buying a bike, don't ask permission. If she can't get by that, run, don't walk to you nearest Yamaha dealer! You'll both be happier in the long run!

Like one said earlyer if you dont get a bike and you resent it it will bite you I had a Simular problem with my first wife (LATE) she could'nt be happy in two moves so I lost my Telephone retierment.Do whats in your heart.

rogerfjrfaster :D

From My experience:

When I was dating my wife I had three hobbies. Motorcycles, Skiing, and Golf. Of course while we are dating her attitude was - " I love motorcycles, Skiing is someting I've always wanted to try, and golf looks interesting"

So before we got married she did ride with me a few times, Tried skiing, and went golfing once with me (Of course she just rode the golf cart).

Then after we got married her attitude was - "I hate motorcycles they are too dangerous, Skiing is crazy, and Golf is boring as hell"

Morale to the story - Make sure you have all the toys you want/need before you say I do. That way everyone knows what they are in for.

PS we have been happily married for 18 years now, She's happy and I'm married :haha:


From My experience:
When I was dating my wife I had three hobbies. Motorcycles, Skiing, and Golf. Of course while we are dating her attitude was - " I love motorcycles, Skiing is someting I've always wanted to try, and golf looks interesting"

So before we got married she did ride with me a few times, Tried skiing, and went golfing once with me (Of course she just rode the golf cart).

Then after we got married her attitude was - "I hate motorcycles they are too dangerous, Skiing is crazy, and Golf is boring as hell"

Morale to the story - Make sure you have all the toys you want/need before you say I do. That way everyone knows what they are in for.

PS we have been happily married for 18 years now, She's happy and I'm married :haha:

Too Funny... I would love a woman to come around and see my garage filled with 2 Motorcycles, 2 snowmobiles, 2 ATV's and a Boat and then later tell me what I can and can't buy.... hheheheh Take a look around honey....

I got plenty of stuff to keep me busy... so you better come up with something that will keep me in the house... or I'll be outside with one of my toys... they were here first.... :)


I have yet to find a girl that doesn't try to win me over by tryin to suck a golf ball through a garden hose.... :)

Warpdrv = Manwhore.... :)

My first wife thought motorcycles were stupid and dangerous. Ownership wasn't open for discussion. She's now my ex-wife. Current wife of 18 years likes to ride and understands my passion for bikes. On my ninth (and best) bike now. A good woman will understand and embrace your passion for bikes, not reject it or deny you the experience.

FJR is not a good first bike, BTW.


New bike, new girl, new house. Tell this one the truth then hit the road on the FJR.

Thats the best remedy!


Well this just proves the old saying that women get into a relationship with a man thinking that she will "change" him and men get into a relationship with a woman thinking that she will never change.  In the end both statements are wrong!! ;)
If your statement about this being your first bike is true then she is not trying to change you. She wants you just as you are, not in several pieces as may be the result if this is truly your first bike. If you want her, get married, get a bicycle, then a moped, then work your way up to the FJR a few hundred cc's at a time. You've no doubt heard about putting a frog in cool water and slowly heating it up. Soon he's where you want him and never knew he was going there. This should work the same way. ;)

Boy oh boy there has been nothing but excellent advice from everyone that has replied to this thread. I think you should ask yourself this question, if all the fjr riders already know what is going to happen why dont I listen to them ?

The only thing I would like to add is keep your suit case packed and by the door and all your bills current so when you do get the fjr and she hates you for that ,at least you will be packed and ready to go with money in your pocket.

Good luck on this journey and I hope you live to tell about the out come.

If I was a betting man I would put my money on the bike 2-1 odds and forget about her and live happily ever after without her.

:clap: :clap: :clap: good luck

Give in and it's only the beginning. My wife comes from a family of motorcyclists and knows the dangers, but would never deny me my Feejer. Two choices-work it out with her and get the FJR, or if you don't get it, bury your you-know-whats in the back yard right now!

Tell her now, both of you need to make your own choices with the relationship.

I don't see anyone else, though, who mentioned that an FJR is really not a "first bike" motorcycle.

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From the feel or your post I'd DTB, quick! And if this is your first bike you best have your will updated. Word.

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first bike a 1300cc 650 lb monster ...... maybe start a little smaller ? on the girl ,tell her to wake up and stop be so damm selfish. this just might be a blessing if shes does not want you on a bike whats next ? no golf, no fishing, no football on sundays , etc.

It’s always going to be easier to beg for forgiveness, than it is to ask for permission. Words to live by.
+1...my sentiments exactly! ;)
Yea, that works if you've never had "the motorcycle conversation". Once you've had it, though, you can't fall back on that adage. Just MHO, of couse.

I think Brun is on the right track but at some point yer gonna have to decide. You can string this along forever but odds are she's gonna think what she's gonna think. So just try to find a middle ground. Use the Brun system and wait for a good oppirtunity to throw in the fact you dont like say..her girlfriend. Than make a deal. I wont bitch about your girlffriend if you dont bitch about my FJR. Sounds reasonable!

BTW- DCarve- That was John Sebastian and the Lovin' Spoonful of which Neilson was not a part of.


:huh: Did you say that the FJR was going to be your first bike?

Not really a good idea. First of all, get a beater bike to learn on and drop repeatedly. If you want to stay with this woman and have to get rid of the bike, no great loss. If you decide that you don't like riding, no great loss. But if you find you like riding and get proficient at it, in a year or two, then move up. By then you will either be married or single, but either way you would have had a bike for a while.

Bikepoor, she can't help herself. She is a woman. They are maternal creators. They give birth, love, nurture and protect. Over time they have a habit of confusing spouse with child. You on the other hand, are a man. Hunting, gathering and creating new and improved tools to be more efficient and pleasurable. She should know that you are delighted, that she cares so much for you. But," honey, I'm getting the bike and any other tool or toy that I deem necessary to improve my productivity or pleasure. Loving adults should not be in the practice of telling their loved ones what they can and cannot do. Save that for the children. Before your fjr arrives, go buy a beater bike.


I agree to a degree with almost everything said here but will offer another option assuming you don't already work at a bike dealership.

Prioritize! First things first. Give her what she wants IF you want to spend the rest of your life with her ...then ...get a part time job working at a Yamaha store. It could be a wonderful opportunity and I will probably try to do the same when I retire from my current profession.

I'm serious ...you will get the opportunity to break into the biking world from a prospective in which she may not be so critical of.

...and like Alan said

:"Hopefully you mean your first NEW bike. Feejer is a lot of good things but it is not a good first bike. In fact, it is a really, really bad FIRST bike."

...think about it ...you would be able to explore and study lots of bikes and work your way up to an FJR.

I'm in a situation that isn't a whole lot different from yours. My wife has never even been on a bike but it is a huge passion of mine and I feel that after having ridden many different machines for over thirty years I'm ready for my first FJR.

My only compromise to my wife was to promise to get her a new car (done) and to pay off our land (next year).

Keep us all posted on your situation. There lots of folks here that can help.

RogerB in Tennessee

04 Honda ST1300 (blue)

78 Yamaha XS650 Special
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