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All of the following is completely true. TWN beat me with his post today...
So I'm on my way to the house for lunch today, and I'm in the exit lane on the interstate. I'm following a moded late '90s mustang, and we're about 1/8 mile from the offramp itself. I'm following him at a normal distance, not too close, but not far enough for someone else to decide that's thier space.
Suddenly, he about locks up the brakes and changes lane position really quick. I get on the brakes as fast as I can to keep from rear ending him. As soon as the weight is starting to transfer to the front tire, there it comes....
A big hairy Opossom tumbles out from underneath the mustang, dead center, right in front of my wheel.
I get off the brakes and start initiating a swerve, at which point the Opossom's skull strikes the ground hard. Of course, the rest of the mass reacted, and up it went! :blink:
Now I've got an Opossom coming at my face at 60mph!!! Now, like any self-respecting Tenneseean, I eat my roadkill (It's legal here) but this is one place where the 5 second rule doesn't apply! I'm sure it would have been the freshed Opossum ever!
So as I'm trying to stand the bike back up and avoid other traffic, I duck down (now blind to the situation) as the Opossum flies over me. It couldn't have missed the windscreen by more than a 1/2" (now I'm glad I've got an '03!).
When we get to the bottom of the offramp, the guy gets out of the mustang running back to me, screaming about how he thought I was dead, and looked back and thought I'd fell off the bike (when I ducked, apparently he couldn't see me). I told him there wasn't anything he could have done, and thanks for being concerned about my wellbeing as well.
I don't guess it's as upscale as the mercedes emblem, but dead flying Opossum rushing towards your face has the same effect.
btw: how do you get opossum blood out of nylon mesh?
So I'm on my way to the house for lunch today, and I'm in the exit lane on the interstate. I'm following a moded late '90s mustang, and we're about 1/8 mile from the offramp itself. I'm following him at a normal distance, not too close, but not far enough for someone else to decide that's thier space.
Suddenly, he about locks up the brakes and changes lane position really quick. I get on the brakes as fast as I can to keep from rear ending him. As soon as the weight is starting to transfer to the front tire, there it comes....
A big hairy Opossom tumbles out from underneath the mustang, dead center, right in front of my wheel.
I get off the brakes and start initiating a swerve, at which point the Opossom's skull strikes the ground hard. Of course, the rest of the mass reacted, and up it went! :blink:
Now I've got an Opossom coming at my face at 60mph!!! Now, like any self-respecting Tenneseean, I eat my roadkill (It's legal here) but this is one place where the 5 second rule doesn't apply! I'm sure it would have been the freshed Opossum ever!
So as I'm trying to stand the bike back up and avoid other traffic, I duck down (now blind to the situation) as the Opossum flies over me. It couldn't have missed the windscreen by more than a 1/2" (now I'm glad I've got an '03!).
When we get to the bottom of the offramp, the guy gets out of the mustang running back to me, screaming about how he thought I was dead, and looked back and thought I'd fell off the bike (when I ducked, apparently he couldn't see me). I told him there wasn't anything he could have done, and thanks for being concerned about my wellbeing as well.
I don't guess it's as upscale as the mercedes emblem, but dead flying Opossum rushing towards your face has the same effect.
btw: how do you get opossum blood out of nylon mesh?