I joined the hit by a dork club

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Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Carson City, NV
**EDIT** I changed the topic to be more correct.

A few weeks back I woke up to start my day and head to work. When I opened the front door I noticed some snow flurries. No big deal, they were light and not sticking to the ground. However, from experience I have learned the 35 mile ride can become very crappy about half way to work. Therefore, I wait 25 minutes before I left. I happen to know from experience I can time the sand trucks and hit the road after they pass though.

I hit the road and notice a nice fresh layer of sand on the road. My trip into work was going rather well, even as the snow got worse and was sticking to the pavement. I get within 5 miles of work and find stop and go traffic at a large intersection with a stop light. The traffic was going so slow it took three red light cycles for me to get up to the light. The vehicle behind me was rather cautious about being behind a motorcycle and gave me plenty of space.

As I was coming up to the stop light I was moving about 5mph. My feet were on the ground acting as ski to help keep me stable as the road was getting slick. I was not worried at all. I know this road well and knew after this light and about a mile up the road the pavement would be dry. Strange weather in Reno, NV, the snow coming of mountains can dump a foot of snow in some places, and just a mile away if be completely dry.

As I do my mirror checks I notice the car to my left, in the left turn lane, driving to fast for the conditions, I guess he was tired of waiting to get into the turn lane. I do another check and notice the light is still red, but the turn lanes are about to turn green. The guy to my left might be okay and not slide into the intersection. I check my left mirror, oh crap!!!!! I am going to get hit. The guy is on his brakes and beginning to slide, in my direction. As the conditions were slick I could not get on the gas and accelerate from danger.

I look of my shoulder and the driver is panicking, turning the wheel as fast as possible, but not looking at me. He is fixated on the intersection. As his front wheels pass me I hear the clicking of his anti-lock brakes. I am sure I only heard this as my visor was up as the helmet was fogging with no air flow. Then, whack, I was hit with the rear of his car.

He hit my left saddle bag, which slung my rear out, and put me on the ground on my left side. I know this hard to understand, so here is a little picture. I am no artist, and the cars are not in the correct place, but you should get the idea how I got hit with the rear of the car, and landed on the same side I was hit on.


The image keeps going away, must have something to do with Picasa. Here is a link in case the image does not appear: Link


I was only going 5mph so the slide was not far at all. However, I did slide a bit on the ice. Quick look behind me to make sure I am not going to get run over, all is good. I look back at the car that hit me, light turns green, he lets off the brake, the car straights out, and he continues though the intersection. DAMN IT!!! Dude just took off.

I jump up, the driver from the car behind me has stopped and is coming to check on me. All is good, I am good, my gear is good, and the bike has minor damage. I pick the bike up and ask the only person who stopped if he got the plate number. Nope, he said he was to busy watching me and making sure he did not hit me. This sucks!!!

I got to work, call the insurance company and the Highway Patrol. In the end, there was $3,100 is damage to the bike and $500 for a helmet. Not a single bruise, scratch, or bump on me. I really love MotoPort gear. I do not recall my head hitting the payment and my helmet did not have any scratches, but I wanted it replaced anyway.

Looking back, maybe I should have been closer to the middle lane. I was aware the turn lanes rarely have sand put on them early in the morning.

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I was only going 5mph so the slide was not far at all. However, I did slide a bit on the ice. Quick look behind me to make sure I am not going to get run over, all is good. I look back at the car that hit me, light turns green, he lets off the brake, the car straights out, and he continues though the intersection. DAMN IT!!! Dude just took off.
That just plain sucks... I hope someone somewhere saw something and the driver will get nailed with a hit and run. Glad that you are ok... I've heard good things about the MotoPort gear... glad it saved your hide!

Bummer mang. Boy, I hope that ****** that didn't stop and kept going gets his karma due. In spades.

Glad to hear you are ok.

You didn't crash...you were hit.

Glad yer basically okay...and here's hoping that feller has a little hit in run on him...car damage only.

Ouch. That bites. I hope the driver is found and karma pays him a huge visit!

Glad you okay. The bike can be fixed.

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Looking back, maybe I should have been closer to the middle lane. I was aware the turn lanes rarely have sand put on them early in the morning.
That really sucks, glad you're OK.

With reference to this comment, might not have been such a good idea either. Could have been a deadly mix of melting snow and road oil hiding there.

Looking back, maybe I should have been closer to the middle lane. I was aware the turn lanes rarely have sand put on them early in the morning.
That really sucks, glad you're OK.

With reference to this comment, might not have been such a good idea either. Could have been a deadly mix of melting snow and road oil hiding there.

Good Point

I was not thinking so much the center of my lane, but closer to the center trafic lane to my right.

Wheaton FJR, that is a good point that I was hit. Still thinking about it gets me fired up!

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I was not thinking so much the center of my lane, but closer to the center trafic lane to my right.
Statistically speaking (lies, damn lies, and statistics) the center lane is the safest to travel in. I make it a point to ride in the center when I have a choice.

I don't suppose there are traffic cameras in your neck of the woods? Or maybe an ATM close by? Something for a building near the street wouldn't get a plate, but it might get the vehicle, which might help.

Maybe I'm hjust dreamin' thouhg. The guy HAD to know he knocked you down, and he HAD to know everybody there saw it. What an ass.

Maybe he crashed somewhere else later inhis journey that morning.

I must protest your application into the crash club! You were hit; that does not qualify.

VERY glad to hear you're okay, John; VERY pissed that the ****** who hit you drove away. Let's hope his/her bad karma catches up quickly :angry:

I changed the topic

I do hope karma gets this guy.

I am having riding withdraws. Months bak my bike went to my mechanic for service and to have a couple farkels added. Due to a screw-up on my part we had to wait for a part and I was without a bike for three weeks. Less then a week later, the bike went into the dealer for a oil leak. The crappy dealer had many excuses, but it took just short of 7 weeks to get a head gasket replaced. Had the bike for a day and the engine light started coming on, back to the dealer. They can't explain the engine light issue and I get the bike back. Third day on the bike and I get hit. It took a little over a week for the insurance guy to look at the bike, another week to get the check (I own the bike free and clear and the check was being written to me only), and almost another week to get all the parts.

I don't know how you guys go months without riding during the winter.

On the plus side, I did not order a new saddle bag, I am having the entire bike painted. For just a few hundred more then buying a new saddle bag.

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Bike went down, he was on the ground. Insurance dude wrote a check (eventually.) It's a crash. Doesn't matter to me that he had "assistance."

The only difference is he didn't crash it. He still got crashed. And he was on the bike when it happened (referencing link in Post 13.)

As a 2-time member, I vote to allow it!

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There needs to be a "Crashed" club for the elite few who get tagged while at a stop. The ultimate would be to get hit by an animal while stopped....

There needs to be a "Crashed" club for the elite few who get tagged while at a stop. The ultimate would be to get hit by an animal while stopped....
Getting hit by a animal while parked would be a trick. I took the deer hit a year ago (yes, it hit me) while in motion and thought that would never happen. However, I guess it could happen.

I feel your pain but glad your ok John, parts and bikes can be replaced.....bad things will happen to the jerk who split with your paint on his car.

Weird wreck happend several years back to a guy I know wife. A group had pulled off to the side of the road near Yosimite early morning and they just started to pull back onto the road and a forest rat jumped off a hill onto the the gal's lap and her bike. She only had a broken wrist and some scratches. Forest rat ran too but what a shock and her gear helped alot! Some of the times it could have been worse. Glad your getting it back together. PM. <>< ;)
