I just feel like ranting

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Ramblin Man

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
I would have put this in never ending pointless threads but I didn't have permissions so this group will have to suffer.

I'm a big guy. I "look" like I belong on a Harley. If you have ever seen the Progressive motorcycle insurance ad (or was it geico) with the big bald guy's face starring at the camera I'm a dead ringer for that guy (actually he looks even more like my older brother) except I have a beard. I haven't seen the south side of 250 in ten years (but I'm actively working on it, lost 30 pounds since January)

Anyway, big, bald, ugly and mean looking but I LOVE sport riding. One of the main reasons I got an FJR is because it was a BIG sport bike. Something that would be big enough for me. I designed Clip-On's so I could get an even sportier ride. As many of you have, I've spent over 2K on sporting upgrades. I love pushing the bike as hard as I can while remembering how much things will cost to fix ( that keeps me well away from the edge) and take every opportunity to show others that they ain't got shit. (at least not around here)

At the start of Sunday's ride, I got behind two guys (or possibly a guy and a girl) on sport(ing) bikes, one bike has a temp tag on it. We are getting to the end of the town we are in before the road opens up (River Road following the Ohio in Northern Ky)and I can tell it's going to stay painful if I remain behind them. At the last light, when it turns green I nail it and blast by these guys and when I hit second it feels like the molecules in my body are seperating. For a few seconds I actually got the spins (anyone whos ever drank too much knows what I'm talking about) By the time I decided it was time to back off a little I checked my mirrors and there was no-one behind me. Anywhere.

The rest of the ride was like that. Just womping past anybody in my way (usually guys on cruisers)and then slowing back to a more "reasonable" pace while looking for my next victim and the twistiest roads I could find.

On the way back I got to that very same stop light. This time I was behind two guys on cruisers, wearing their approved cruiser protective gear, sunglasses and cutoffs, with one rider's pillion wearing flip-flops. We get to the light and they stop. The light turns green and they start a conversation like they are in their living room. One guy finally sees me (no way he could hear me) and waves me around. I didn't look back. Hood ornaments waiting for a hood.

I don't like to commute on the FJR, mostly because of the "preparation" I have to go through. Lots of gearing up, manual grage doors and gates to go through, combination locks, and usually at least one car has to be moved. Everything is pretty much 20 minutes away through city traffic, and that's not the type of riding I enjoy, so if I have to move the car I may as well take the car. It gets 30 mpg. whatever.

But if I'm making a day of it, it's all worth it. Sure there are more sporting platforms out there, but the FJR is sized exactly right for me. And Jeezus it's fast. It's no 'busa, or so I hear, but the only "busas I see around here are riddin by guys who wear sweat shorts, football jerseys, wear their helmets like hats or hang them on the sides of their bikes. The only thing that would ever touch down is the bottom of their feet as they drag them to a stop. Just another ass ornament.

I know I'm supposed to be "pro" motorcycling in general and mostly I am but man I get tired of all of the posers. Eating my food, breathing my air, taking up lane space on my roads. Isn't there some interstate close buy they could be riding on? Or carpooling in an ambulance?

And here I am posing like the FJR is a sport bike. It's a sport tuorer and I've only taken two trips on it and last year I only rode it twice. Wipe the spray off of the keybord and the screen before it ruins them. thats right. I admit it. I rode my bike two times last year. Put maybe two hours on it. But now I want to make up for it and people are in my freakin' way.

Man I wish it wasn't raining.

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sounds like you need scotch, not milk...

Hang in there... :)

And here I am posing like the FJR is a sport bike. It's a sport tuorer and I've only taken two trips on it and last year I only rode it twice.

I suggest therapy - get on your bike and ride it more often and call us after about six months of that.

And how do you really feel about your mother?

Feel better?

Go frickin ride fer Pete's sake. - And who was this famous Pete, anyway?

As for others breathing your air, isn't that about what Timothy McVey said?

This time I was behind two guys on cruisers, wearing their approved cruiser protective gear, sunglasses and cutoffs, with one rider's pillion wearing flip-flops. We get to the light and they stop. The light turns green and they start a conversation like they are in their living room.
Hey you must have been in my town.....I know those guys! :lol:

I feel your pain!

The FJR was EXACTLY like you described! It's my big sportbike!

I tend to ride the performance envelope also, And i aint no lightweight either!

I am glad to see i am not the only one with this mentality. :unsure:

I just keep reminding myself that some people are alive SOLEY because it is illegal to kill them.

Have a crummy day, enjoy your shitty job. XOXOXO


So what's the problem? other than the fact that it was raining? You have a bike that fills your needs. You can leave pretty much any vehicle in the dust. The few that can out run the FJR will be done in a half hour, when the seat and the riding position get too much.

And remember, it's not your air they are breathing, it's your exhaust fumes.

As for not commuting on your FJR, so what? You do what you wanna do. I also have a preferred commuter vehicle which isn't my FJR. My choice is an itty bitty Ninja. Realistically, that's my size bike but I wont give up my FJR.

Keep that big smile on your face, and enjoy.

